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China rejects US objections over CPEC

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China rejects US objections over CPEC
By News Desk
Published: October 7, 2017


China has rejected the objections raised by the US over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) saying that its One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative was backed by the UN.

“We have repeatedly reiterated that CPEC is an economic cooperation initiative that is not directed against third parties and has nothing to do with territorial sovereignty disputes and does not affect China’s principled stance on the Kashmir issue,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

It added that over 70 countries and international organisations which had signed cooperation agreements with China on OBOR, including the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council, have incorporated it in their important resolutions.

“Over 130 countries and more than 70 international organisations sent representatives to attend the international cooperation summit – ‘Belt and Road Forum’, organised by China here in May and spoke highly of the initiative,” it noted.

“This fully explains that the OBOR initiative is in line with the trend of the times and conforms to the rules of development and is in line with the interests of the people of all countries and has a broad and bright prospects for development.”

Earlier this week,US Defence Secretary James Mattis had appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee and said OBOR passed through a disputed territory – a claim originally made by India.

“I think that in itself shows the vulnerability of trying to establish that sort of a dictate,” he maintained.

“In a globalised world, there are many belts and many roads, and no one nation should put itself into a position of dictating ‘one belt, one road’,” he added.

CPEC helped Pakistan climb on global competitiveness scale: Forbes columnist

CPEC passes through Pakistani territory, which India claims is part of the disputed Jammu and Kashmir territory.

Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, the chairman of CPEC Parliamentary Committee, also rejected the US’ objections over OBOR with a series of tweets.

He reminded the US that it itself had participated in an OBOR summit. He also told the US administration that former president Barack Obama had opposed the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank but had failed and more of this “short-nearsightedness” will result in failure too.

He also noted that following the 1960 Indus Water Treaty, US contractors had built Mangla Dam in Azad Kashmir. Why was there no reference to a “disputed territory” back then, he asked.

Read more: China , CPEC , kashmir
China rejects US objections over CPEC
By News Desk
Published: October 7, 2017


China has rejected the objections raised by the US over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) saying that its One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative was backed by the UN.

“We have repeatedly reiterated that CPEC is an economic cooperation initiative that is not directed against third parties and has nothing to do with territorial sovereignty disputes and does not affect China’s principled stance on the Kashmir issue,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

It added that over 70 countries and international organisations which had signed cooperation agreements with China on OBOR, including the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council, have incorporated it in their important resolutions.

“Over 130 countries and more than 70 international organisations sent representatives to attend the international cooperation summit – ‘Belt and Road Forum’, organised by China here in May and spoke highly of the initiative,” it noted.

“This fully explains that the OBOR initiative is in line with the trend of the times and conforms to the rules of development and is in line with the interests of the people of all countries and has a broad and bright prospects for development.”

Earlier this week,US Defence Secretary James Mattis had appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee and said OBOR passed through a disputed territory – a claim originally made by India.

“I think that in itself shows the vulnerability of trying to establish that sort of a dictate,” he maintained.

“In a globalised world, there are many belts and many roads, and no one nation should put itself into a position of dictating ‘one belt, one road’,” he added.

CPEC helped Pakistan climb on global competitiveness scale: Forbes columnist

CPEC passes through Pakistani territory, which India claims is part of the disputed Jammu and Kashmir territory.

Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, the chairman of CPEC Parliamentary Committee, also rejected the US’ objections over OBOR with a series of tweets.

He reminded the US that it itself had participated in an OBOR summit. He also told the US administration that former president Barack Obama had opposed the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank but had failed and more of this “short-nearsightedness” will result in failure too.

He also noted that following the 1960 Indus Water Treaty, US contractors had built Mangla Dam in Azad Kashmir. Why was there no reference to a “disputed territory” back then, he asked.

Read more: China , CPEC , kashmir

"He also noted that following the 1960 Indus Water Treaty, US contractors had built Mangla Dam in Azad Kashmir. Why was there no reference to a “disputed territory” back then, he asked."

US is king of double standard. US wording is like fart. No wonder USA is a declining nation which no one respect anymore. :enjoy:

A very Valid point I saw!

The Americans built Hydro Dams in Azad Kashmir during the 60's! Towing this indian narrative is not going to get them anywhere.
Becos it serve their interest , US no complain but when it serves other interest they will object despite being right.

Just like the human right US champion. US Human right is only applicable when it serves US interest. If it doesn't, torturing and butchering is applicable and all kind of right will be violated.
"He also noted that following the 1960 Indus Water Treaty, US contractors had built Mangla Dam in Azad Kashmir. Why was there no reference to a “disputed territory” back then, he asked."

US is king of double standard. US wording is like fart. No wonder USA is a declining nation which no one respect anymore. :enjoy:

Becos it serve their interest , US no complain but when it serves other interest they will object despite being right.

Just like the human right US champion. US Human right is only applicable when it serves US interest. If it doesn't, torturing and butchering is applicable and all kind of right will be violated.

You know the Ralph Peters Map which has once again gained spotlight if only on the internet. It is a grand plan to contain China and Russia.

I was thinking and this nothing more than my thought. If Russia and China both set up a naval base on the coast of Pakistan and start Shipbuilding. In how many years will American dominance fall because their military might is all based on their flotilla. Although China has no issues they have access to warm waters nor are the Chinese colonialist in any way but If Russia get the dream of Catherine the Great. In few decades or less it will twindle.
You know the Ralph Peters Map which has once again gained spotlight if only on the internet. It is a grand plan to contain China and Russia.

I was thinking and this nothing more than my thought. If Russia and China both set up a naval base on the coast of Pakistan and start Shipbuilding. In how many years will American dominance fall because their military might is all based on their flotilla. Although China has no issues they have access to warm waters nor are the Chinese colonialist in any way but If Russia get the dream of Catherine the Great. In few decades or less it will twindle.
Yes a Russian naval base leased by Pakistan would help shift the geostrategic balance in a positive way for Pakistan as well.
US should keep it self within its boundaries and Pakistan should cut aid to US and India as soon as possible.
Yes a Russian naval base leased by Pakistan would help shift the geostrategic balance in a positive way for Pakistan as well.
Not just a naval base. A naval base means ships dock and sail out. I mean to say build shipping as well!
Yes a Russian naval base leased by Pakistan would help shift the geostrategic balance in a positive way for Pakistan as well.

If you knew the state of the Russian navy you would not be dreaming about Russian nuclear bases
US already loosing everyone and after openly supporting India, further US power projection down grade because India has no projection anywhere nor India is capable to handle China. India even failed to tackle Pakistan, China is beyond there level. India as a Nation want hegemony in SA but every single neighbour of India not accepting, so the world accepting India as a so called supa powa no where near next 100 years lol. United States already loosing Saudia, Turkey and other countries now Pakistan is also going towards China and Russia.

Actually the Israel, India and United States along with the semi partner like UK can’t do anything in today’s world. China and Russia is more attractive for every nation then United States. The soft posture and Military Test cases by Russia in Ukraine, Syria and Iran was exposed US so called militar supermacy. Russia challenege and already won both diplomatic or Military in recent conflicts. US is past....
Russians never had a great navy save their SSBN fleet
After the cold war it has disintegrated
Well perhaps if they have a naval base on the Arabian Sea they may motivate themselves to become a naval power?
Do you deny that Russia dreams of having warm water ports?
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