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China reacts cautiously to India’s second launch of Agni-V

Yes the Governments knows this but average citizens don't.They all have a superiority complex and a poor country(their thinking) like India getting all this power is bad for their confidence. I have been
to both SA and Australia. Australians are very racial and SArabians thinks Indians to be subhuman.

Doesnt matter what the average citizen knows. The journalist have at least a little knowledge knowing this missile is for China, so they went on to hype it waaay more than they should have.
Since its your opinion I wont say anything but Indians are not the english speaking kinds always.The non english speaking poor are the majority who go and they are treated like s##t. Thats my opinion.I am 44 yrs old.20 years back when I went after college even chinese were treated like this.Not anymore.

To be quite honest, if you come to this country, Indian or otherwise and you;

a) Don't speak the language
b) Don't possess basic social graces (this is something I see very often)
c) Socialise only with your own community.
d) Don't maintain basic personal and environmental hygiene (god only knows how many times I've seen Indians throw their rubbish on the ground)

I too would not treat you very kindly, how can you expect the average Australian to? Especially when you are coming from a country completely alien to them.
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