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China poses potential obstacle to reunification of Koreas: U.S. Congress re


Nov 4, 2011
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China poses potential obstacle to reunification of Koreas: U.S. Congress report
By Lee Chi-dong
2013/01/01 10:03 KST
Dec. 31 (Yonhap) -- China may prove to be a major stumbling block to any future efforts by the two Koreas for reunification, a U.S. congressional report said Monday.

"China could attempt to manage, and conceivably block the unification process," said the report released by the office of Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.)
Lugar, a ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the report is aimed at alerting his colleagues in Congress that the reunification of South and North Korea may not follow the German model due to China's history claims and growing influence on the peninsula.

The 84-page report, titled "China's impact on Korean Peninsula unification and questions for the Senate," was authored by staff members at the chamber with the help of Korean and Chinese historians.

It calls for a painstaking review of how the U.S. will respond in case there is a unification process on the peninsula driven either by the warming of inter-Korean relations or by a collapse of the North Korean regime.

China may try to impede the reunification of the two Koreas, which have been divided for more than 60 years, or seek to play a major role on a reunified Korea, according to the report.

The report cited China's historical claims that North Korea belonged to it and Pyongyang's economic dependence on Beijing.

"Disputes about the Korea-China borderline are historic and endless," it said.

China has also reiterated the importance of regional stability whenever it comes under international pressure to support U.N. sanctions on North Korea for its nuclear and long-range missile tests.

It quoted Chinese officials as telling the Senate Foreign Relations Committee earlier that "China reserved the right to place troops across the border inside North Korea to prevent hungry or impoverished North Koreans from fleeing into China."

"These plans have been described not as an invasion, but as a pre-emptive move that will be taken in consultation with North Korean authorities," it added.

The report also noted that China's expanding investment and trade offensive directed at North Korea "reflects an incremental economic integration with North Korea."

In the event of emergency situations involving North Korea, the Chinese government is expected to speak up about the need for protecting its economic interests there, said the report.

If the nuclear-armed North Korea collapses, South Korea would see itself as the only legitimate party with the authority to act, it said.

"But China is likely to focus legitimacy on a U.N. process that is protracted," it said. "China is therefore likely to focus on a longer time line for intervention and would only see a U.N. process as legitimate."

China apparently views North Korea as strategically important to counter the U.S. influence in Northeast Asia, it said, adding Beijing may move to support the reunification of the two Koreas only when Pyongyang loses its strategic value as a buffer zone.

In the form of an appendix, meanwhile, the report carried detailed views by China and South Korea on their history disputes.

South Korea says the history of North Korea is independent and ancient Korean kingdoms existed in the northern part of the peninsula separately from China.
The two Korea's are dancing to a different tune so there is a slim chance of reunification, with or without China's help.
If without US in Korea Peninsula, I would be glad to see a prosperous and united Korea.
I can accept South Korea occupied brutally by Japan but Ryukyu Islands must be in the Chinese sphere of influence.
For the US war criminals, China is the usual target and scapegoat for everything, justified or not.
Japan would be more worried about a united Korea.
The congress report is a joke. Many American Asia "experts" know nothing about Asia.

It is all about, if unifying Korea, which Korea to unify.

In early 1950s, though China opposed Fat Kim's efforts to unify, but it did not stop his efforts. That means China did not oppose actually to unify it under Kim.

Now, perhaps China won't let them unify to either side.

Korea historically is more split than unified.

When Korea split, trade flourishes, peace prevails.

Many times in history, Korea was divided into 3 countries. Maybe China should consider to add one more country between N and S Korea to prevent the two hostile regions from being in direct contact.
i completely agree.a united korea is against their interests.
For the first time in more than a half century.......

N.Korea leader calls for easing of tensions with S.Korea


A new year message from Kim, the supreme leader of North Korea, to his people

SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un called Tuesday for an easing of tensions with the South and flagged a "radical turnabout" in the national economy in a rare voiced message broadcast on state television.

"An important issue in putting an end to the division of the country and achieving its reunification is to remove confrontation between the North and the South," Kim said in a New Year's message.

"The past records of inter-Korean relations show that confrontation between fellow countrymen leads to nothing but war," he said.

The message came just weeks after the election of the conservative Park Geun-Hye as South Korea's new president and coincided with UN Security Council discussions on how to punish North Korea for its recent long-range rocket launch.

The voiced message was the first of its kind since Kim's grandfather and North Korean founder Kim Il-Sung delivered one in 1994, the year of his death.

Kim Jong-Un, who took power after the death of his father Kim Jong-Il on December 17, 2011, also said 2013 would be a year of "great creations and changes in which a radical turnabout will be effected."

"'Let us bring about a radical turn in the building of an economic giant with the same spirit and mettle as were displayed in conquering space!' -- this is the fighting slogan our Party and people should uphold this year," he said.

N.Korea leader calls for easing of tensions with S.Korea - Channel NewsAsia

.....and I hope this is not a political ploy.
N.koreans have been totally brainwashed by the Kim-family. They r living under fear & china has no faults here. Even if kim-jing ill followed chinese advice on economic reforms back in the 90s, N.koreans would have been living decent lives now. If i am not wrong, many S.koreans believe that it would be an economic burden on them (far out-witting the cost German unification) to incorporate the north. But still i support Korean unification as they R simply the same country. China will also most likely support gradual unification if their concerns are addressed by both US & S.korea IMO.
N.koreans have been totally brainwashed by the Kim-family. They r living under fear & china has no faults here. Even if kim-jing ill followed chinese advice on economic reforms back in the 90s, N.koreans would have been living decent lives now. If i am not wrong, many S.koreans believe that it would be an economic burden on them (far out-witting the cost German unification) to incorporate the north. But still i support Korean unification as they R simply the same country. China will also most likely support gradual unification if their concerns are addressed by both US & S.korea IMO.

East Germany in contrast was the most productive Soviet dominion.
No,they have to be divided,China will never allow a united Korea at her doorway

Are you a Chinese from China?

Did you know that Korean War known as Korean Reunification War? That hugely opposed by US, by rejecting UN resolution to held public election for united Korea and self established the South Korea.

Yep, this is the way Korea should be!:angry:


Poor people, their life is very miserable under US economy embargo and isolation.

China did a lot of things to help North Korea economy, keep the people alive and good.
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