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CHINA POWER - Rocket artillery Military Drill for People liberation Army

Conventional rocket artillery is extremely cheap to mass produce.

And our conventional rocket artillery has over 400+ km range and very high accuracy (as seen in the video) due to satellite guidance systems.

This is our cost effective solution to a conflict scenario.

The 400-km-ranged system, WS-2D, never entered service.
wow... 2:20 onwards.... that s accurate
A-100, A-200, A-300, WS-2D, WS-3, WS-33, WS-43, WS-64, SY-400....take your picks. :lol::D








A-100, A-200, A-300, WS-2D, WS-3, WS-33, WS-43, WS-64, SY-400....take your picks. :lol::D









Except that the A100, A200, WS-2D, WS-3, WS-33, WS-43, and WS-64 are not in service.
Except that the A100, A200, WS-2D, WS-3, WS-33, WS-43, and WS-64 are not in service.

Not in PLA service yes. Most of them are too EXPENSIVE for the PLA.

The PLA is used to fighting its enemies using inferior weapons. :D:D

The soldiers are so taught by Mao since day 1 of their draft
The soldiers are so taught by Mao since day 1 of their draft

How much do the PLA office corps these days spend rote learning the little red book...instead of more useful relevant things?
LOL yeah we certainly saw that in operation in the last final clash (1967).....which you remembered and didnt dare to interfere when we were tearing up your best buddy into two countries :)

Also saw it when you recklessly charged into Vietnam and had to beat a hurried retreat in 1979....after getting your butts handed to you badly....with nothing to show for it (just like in 1971 we finished the job with no challenge, Vietnam stayed on occupying your ally Cambodia for a good 10+ more years and only left after installing their lackey there).

I am asking you directly yes or no....are they still studying the little red book right now as a large part of their "training"?

Probably at least some, PLA's all branches are moving to an educated force. All warship captains have the equivalent of a masters degree. The PLA itself is moving towards 60% university graduate and above. This includes soldiers and NCOs. Officer corp is not 100% grads because there are those that are promoted from a NCO or private position, but if they want to move to battalion, university education is a must.

You must have been to university, did you spend 100% of the time in class studying what's relevant to your profession? Of course not. Same here. Doesn't make you any less effective, but a broad understanding of all topics, especially politics and economic theory is never bad. Especially for army officers.

Political studies must be part of that.

In terms of Vietnam, that was a bad war, yes. However if you are going to bring up 67, just a random mission, I must say, in the name of fairness, you must also not mention 79 because hostility didn't end in 79. China won many skirmishes after 79. Though minor and inconsequential, much like 67 didn't change what China achieved in 62.
Probably at least some, PLA's all branches are moving to an educated force. All warship captains have the equivalent of a masters degree. The PLA itself is moving towards 60% university graduate and above. This includes soldiers and NCOs. Officer corp is not 100% grads because there are those that are promoted from a NCO or private position, but if they want to move to battalion, university education is a must.

You must have been to university, did you spend 100% of the time in class studying what's relevant to your profession? Of course not. Same here. Doesn't make you any less effective, but a broad understanding of all topics, especially politics and economic theory is never bad. Especially for army officers.

Political studies must be part of that.

In terms of Vietnam, that was a bad war, yes. However if you are going to bring up 67, just a random mission, I must say, in the name of fairness, you must also not mention 79 because hostility didn't end in 79. China won many skirmishes after 79. Though minor and inconsequential, much like 67 didn't change what China achieved in 62.

Thanks that all I wanted to know.....not this 10 Indian soldiers = 1 PLA bullcrap.

I was pretty sure the system has evolved but someone was writing it hasnt in a blog somewhere so I wanted a knowledgeable member to comment on it.

The 67/71/79 comments were not directed at knowledgeable reasonable members like yourself but at trolls who debase the whole conversation.

I would like to learn and interact more with Chinese defence experts here....its why I posted the topic to begin with.
Thanks that all I wanted to know.....not this 10 Indian soldiers = 1 PLA bullcrap.

I was pretty sure the system has evolved but someone was writing it hasnt in a blog somewhere so I wanted a knowledgeable member to comment on it.

What I like about people is how short their memories are. I mean even mine. I don't care what China was yesterday, only today and tomorrow when judging others.

Before WW2, Americans are called playboys and was convinced America's civilian economy can never convert to a war time one. This man, Mussolini, was later called a fool because of these comments.

Today, Americans are calling Chinese population's one child policy, a nation of pussies and princesses, while our economy can never evolve and innovate, despite the advancements in human capital.

History always repeat itself, because despite 2,000 years of human advancement, our nature remains largely the same, and our ego just as big as ever.

So I take any "analysis" with a grain of salt.
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