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China police kill two suspects in Xinjiang violence


Aug 29, 2010
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BBC News - China police kill two suspects in Xinjiang violence

China police kill two suspects in Xinjiang violence

Armed police are on guard in Kashgar, the scene of a weekend of violence
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Chinese police have shot dead two men suspected of mounting a fatal attack in Xinjiang region on Sunday, the state-run Xinhua news agency reports.

The two ethnic Uighur men, Memtieli Tiliwaldi and Turson Hasan, were found hiding in a corn field on the outskirts of the city of Kashgar, Xinhua said.

Six people were killed in an attack at a restaurant in Kashgar. Police shot dead five suspects at the scene.

A weekend of violence left up to 18 people dead in the restive region.

Late on Saturday, two men hijacked a truck and drove it into a crowd of people, killing eight and injuring 28 others, according to the local government.

In the attack on Sunday, an explosion hit a restaurant west of Kashgar's central square.

Five men armed with knives then attacked police and bystanders, officials said. Six bystanders were killed and 12 were injured.

The weekend attacks bring to a close a violent month in Xinjiang. Less than two weeks ago rioters stormed a police station in the south-western city of Hotan, in an attack that left 18 people dead.

Xinjiang has been the scene of recent ethnic unrest involving native Muslim Turkic-speaking Uighurs, who are angered by what they see as heavy-handed rule from Beijing, and the increasing influx of majority Han Chinese.

In 2009, riots erupted in Xinjiang in which nearly 200 people died after tensions flared between the Uighurs and the Han.

Chinese officials blamed the weekend attacks on Uighur Islamic militants campaigning for an independent homeland from the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM).

They said the "terrorist" ringleaders had received training in making firearms and explosives in Pakistan.

"We will harshly attack any atrocities that threaten people's lives, defile the dignity of the law, and threaten supreme national interests," said the governor of Xinjiang, Nur Bekri.

The attackers followed "extremist religious ideology" and advocated "jihad", the government said.

It is often difficult to get information from a region which the Chinese authorities tightly control.

Rebiya Kadeer, president of the World Uighur Congress, which campaigns for self-rule for Uighurs, said: "I am saddened that Han Chinese and Uighurs have lost their lives. At the same time I cannot blame the Uighurs who carry out such attacks for they have been pushed to despair by Chinese policies.

"I condemn the Chinese government for the incident. The Chinese government has created an environment of hopelessness that means it must take responsibility for civilian deaths and injuries caused by their discriminatory policies," Ms Kadeer said in a statement to Reuters.

The region's rich oil and gas deposits are vital to China's booming economy, and the government is hoping to develop Kashgar as a manufacturing centre.

But many Uighurs say they fear much of the region's wealth is going into the pockets of the Han Chinese.
Good that China is now acting against the terrorists.

If the Muslims have a grievance, then they should use the correct way to represent their grievances.

I presume China has such a mechanism.

Or do they not have?

Ms Kadeer, I believe, was a CCP apparatchik and also a millionaire.

Why has she left the Uighurs to their own and has gone off to the US?
Well, it is great for justice when we execute them at the spot. I bet the policemen have no interest to have them alive anyway. I hope the victim families feel a little better when we execute them with hundreds of bullets and even the terrorists moms won't recognize what the heck those dead meats are.

We will let those bastards know that In China we handle terrorists issue quite seriously.

We have no interest and no money in dealing with them in court like what western countries have done. However, we will make sure justice can be demonstrated quickly and better.

We will let those bastards terrorists know: whoever want to mess up with China will get the opportunity to see their virgins on a faster track.
What the h*** ??? how can you execute them without trial????? hasan was hiding in corn field when he was brutally murdered... No where in the news its mentioned that they attacked , it simply says, "suspect"...

It may be possible that chinese police would have taken them to corn field and executed them... And I am shocked to see that no pakistani is talking bout death of Mr Hasan... Chinese govt is doing "AVATAR" to uigher ppl.

The same communist fight when we in India try to take minirals from tribal land, they are doing same to poor Muslims.... hypocrites

Well, it is great for justice when we execute them at the spot. I bet the policemen have no interest to have them alive anyway. I hope the victim families feel a little better when we execute them with hundreds of bullets and even the terrorists moms won't recognize what the heck those dead meats are.

Then whats difference between chinese govt and some tyrant??? How can you judge that Mr Hasan was terrorist?? Was he captured with guns?? Can any agency independently verify the action of chinese Police???? I killed him coz he was suspect is bull&&&* logic...

I am still wondering where are ppl ?? no one worried bout his death???
hmm jihadists are being hunted down in china too ...good

Those islamists fights against everyone..
they hate christians,they hate jews.they hate Hindus and also they hate Buddhists
hmm jihadists are being hunted down in china too ...good

Those islamists fights against everyone..
they hate christians,they hate jews.they hate Hindus and also they hate Buddhists

These r seperatists not jihadis........... u probably dnt even know what jihad means.
These guys also killed other Muslims, just ask to other Muslims living in China think about these terrorists.
excellent news! keep up the good work china. death to the terrorists.
excellent news! keep up the good work china. death to the terrorists.

Yes and I wish death to terrorists on every nook and corner of the world. Few defines some as "good" and others as "bad", unfortunately!!
They were suspected of that. Nothing was established against them as per news story..

Not suspected, it was actually them.

They are still considered suspects because they haven't brought them to the trial.
good work by china, i think pakistan should invite Chinese forces to target terrorists in their territory.
Xinjiang should lose the label of "autonomous region or province". No more autonomous crap. It should become more of a Han Chinese province now.

You don't see so called "autonomous states" in the Contiguous United States.
Good that China is now acting against the terrorists. If the Muslims have a grievance, then they should use the correct way to represent their grievances. I presume China has such a mechanism.

That would be a wrong notion to drag in all Muslims. Elements separatists can't be terms as whole of Xinjiang Muslims are in revolt or violence.

Just take alook inside hindustani punjab or Naxalites operating in different parts of India. Not all can be branded as violent separatist but people within. You might as well need to change your perception and selected words.
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