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China prepares for war 'in all directions'

Some members claim Tibet and Xinjiang based on the fact that they were part of the Qing dynasty and modern Govts are successors of it.

Bad idea to do so,since they"ll end up having disputes with many nations.

The Qin dynasty invaded Turkistan in the 18th century and kept it under their control for a long time. There were numerous revolts and many years of independant Uyghur republics between then and till 1955.
Unfortunately the Russian and Chinese empires divided and split of the mostly muslim khanates in the Steppes and kept them under their control.

Xinjian literally means "New Territory" Indication that this was terrirotiry newly acquired by the Chinese rather than part of the core Chinese state that was mainly defined around the Great wall.
The Qin dynasty invaded Turkistan in the 18th century and kept it under their control for a long time. There were numerous revolts and many years of independant Uyghur republics between then and till 1955.
Unfortunately the Russian and Chinese empires divided and split of the mostly muslim khanates in the Steppes and kept them under their control.

Xinjian literally means "New Territory" Indication that this was terrirotiry newly acquired by the Chinese rather than part of the core Chinese state that was mainly defined around the Great wall.

It has another name, "XIYU", China's western territory. HAN earlier in Xinjiang, thousands of years.
Do indians always live in fantasies?



btw india is not a country till 1947
China prepares for war 'in all directions'

Peter Foster, Beijing
December 31, 2010

CHINA is preparing for conflict ''in every direction'', its Defence Minister says.

''In the coming five years, our military will push forward preparations for military conflict in every strategic direction,'' General Liang Guanglie said in an interview published by state-backed newspapers in China.

''We may be living in peaceful times, but we can never forget war, never send the horses south or put the bayonets and guns away.''

China has repeatedly said it is planning a ''peaceful rise'', but the pace and scale of its military modernisation has alarmed many neighbours, including Japan, which described the build-up of its armed forces as a ''global concern''.

Tension between China and India also emerged during a mid-December visit to Delhi by Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. Indian leaders contend that China is being provocative in Kashmir as it grows closer to Pakistan, China's ally and India's nemesis.

China has infuriated India by starting to issue special stapled-paper visas - rather than the standard visa - for anyone in Indian-controlled Kashmir travelling to China, on the grounds Kashmir is a disputed territory.

China later objected to including a top Indian general responsible for Kashmir in a military exchange. In response, Indian officials angrily suspended military exchanges between the countries.

The most visible evidence that these problems were deepening came in the joint communique issued by the two nations at the end of Mr Wen's visit. China typically demands that nations voice support for the one-China policy, which holds that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. In the past, India has agreed to such language, but this time it was omitted, a clear sign of Delhi's irritation.

General Liang's remarks came at a time of increasingly difficult relations between the Chinese and US armed forces, which a three-day visit by his counterpart, Robert Gates, was intended to address.

A year ago, China froze substantive military relations in protest at US arms sales to Taiwan and relations deteriorated further this summer when China objected to US plans to deploy a nuclear aircraft carrier, the USS George Washington, in the Yellow Sea off the Korean Peninsula.

China also announced this month it was preparing to launch its own aircraft carrier next year. The news emerged a year earlier than many US defence analysts had predicted.

China is also working on a ballistic missile that could sink aircraft carriers from afar, fundamentally reordering the balance of power in a region dominated by the US since the end of World War II.

In an interview in Japan this week, Admiral Robert Willard, a US Navy commander, said he believed the Chinese anti-ship missile had already achieved ''initial operational capability'', although it would require years of testing. Analysts remain divided over whether China is initiating an Asian arms race.

However, in a speech earlier this year, Mr Gates warned that China's growing military might ''threatens America's primary way to project power and help allies in the Pacific''.

General Liang also pledged that China's armed forces would increasingly be self-reliant when it comes to technology, an area in which the People's Republic lags behind the West.

''The modernisation of the Chinese military cannot depend on others,'' he said. ''In the next five years, our economy and society will develop faster, boosting comprehensive national power. We will take the opportunity and speed up modernisation of the military.''


China prepares for war 'in all directions'

Maybe the Chinese finally found out India would only take something from China the hard way, or anyone else, noticeably britian. :amz:
Yeah right.


Now don't bombard me with a series of podcasts!

dude seriously, do you actually think this picture is real? The fist time I'd seen this picture was in the Uni, which was 6-7 years ago. Second, Chinese electricity consumption in 2008 was at least 6 times of Indian's in 2009! How come it could be possible that india has more lights than china? I'm not trying to be an one-bigger talker, just want you to have some common senses.

It is true the picture is composed so people can get a whole perspective of how world looks like during night. and the question comes here, if it was composed it was a possibility that someone edited it for some 'reasons' like national pride``etc!

Think hard before write! :)
A china war if not with india will do agreat favour to india, and its economy.

because no matter how big china might think they became, one war even with monnows like - taiwan will put them back by 80-90 years. and this will only help indian industdustries and economy. indian should welcome these moves by china

and otherwise if china india have war it will set china back by 100 yrs - their whole planning for development will have to be revised. and of-course India will be in stone age too. but that will help west alot, and their economy. So as per strategy usa and west should try to largen the gap between china and India.

but with all these ego statements, it will only help china border countries because rest of the world we think of china as a threat to global peace.

I guess you've been watching too much doctor who``:rofl:

dude seriously, do you actually think this picture is real? The fist time I'd seen this picture was in the Uni, which was 6-7 years ago. Second, Chinese electricity consumption in 2008 was at least 6 times of Indian's in 2009! How come it could be possible that india has more lights than china? I'm not trying to be an one-bigger talker, just want you to have some common senses.

It is true the picture is composed so people can get a whole perspective of how world looks like during night. and the question comes here, if it was composed it was a possibility that someone edited it for some 'reasons' like national pride``etc!

Think hard before write! :)

can anyone get a night time pic that is "made in china' from chinese satellites or something?
China prepares for war 'in all directions'

Peter Foster, Beijing
December 31, 2010

CHINA is preparing for conflict ''in every direction'', its Defence Minister says.

''In the coming five years, our military will push forward preparations for military conflict in every strategic direction,'' General Liang Guanglie said in an interview published by state-backed newspapers in China.

''We may be living in peaceful times, but we can never forget war, never send the horses south or put the bayonets and guns away.''

China has repeatedly said it is planning a ''peaceful rise'', but the pace and scale of its military modernisation has alarmed many neighbours, including Japan, which described the build-up of its armed forces as a ''global concern''.

Tension between China and India also emerged during a mid-December visit to Delhi by Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. Indian leaders contend that China is being provocative in Kashmir as it grows closer to Pakistan, China's ally and India's nemesis.

China has infuriated India by starting to issue special stapled-paper visas - rather than the standard visa - for anyone in Indian-controlled Kashmir travelling to China, on the grounds Kashmir is a disputed territory.

China later objected to including a top Indian general responsible for Kashmir in a military exchange. In response, Indian officials angrily suspended military exchanges between the countries.

The most visible evidence that these problems were deepening came in the joint communique issued by the two nations at the end of Mr Wen's visit. China typically demands that nations voice support for the one-China policy, which holds that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. In the past, India has agreed to such language, but this time it was omitted, a clear sign of Delhi's irritation.

General Liang's remarks came at a time of increasingly difficult relations between the Chinese and US armed forces, which a three-day visit by his counterpart, Robert Gates, was intended to address.

A year ago, China froze substantive military relations in protest at US arms sales to Taiwan and relations deteriorated further this summer when China objected to US plans to deploy a nuclear aircraft carrier, the USS George Washington, in the Yellow Sea off the Korean Peninsula.

China also announced this month it was preparing to launch its own aircraft carrier next year. The news emerged a year earlier than many US defence analysts had predicted.

China is also working on a ballistic missile that could sink aircraft carriers from afar, fundamentally reordering the balance of power in a region dominated by the US since the end of World War II.

In an interview in Japan this week, Admiral Robert Willard, a US Navy commander, said he believed the Chinese anti-ship missile had already achieved ''initial operational capability'', although it would require years of testing. Analysts remain divided over whether China is initiating an Asian arms race.

However, in a speech earlier this year, Mr Gates warned that China's growing military might ''threatens America's primary way to project power and help allies in the Pacific''.

General Liang also pledged that China's armed forces would increasingly be self-reliant when it comes to technology, an area in which the People's Republic lags behind the West.

''The modernisation of the Chinese military cannot depend on others,'' he said. ''In the next five years, our economy and society will develop faster, boosting comprehensive national power. We will take the opportunity and speed up modernisation of the military.''


China prepares for war 'in all directions'

If you will give up provocation than nobody will make with you war, i can't understand the sense of this thread because every country is attentive and aware of his defense so China also preparing to divert any kind of aggression like India, Usa. Than what interesting here??????
Why>??? you believe NASA is fake?? :what:

No one is suggesting that.

1 satellite photo needs lots of post-processing. the result vary significantly due to manual work. and it is complicated by the fact that every region has different lightest hour due to latitude, culture, lifestye, working norm, which are difficult to be taken into account. there are many silmiar photos taken by different agencies differ in results to various degress. but this photo is the most famous one.

2 it has something to do with population density
The Qin dynasty invaded Turkistan in the 18th century and kept it under their control for a long time. There were numerous revolts and many years of independant Uyghur republics between then and till 1955.
Unfortunately the Russian and Chinese empires divided and split of the mostly muslim khanates in the Steppes and kept them under their control.

Xinjian literally means "New Territory" Indication that this was terrirotiry newly acquired by the Chinese rather than part of the core Chinese state that was mainly defined around the Great wall.

Xinjiang is an abbreivation word created in Qing dynasty in memory of "Gu tu xin gui"(故土新归) meaning "New regain of old territory". in Han and Tang dynasty is called Xiyu(West territory)

China has been living this land over 2000 years ago, and it play a important role in china's history and culture. the greatest chinese poet in history "Li bai" was born there ( in today's Tajikstan near chinese border actually). the westmost chinese army even had a battle with Arabs known as battle of Talas.

Turkic people came to Xinjiang from Mongolia1000 yrs ago. They are new comer of this land.

"independant Uyghur republics till 1955s" is a joke. Before commuists came there, it was a chinese province under the rule of ROC like other part of china. the governer was Sheng Shicai, a famous General of National Revolutionary Amry of KMT party.

Soviet Union helped to build an puppet "east turkistan republic" during Chinese civil war between CCP and KMT. they hoped to annex xinjiang like what they did to kazakstan.

Actually, the word "east turkistan" was invented by russian. nobody use that name before

this puppet govt covered 3 cities and lasted for several months. they later follow soviets' order and was integrated into chinese communist party.
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