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China releases report/videos of 'several thousand' paratroopers moving to Tibet.

And China will just sit and get bombed right..... if you guys had the balls you would have kicked the Chinese out of your territory by now but we know RSS goons are just strong against innocent kashmiris..... your generals are begging the Chinese and as far as the nukes are concerned if you nuke an inch of Chinese land India will turn into a wasteland and the world will be finally clean of RSS terrorists...

Military Grade Bombings are going on since decades along the Line of Control. Indian Armed Forces are on Liberation Mode since Decades. Rashtriya Sevak Sangh are under Peshwa Maharaj Sahab and very close to Nagpur.
Here is our unofficial response video:

In your official response at 1:05, just look at how your Jawan is humiliating his dead buddy by just throwing him away.
You indians, don't respect and or honor your dead who died fighting for you, not even in your movies. Sighs....
Oh. So you are a Troll than Ok

623 Kms have been Liberated by Indian Armed Forces in North Eastern Frontal Agency.

The tricks lie there! The Turkish ops in Syria, Libya and Irak have shown the following:
  • Get air superiority via EW
  • Take down enemy jets
  • Take down enemy AD
  • Employ drones en masse
  • Drones will both destroy and locate enemy armor, artillery, infantry etc. Use also long range artillery, rockets etc. to destroy those
  • The whole ops is carried out in a non-contact fashion

Cy-400 and CY-400 had been Breached by the Turkish Armed Forces and Arab League Armed Forces in Iraq e Arab and Balaad e Shaam.

Indian Armed Forces has even done that during the Balakot Strikes and even the Pakistan Military had Classified Talks about the Failures of Cy-400 against Indian Air Force Operations.

I don't see the comparison you're trying to make. While Haftar's militia did have equipment, i'm betting their sorry *** wasn't trained enough or they didn't care because someone else (UAE) footed the bill. Here, China as a nation state is mobilizing units which obviously will be backed by other airborne assets and C4I infrastructure. Totally different ballgame.

Libyan Armed Forces do have Good Equipment by which Italian Armed Forces Drones as well as French Armed Forces Helicopters have been shot down.

Well after General's meetings, there were reports that chinese will withdraw to earlier status quo positions if India stops construction of infra along the border. So probably thats what they want.
But Lt Gen in clear terms refused to do that.

Indian Armed Forces have Gave Chinese Military Maps of the Territories of the Hindu Nation and have explained the Holy Scriptures of Deen e Arya and Deen e Islam and adviced the Chinese Military to Withdraw from Ancient Hindu Civilisation Territories and stop listening to the Tunani Pagans.
Seems like PLA is well equipped in the LAC.



Is this Sultanat e Thoqra - Riyasat e Kashmir, Ladakh and Jammu or Barrent Sea around Alaska ?

You sound like you got triggered by this pic

Sarhad e Wakhan or Ladakh ? All Terran seems the same. Hindu Quam Territories !
If the Chinese engage, they'll get smashed. They know it, which is why they do the annual chindhigiri before the rains.

Look at their guys man. As a fighting force. It's embarrassing.

Maybe so. But I think even you would probably agree that it is less embarrassing than being forced to hold your own ears in a kneeling position.

But what do I know. Maybe you have a new theater to burn down or something.



  • 1636739000440.png
    3.9 MB · Views: 12
is this entertaining enough for you? most of PDF other than pajeets members would think so

Everyone should save these pictures to their disks so that they can be bought back for future enterainment when required.

Next lesson from the Chinese to the Indians will be on how to "make tea properly" ..

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