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China Power Scares US


May 15, 2011
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Once upon a time the US WAS a superpower
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Currently US scare at least two things.
1. Decline.
2. Lose superpower status.
US was/is/will always be a great nation.

It is never a part of China's intention to fight the US. Ideally, US should withdraw all troops from Asia and west pacific. It should be allowed to keep its influence in the west under a simple condition: you piss off on all Asian affairs.
US was/is/will always be a great nation.

It is never a part of China's intention to fight the US. Ideally, US should withdraw all troops from Asia and west pacific. It should be allowed to keep its influence in the west under a simple condition: you piss off on all Asian affairs.

Allowed to keep? Lol.
As has been explained before, US media loves to scare monger. It sells papers, news etc., and keeps everyone frosty and on there toes. As a good percent of you live in the US or Canada, you should know this.
I don't think US is declining, they're still growing but the only difference is that some of the nations are growing SO FAST and SO MUCH that they're having to share their power/authority with these new powers.
Don't forget growth is relative. If I am a billionaire and add $10,000...not much of a growth %. If I have $1.00 and gain $2.00, 200% growth!
Usa is the main customer of the china,if america stands then china stands and other countries like india and japan, who maintains the american economy to be sustained .
if these countries wants to grow and get business then they will have to support their customer i.e america.So i dont see any decline in american power.
and no country is near to become usa in near by future.so internet fanboys can jump where ever they want to...but it doesnt change reality.

i admire one thing in yanks i.e their business mind where as indians dont have this in challenging manner.

Once upon a time the US WAS a superpower

old, not banned, and very much a media scaremongering commercial focused less on China and more on domestic politics. Both the title you placed this old video under and the line you placed below it are in fact false.

The video focuses on domestic politics, not China, and the US is still a superpower, in fact THE only superpower, despite talk.

You live up to your name with your spread of disinfo.
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Usa is the main customer of the china,if america stands then china stands and other countries like india and japan, who maintains the american economy to be sustained .
if these countries wants to grow and get business then they will have to support their customer i.e america.So i dont see any decline in american power.
and no country is near to become usa in near by future.so internet fanboys can jump where ever they want to...but it doesnt change reality.

i admire one thing in yanks i.e their business mind where as indians dont have this in challenging manner.

lol ur understanding of economics is extremely limited.

china exports 20% of total exports to the US.
china has 80% others including other emerging markets.

china lends the US to buy chinese goods.
china can let chinese people keep their savings and buy their own products.

chinese people are more than capable of consuming its own products.
chinese make the products and chinese have the savings to buy those products.

all this nonsense that china depends on the US for growth is a propaganda tool used by the US to convince china to keep lending money to the US.

china is the 3rd largest consumer market already. and its the fastest growing consumer market. china is already the largest consumer market in many goods.

ask any multinational firm who their biggest consumer and fastest growing consumer, most will say its china.
I don't think US is declining, they're still growing but the only difference is that some of the nations are growing SO FAST and SO MUCH that they're having to share their power/authority with these new powers.

Power is a zero-sum game my friend.

Even if the US GDP grows at 2% a year for the next 10 years and China does 10% a year, the US has "declined". The US has lost some of it's lead over the Chinese. It's relative power vis-a-vis China has declined.
This has nothing to do with scare. This has everything to do with propaganda and trying to turn people against China.
POE: Time to deal with China’s high-tech mafia

If there ever was a time to get serious with China, now is the time. The recent news of fake Apple and Ikea stores is almost too absurd to be true. But in China, the rules don’t apply. Brand name and innovation mean zip. Intellectual property is free game. Anything is up for grabs, and if I were a betting man, I’d bet that the government is getting a nice cut out of it all. But that’s communism, right? It’s a system in which your ideas are my ideas, your success is my success.

As our deficit soars and the U.S. continues to borrow, borrow, borrow - as much as 43 cents on every dollar - we do not have the upper hand in this battle. China increasingly owns our securities, and thanks to its currency manipulation, our dollar continues to struggle on the world market. The U.S. faced fierce economic competition from Japan in the ‘80s, but that was far different. China represents one-fifth of the world’s population. (By comparison, Japan has less than 2 percent.) China can dominate the market and get away with its unfair theft of American goods and innovation because of its sheer size, wealth and power. But why must we tolerate the biggest robber baron of them all?

Beijing is connected to (or at least benefits from) networks of criminal thugs. Most recently, China admitted to operating the “Online Blue Army.” This is exactly what it sounds like: a military unit of hackers who operate offensively at the behest of Beijing. The U.S. has fallen victim to Beijing’s hackers at least several times over the past few years. In October 2006, the website of the Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) was locked down for more than a month after repeated attacks by hackers on Chinese servers. This wasn’t just some arbitrary target. No, BIS has responsibility over U.S. exports for commercial and military applications. The State Department’s Washington and overseas systems were downed thanks to Chinese hackers. It’s intolerable that we have yet to hold communist China accountable for these cyberdeclarations of war against the U.S.

As if accessing our “secure” government networks weren’t enough, the Chinese criminal networks also exploit our financially weak position by placing harmful pharmaceuticals on the market, making defective products and ripping off consumers left and right. Since I joined the House Judiciary Committee’s intellectual property subcommittee in January, I’ve heard from dozens of American businesses that have experienced significant economic harm from Chinese counterfeits.

Take, for example, Houston-based Farouk Systems, maker of Chi hair products. Several years ago, FaroukShami, chairman and founder of Farouk Systems, expanded the company’s operations to China to save costs. When faced with an onslaught of Chinese counterfeits, he closed the factory in China. With that move, he brought production and 1,000 jobs back to Houston and accepted higher manufacturing and salary costs without passing them along to the consumer. But also with the move, he could better protect his intellectual property and innovation.

The Chinese have become so expert in ripping off Farouk Systems‘ Chi flatiron that the detailing on each package is almost identical to that on the legitimate product, including the exact same warranty, with a picture of Farouk Shami’s face for a bit of extra “authenticity.” Farouk Systems regularly fields complaint calls about broken products, but the products are counterfeit! Fighting Chinese counterfeits has cost this company approximately $10 million. That’s $10 million that it could be using to hire more workers or expand its business operations.

I also met Jim D'Addario, CEO of D’Addario Guitar Strings, an instrument strings manufacturer based in New York. This business, family-owned since the 1600s, has spent millions to stop the manufacture of counterfeit guitar strings in China. Mr. D'Addario has watched several coordinated raids on manufacturing facilities in China that exist solely to make counterfeit copies of D'Addario, Fender, Martin and other American companies’ guitar strings. On a website, it’s hard to tell the difference between a counterfeit and a legitimate D'Addario guitar-string set. As with the Chi flatirons, the packaging looks identical, but the fake package of guitar strings contains a hologram sticker - just to trick you - and the product inside is horrendous. It is that unbelievable.

So what do we do? The bottom line is that while Beijing benefits from these criminal networks, they hurt our government and American businesses. We must take every opportunity to (1) raise public awareness of the need for intellectual property enforcement and the dire impact on American businesses of rampant IP theft, (2) insist that China adopt strict enforcement measures to protect IP rights and (3) take action when our words fail (which they will). If China does not protect our intellectual property, we should block its imports into the U.S. It’s time to play hardball with China.

The need for enforcement of intellectual property rights is more than just preventing brand dilution - or in the case of Mr. D'Addario, protecting a reputation earned over four centuries - it’s about the principle of working hard and having it taken from you in an instant by a crook. Today’s criminals are a bit smarter and more high-tech than during my former days on the bench. They sit at laptops overseas, direct online traffic to rogue websites and make a heap of cash from selling fake goods. Many times, buyers never see the product they purchased, and by that point, it’s too late. Their identity is stolen; credit cards are racked up. The problem is too prevalent for us to continue to do nothing. It’s time to get tough on China. And that’s just the way it is.
POE: Time to deal with China's high-tech mafia - Washington Times

Hehe, China keep on threatening US, and now, they will make some Serious action with you, so,pls don't cry, Big baby :P

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