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China rebuffs Obama’s plan for Crimea

Arzamas 16

Mar 30, 2012
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Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian President Vladimir Putin is strengthening his military control over the majority-Russian Crimean isthmus, while President Barack Obama is still trying — but failing — to rally international opposition in advance of a March 16 Crimean secession vote.

Obama’s outreach to Chinese president Xi Jinping yielded nothing useful.

“Xi reportedly said China ‘hoped that all parties concerned would tackle their differences through communication and coordination,’” said a March 10 statement from China’s official news agency.

“The Chinese president added that his country maintains an objective and fair stance on the Ukrainian situation, Xinhua reported, citing information from China’s Foreign Ministry,” said the statement.

The White House’s description of the conversation, however, painted a rosy picture.

The two presidents “affirmed their shared interest in reducing tensions and identifying a peaceful resolution to the dispute between Russia and Ukraine… [and] agreed on the importance of upholding principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, both in the context of Ukraine and also for the broader functioning of the international system,” said the White House’s March 10 summary of the conversation.

China’s role is complicated by its hope to absorb the independent island of Taiwan, and its determination keep hold of the once-independent country of TIbet.

European leaders, including in the United Kingdom and Germany, have issued supportive statements.

But they have not punished Russia, for example, by curbing the movement of Russian funds through London, or the purchase of Russian gas used by Germans and other Europeans.

On Sunday, Robert Gates, Obama’s former secretary of defense concluded that Obama won’t be able to evict Russia from the Crimea. ”I do not believe that Crimea will slip out of Russia’s hands,” Gates said on Fox News Sunday.

The foreign crisis is a domestic problem for Obama, partly because it threatens to make him look ineffective. That appearance would increase criticism of his policies, and may lower the turnout of his supporters in the November mid-term election.

Putin, so far, has not shown any willingness to help Obama.

Putin is a Russian nationalist, and he is supported by many Russians who mourn the post-1989 breakup of the huge Soviet Union and the various perceived insults to Russia’s former greatness.

For example, many Russian leaders have denounced Obama’s support for American-style gay rights in Russian politics.

“Nobody’s more offended than me about some of the anti-gay and lesbian legislation that you’ve been seeing in Russia,” Obama said prior to the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.

Obama’s statement came after the Russia parliament passed a law barring public advocacy of rights for gays. The law was passed as part of a wide-ranging Russian effort to boost the Russian birthrate, which is reducing the Russian population in eastern territories near China and in southern territories alongside Muslim countries.

Obama’s Crimean problem will soon be worsened by the impending referendum in the Crimea.

The March 16 ballot is expected to show overwhelming support among Crimean voters for secession from Ukraine, whose government in Kyiv is dominated by ethnic Ukrainians.

The referendum is likely to solidify public support in neighboring Russia for the ethnic Russian separatists in the Crimea, and make it harder for Obama to win even a symbolic victory in his challenge of Putin’s takeover.

The referendum “will not be viewed by the US as legitimate because it is inconsistent with the Ukraine constitution,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said Monday.

“These actions certainly don’t serve the cause of trying to resolve this crisis diplomatically and peacefully, but our goal is not just to avert a referendum, but not resolve this for a long-term,” Carney said.

China rebuffs Obama's plan for Crimea | The Daily Caller

China’s role is complicated by its hope to absorb the independent island of Taiwan, and its determination keep hold of the once-independent country of TIbet.

I never got this point, The US defended Taiwan tooth and nail against us, while today the situation is softening. Besides Taiwan is discussing the return to China and it has nothing to do with what China does in Ukraine.

As to Tibet, US has supported a Lama coup, continues to meet the LAma and trained CIA agents to go into Tibet to destabilize Tibet, what more can the Americans do if we support Russia?

Lastly, who does the Americans think they are, we didn't bow to them during the Korean war when we had nothing, and we are not going to do so now. As if Americans had been the best of buddies to us.

Attacking us in every turn and now expects our help especially against our interests, who do they think we are.
I never got this point, The US defended Taiwan tooth and nail against us, while today the situation is softening. Besides Taiwan is discussing the return to China and it has nothing to do with what China does in Ukraine.

As to Tibet, US has supported a Lama coup, continues to meet the LAma and trained CIA agents to go into Tibet to destabilize Tibet, what more can the Americans do if we support Russia?

Lastly, who does the Americans think they are, we didn't bow to them during the Korean war when we had nothing, and we are not going to do so now. As if Americans had been the best of buddies to us.

Attacking us in every turn and now expects our help especially against our interests, who do they think we are.

Same nation that saved you from Japs
Same nation that saved you from Japs


Japan attacked us a full 10 years before any of our so-called "Allies" even bothered to do anything. That was 10 years of war crimes and genocide, and the US only entered the war when Japan attacked THEM directly. They fought only when they themselves were attacked, not to help us, otherwise they would have entered ten years earlier.

And China at that time was the ROC, which was a close ally of America.

China today is the PRC, and America has always opposed our interests.

Japan attacked us a full 10 years before any of our so-called "Allies" even bothered to do anything. That was 10 years of war crimes and genocide, and the US only entered the war when Japan attacked THEM directly. They fought only when they themselves were attacked, not to help us, otherwise they would have entered ten years earlier.

And China at that time was the ROC, which was a close ally of America.

China today is the PRC, and America has always opposed our interests.

It amazes me just how dumb some Indians are, including the VIetcongs here or other anti China members. Always claiming the same bullsh!t that USA saved China. If the Americans even bothered to save Asia how come the Japanese managed to turn almost the entire SE Asia into their colony? They should take a good look at this map File:Japanese Empire (orthographic projection).svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Everybody with some WW2 knowledge knows the US only entered the war in the Pacific after Pearl Harbor.
The Americans didn't care the Japs invaded the Viets, the Pinoys, the Malaysians, Singaporeans, Thais, Cambodians, Indonesians etc. The ones i respect are the Flying Tigers who voluntarily helped China before the US even bothered to fight the Japs.
If it wasn't for Pearl Harbor, the Japs would even had more troops to focus on India. Who knows the Japs could have enslaved the entire country as it is much smaller than China. We can even say the Americans saved India but we don't bother with it. China even send troops to India for god sake for training and fighting the Japs there. I have to say China doesn't owe the US for her late involvement, neither should the rest of East Asia. If China owes the US, then the rest of East Asia might as well be including India.
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