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China ranks among middle, high-income countries

Your data are just for working people, adding the non-working people, the per capita will be much less.

We should know that we are a poor country and should invest more to the middle and west regions

Yes, it is for working people, but there are also millionaires and billionaires who balance the poor and nonworking out. One low level corporate CEO can make the money of 300 farmers per year.

Even in my inland hometown, there are ultra rich sports stars like Li Na, never mind bankers, CEOs and corrupt officials.

So 4300 is indeed accurate.
I don't doubt 4300 USD. There are still many poor farmers who will lower the average. By purchasing power, we easily have 9000-10000 USD. A meal in California costs 7 USD. A meal in China costs 6 RMB for a box meal.

China is getting better, so illegal immigration is down significantly. Ever since 2005, all immigration out of China has been decreasing.

Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Country/Total/Percent of Total/Percent Change 2000-2009

India 200,000 2% +64%
China 120,000 1% -37%

why bring india in it!!!!

why bilal bhai thanked him:hitwall:
why bring india in it!!!!

why bilal bhai thanked him:hitwall:

Sorry, I copied and pasted from another thread. I should not have included India, my apologies. Illegal immigration is up from all countries, except China.
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