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China remains world's largest developing country: Russian expert - Xinhua


Feb 1, 2018
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Source: Xinhua| 2018-05-20 20:58:55|Editor: ZX

MOSCOW, May 20 (Xinhua) -- China is still the world's largest developing country despite its massive economic and social achievements over the past four decades, a Russian expert has said.

China still lags behind the United States in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), said Nataliya Gribova, head of the Research Planning and Development Department of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies.

"It can be said that modern China in many respects is both a developing and developed country," she told Xinhua in a recent interview, because different regions in China differ sharply in terms of socio-economic development.

Gribova said the level of some of China's eastern coastal cities is comparable to that of developed economies, while the level of some poorer provinces in the west of the country is comparable to that of developing ones.

The share of services and consumption in China's GDP, although it is growing at a rapid pace, is still at a lower level than that of developed countries, she said.

Nevertheless, Gribova said she was impressed by China's economic growth, which has allowed the country to significantly improve the living standard of its population and lift millions of people out of poverty.

"After 40 years of reform and opening-up, China has demonstrated unprecedented growth from a backward agricultural country to the world's second-largest economy and the largest trader in goods," she said.

Gribova said that China is now attaching greater importance to the quality of its economic growth.

"The fundamentally important transition of China from the stage of quantitative growth to the stage of high-quality development will create, in case of successful implementation, a solid foundation for the sustainable growth of the Chinese economy in the future," she said.

China remains a developing nation; there is nothing about her that is "developed". The very low GDP per capita, corruption, lack of free press & rule of law, low literacy rates, pollution, low lifespan, and poverty are all indicative of this.
U Still pulled it off in mere 30+ years despite huge odds overpopulation, among the poorest, famine stricken, sanctions/containment by the west.

Am certain u didnt get to where u are today by chance, Thank u china for showing us that anyone can rise without waging wars n staging false flags to topple elected goverments everywhere.
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China remains a developing nation; there is nothing about her that is "developed". The very low GDP per capita, corruption, lack of free press & rule of law, low literacy rates, pollution, low lifespan, and poverty are all indicative of this.
China can only dream of reaching a fraction of SP12's level of development.
China remains a developing nation; there is nothing about her that is "developed". The very low GDP per capita, corruption, lack of free press & rule of law, low literacy rates, pollution, low lifespan, and poverty are all indicative of this.

SinoSoldier, don't play too much, lol. Take pity on China Fanboys who respect you.

I think China is at the most dangerous position right now. Because they're at the bridge between Developed Country and Developing Country Status. But being a Developed Country is not always good. You get the status of being a rich country. But it has also it's negative trait. And that is the expensive labor cost that make Manufacture Business leave China for good.

Yukon Huang said in his seminar in Harvard University, that there's no Middle Income Trap. There's only High Income trap. The reason is because by becoming a Developed Country, your people wages will become higher, and expensive. And that is not good for Manufacturing Business Environment. That's why most Developed Countries choose Service Based Economy than Manufacturing Based Economy.

The problem is, according Yukon Huang, Service Based Economy won't give you high economy growth like Manufacturing Based Economy. That's why US and other Developed Countries have only 1 - 3% economy growth each year. This is what he call "High Income Trap".

So in order for China to develop further, they have stay at Developing Country Status as long as possible. Until their people (and technology) are ready to stand on it own, as a Developed Country.
China is so huge with the one fifth of the whole humanity and development is not very balanced yet, big cities like Beijing ,Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangzhou..have long entered the developed world, but China also has vast mountainous and desert regions whose development level is not up to par. What China is doing now is to balance the development, the target is to wipe out the last remaining poverty by 2020. Now it is fair to see traveling in China ,you can see both developed and developing country, it's more like a mix depending where you go.
China is so huge with the one fifth of the whole humanity and development is not very balanced yet, big cities like Beijing ,Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangzhou..have long entered the developed world, but China also has vast mountainous and desert regions whose development level is not up to par. What China is doing now is to balance the development, the target is to wipe out the last remaining poverty by 2020. Now it is fair to see traveling in China ,you can see both developed and developing country, it's more like a mix depending where you go.

You know what,
Developing Country = Your country still can develop further and become richer.
Developed Country = Your country doesn't develop any further, because it's already "Developed".
China remains a developing nation; there is nothing about her that is "developed". The very low GDP per capita, corruption, lack of free press & rule of law, low literacy rates, pollution, low lifespan, and poverty are all indicative of this.
Aha. So hilarious to see an indian here talking about "very low GDP per capita" "Corruption" "rule of law" "low literacy rates" "pollution" "low lifespan" and "poverty" here...
You can not find the second nation on earth to meet all these criteria except india.....
China remains a developing nation; there is nothing about her that is "developed". The very low GDP per capita, corruption, lack of free press & rule of law, low literacy rates, pollution, low lifespan, and poverty are all indicative of this.
Thanks Gordon Chang 2. We will always remember your sacrifice as hanjian in order to misled China haters :enjoy:

China is so huge with the one fifth of the whole humanity and development is not very balanced yet, big cities like Beijing ,Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangzhou..have long entered the developed world, but China also has vast mountainous and desert regions whose development level is not up to par. What China is doing now is to balance the development, the target is to wipe out the last remaining poverty by 2020. Now it is fair to see traveling in China ,you can see both developed and developing country, it's more like a mix depending where you go.
As I say most ordinary Russian still cannot accept or bitter about China surpassing their nation in everything :enjoy:
China remains a developing nation; there is nothing about her that is "developed". The very low GDP per capita, corruption, lack of free press & rule of law, low literacy rates, pollution, low lifespan, and poverty are all indicative of this.
and China always stresses herself as a developing country to take advantage of WTO privilleges for devloping countries. It's a pragmatic identification.

A trivial factor here is that the US is the 1 consistently insisting that China is a 'developed' country and that she should be treated as one in terms of trade.

Same thing as Singapore:

Notwithstanding legal ambiguities, this re- classification reflects 'the advanced stage of economic development these economies have now achieved.' (World Economic Outlook, May 1997, p. 4). Yet the official position in Singapore is that Singapore is still a developing country, albeit a more advanced one.
1 The Dilemma of a More Advanced Developing Country: Conflicting ...

On the other hand, there are countries like where u're from that thinks of itself as a developed country/superpower when there's arent even enough toilets- such is the difference and the apex of inferiority complex.
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Despite the progress in many fields, China is definitely still a developing country by any definition. The GDP per capita is merely $10,000 in constant USD, which is only 20% of that of the developed countries. By the time it reaches that level, the average threshold will probably go up $60,000 as the developed countries will continue growing. We still need to work very hard for at least a few more decades before closing to the status of developed country.
Does anybody think Qatar is a developed country based on its high GDP? I definitely do not think Qatar is a developed country despite its high GDP. People rely too much on GDP per ratio to based a country as developed country.

Infrastructure, technology lead ,industries capacity , enterprise scale ,lifespan ,quality of living and education shall be the factor to decide a country as developed or developing.
I am glad our government is practical. But look at these from SP12, they are either idiots or dishonest... Left so much laugh-stock to get everyone entertained...

2 years
left for SP2012 to become a developed nation...














This list goes forever....
I am glad our government is practical. But look at these from SP12, they are either idiots or dishonest... Left so much laugh-stock to get everyone entertained...

2 years
left for SP2012 to become a developed nation...

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This list goes forever....

Time is ticking fast for SP12. They must have had some magic potion to pull out that sort of development in the remaining two years.

On topic, China is a developing country, this is no revelation. China, besides, prefers to be a developing country.

China will never be satisfied with what it has achieved as there is always a potential to become better. But, there will be a time when China slows down a little bit and reflect upon what has been accomplished. I believe the first such stage is near complete in terms of setting up a national solid ground for development.

Once the fundamentals are all set, the pace of per capita development will speed up compared to the past.

China is now a strong developing country. It aims to be a strong advanced country in the future. But, I think China will never agree on development in the past tense.

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