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China protests over South Korea's plan for US missile defences

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China protests over South Korea's plan for US missile defences

Experts say that North Korea's latest missile test - coming after four nuclear tests - has left Seoul with little choice except to request a US missile shield

This picture taken from North Korean TV shows missile launch

By Julian Ryall, and Danielle Demetriou, Tokyo

9:01AM GMT 08 Feb 2016

China has taken the rare step of summoning South Korea’s ambassador to receive an official protest against Seoul requesting the deployment of US missile defences on its territory.

South Korea has been considering whether to ask America to install the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system. A final decision had previously been delayed by concerns over antagonising China.

But North Korea's missile test on Sunday has forced Seoul's hand. Park Geun-hye, the president of South Korea, announced on the same day that talks would begin with America on the "earliest possible" deployment of THAAD missile defence batteries.

China fears that the arrival of an advanced anti-missile system in a regional neighbour would compromise the effectiveness of its own nuclear deterrent. Beijing is also wary of a recovery in US influence in South Korea after a concerted effort by China to woo the country over the last two years.

But South Korea has dismissed Beijing's objections, pointing out that THAAD is not an offensive weapon but a defensive system designed to destroy incoming ballistic missiles.

Experts believe that North Korea’s regular tests of both nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles have made Seoul’s decision inevitable.


Kim Jong-un watches missile launch

“This nuclear testing coupled with the testing of ballistic missile technology was always likely to strengthen the argument that South Korea needs to bolster its missile defences," said Ben Goodlad, from IHS Aerospace, a defence consultancy, according to Agence France Press news agency.

There is additional concern in South Korea after the national intelligence agency warned that the North is preparing to carry out another underground nuclear test. This would be the fifth such detonation since 2006. Last month, North Korea claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb, which is many times more destructive than a standard nuclear device, although international experts were sceptical.

Pyongyang's latest provocations have been unanimously condemned – even by its old allies, China and Russia. A new nuclear test would demonstrate that Kim Jong-un’s regime is indifferent to this criticism.:lol:

At a meeting of the National Security Council on Sunday, President Park said: “The security of South Korea and its people are under threat as nobody knows the reckless provocations that North Korea will make.”

Shortly after dawn on Monday, a North Korean patrol ship crossed the maritime border off the western coast of the Korean peninsula. South Korean vessels fired warning shots before the warship withdrew across the Northern Limit Line in the Yellow Sea.


A North Korean long-range rocket is launched into the air at the Sohae rocket launch site Photo: REUTERS/Kyodo

North Korea claimed that the missile launched on Sunday was a rocket that placed a satellite in space. But the object carried by the rocket weighed only 440 lbs, compared with a functional satellite that would usually weigh at least 1,700 lbs.

Significantly, North Korea is believed to be trying to reduce the size and weight of its nuclear warheads so they can be fitted on a long-range missile. A warhead weight of 1,100 lbs considered to be the North's target.

China protests over South Korea's plan for US missile defences - Telegraph

@Nihonjin1051 , @Hamartia Antidote , @F-22Raptor et al. You see what i was talking about recently?
An aggressive/paranoid/crazy Kim dynasty regime is the best thing that could ever happen to the U.S military presence in the region, since it reinforces the S.KOREAN-U.S-JAPAN ALLIANCE and justifies the large U.S military presence against any potential threat in the region. Fat Kim doesn't understand anything about geopolitics and he doesn't care about anything anyway.:lol:
China how about you do something about your bastard child North Korea who has detonated a few A-bombs and threatens to nukes SK,Japan, and the U.S.A every other week.

china has what 1,000s of short range,medium rang,long range,extra long range, and even hypersonic glide vehicles and they are scarred of a unproven THAAD that at most would have less than 100 interceptors.

geeze, if it makes China feel better they can station their own anti-ballistic missile system in Cuba ;)
China how about you do something about your bastard child North Korea who has detonated a few A-bombs and threatens to nukes SK,Japan, and the U.S.A every other week.

china has what 1,000s of short range,medium rang,long range,extra long range, and even hypersonic glide vehicles and they are scarred of a unproven THAAD that at most would have less than 100 interceptors.

geeze, if it makes China feel better they can station their own anti-ballistic missile system in Cuba ;)
That's asking too much from China. China is not the Soviet Union(or even Russia). So why indulge in even more useless provocation that will only backfire on them and make things worse? That would be stupid.
China how about you do something about your bastard child North Korea who has detonated a few A-bombs and threatens to nukes SK,Japan, and the U.S.A every other week.

china has what 1,000s of short range,medium rang,long range,extra long range, and even hypersonic glide vehicles and they are scarred of a unproven THAAD that at most would have less than 100 interceptors.

geeze, if it makes China feel better they can station their own anti-ballistic missile system in Cuba ;)
The onus is on US, as it attacked Iraq for WMD which never their and if even they were their they were still at early stages.
What's US waiting for? or is it the fact that North korea dosen't have oil or dosen't have a strategic locaion worth to US?
The onus is on US, as it attacked Iraq for WMD which never their and if even they were their they were still at early stages.
What's US waiting for? or is it the fact that North korea dosen't have oil or dosen't have a strategic locaion worth to US?

North Korea has thousands of rockets and artillery within firing distance of Seoul and NK has chemcial/biological weapons.

NK isn't the U.S problem to fix it's China's

we had our chance to win Korea, but MacArthur was relieved of command.
The onus is on US, as it attacked Iraq for WMD which never their and if even they were their they were still at early stages.
What's US waiting for? or is it the fact that North korea dosen't have oil or dosen't have a strategic locaion worth to US?
LOL If you don't understand U.S policy unwillingness to invade N.Korea then you don't really understand the logic behind U.S policy in the region and why it does what it does.:D To some delusional people, it's because the U.S is scared of N.Korea's mighty military.:lol:
Reminds of Bush Govt's attempt have missile shield in Poland and Russia protesting against it.
North Korea has thousands of rockets and artillery within firing distance of Seoul and NK has chemcial/biological weapons.

NK isn't the U.S problem to fix it's China's

we had our chance to win Korea, but MacArthur was relieved of command.

Yes, N.Korea represents a real existential threat to it's all neighbours especially S.Korea and to a lesser extent Japan. But it poses no real threat to the U.S or any western power for that matter. So i agree that it's up to countries in East Asia to sort out the N.Korean problem. The U.S should just carry on offering it's full support and protection to S.Korea and Japan.:pop:

I guess we have to say thank to Kim of North Korea..
I am sure he will be grateful for your thanks.:D
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LOL If you don't understand U.S policy unwillingness to invade N.Korea then you don't really understand the logic behind U.S policy in the region and why it does what it does.:D To some delusional people, it's because the U.S is scared of N.Korea's mighty military.:lol:

US know N Korea is not Iraq or Libya. That's why they stay put. The same with Iran. Iran is no Iraq, thus there is no invasion.
US military leaders know what countries to invade and what countries to just "threaten" to invade.
US 'need' NK action to maintain their hegemony in Korean peninsula. Last Kim's action used as pretext to build missile defense in SK, same pretext: "to protect our allies etc". One side the reason for missile defense was for NK, but the greater role will be China, Far East Russia. That's why China and Russia disagree with NK action, that's why two Korean still live in cold war era, not yet unite.
US know N Korea is not Iraq or Libya. That's why they stay put. The same with Iran. Iran is no Iraq, thus there is no invasion.
US military leaders know what countries to invade and what countries to just "threaten" to invade.

LOL You are completely WRONG. I already addressed this issue on here several times now.
For one Iran was not anywhere stronger than Saddam's Iraq. If it was then it would have overran Saddam's military in a few weeks/months during the Iran-Iraq war, instead they fought an 8 year war losing millions of its citizens with no clear winner. So if them U.S/U.K/NATO had decided to invade Iran instead of Iraq, then believe me the results would have been the same.:agree: You think Iran would have fared any better than Saddam's military?? lol

Secondly, The U.S,U.K/NATO and allies intervened when N.Korea invaded in the south in 1950 remember? The N.Korean where not only defeated and kicked out of South Korea in a matter of months, but the U.S/NATO partners even crossed the border into North Korea itself and they had already completely decimated N.Korea military, only for China(encouraged and pushed by the SOVIET union) to intervene. Had China and most of all Russia(who was the main player/arms supplier behind this) not intervened then N. Korean regime/dynasty will be history today and we all have a united prosperous and advanced Korea today just like the South but bigger. :meeting:
You should bare in mind that things have changed a lot today, the U.S as i said before couldn't have asked for anything better today than for an aggressive/paranoid N.Korea threatening its neighbors and reinforcing the idea that U.S massive military presence is needed in the region for peace and stability. :D Only a foolish/dumb U.S president will ever think of invading N.Korea, since N.Korea at present serves U.S interests in Asia more than any other country. :agree: The U.S(just like any smart/informed person) knows that.:pop:
LOL You are completely WRONG. I already addressed this issue on here several times now.
For one Iran was not anywhere stronger than Saddam's Iraq. If it was then it would have overran Saddam's military in a few weeks/months during the Iran-Iraq war, instead they fought an 8 year war losing millions of its citizens with no clear winner. So if them U.S/U.K/NATO had decided to invade Iran instead of Iraq, then believe me the results would have been the same.:agree: You think Iran would have fared any better than Saddam's military?? lol

Secondly, The U.S,U.K/NATO and allies intervened when N.Korea invaded in the south in 1950 remember? The N.Korean where not only defeated and kicked out of South Korea in a matter of months, but the U.S/NATO partners even crossed the border into North Korea itself and they had already completely decimated N.Korea military, only for China(encouraged and pushed by the SOVIET union) to intervene. Had China and most of all Russia(who was the main player/arms supplier behind this) not intervened then N. Korean regime/dynasty will be history today and we all have a united prosperous and advanced Korea today just like the South but bigger. :meeting:
You should bare in mind that things have changed a lot today, the U.S as i said before couldn't have asked for anything better today than for an aggressive/paranoid N.Korea threatening its neighbors and reinforcing the idea that U.S massive military presence is needed in the region for peace and stability. :D Only a foolish/dumb U.S president will ever think of invading N.Korea, since N.Korea at present serves U.S interests in Asia more than any other country. :agree: The U.S(just like any smart/informed person) knows that.:pop:

One, you fail to understand the Iraq Iran war was funded by two superpowers at the time. So it is understandable they fought to a standstill.

And again, the Korean war saw US+16 allies vs a weak N Korea with Chinese intervention that pushed the allies back to where the two countries are at now.

The US will not attack N Korea because they have done war simulations and know that their is not much to gain by invading NK but more to lose.
One, you fail to understand the Iraq Iran war was funded by two superpowers at the time. So it is understandable they fought to a standstill.

And again, the Korean war saw US+16 allies vs a weak N Korea with Chinese intervention that pushed the allies back to where the two countries are at now.

The US will not attack N Korea because they have done war simulations and know that their is not much to gain by invading NK but more to lose.

Ok if you really believe that. :enjoy:
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