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China plays down general's warning to India


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
New Delhi: India on Thursday raised with China the statement of a Chinese general warning India against stirring up "new trouble" on the border and was told that it was "not reflective" of the official view.

India's reaction followed a statement by Major General Luo Yuan to reporters in Beijing that the "Indian side should not provoke new problems and increase military deployment at the border areas and stir up new trouble".

Luo, deputy director general of the world military research department at a People's Liberation Army academy, was quoted as saying that "India is the only country in the world that says that it is developing its military power because of China's military threat".

"So, I believe that India should be very cautious in what it does and what it says."

Luo's statement came ahead of the Beijing visit by Defence Minister AK Antony for high-level talks.

Official sources in New Delhi said the "matter of statement by Chinese general was promptly raised by India with China".

The Chinese side said they were looking forward to the Indian defence minister's visit and were "conveyed understanding that the statement is not reflective of Chinese official view".

Luo also said that "there is still problem of 90,000 sq km of territory still occupied by the Indian side. These are the problems left over from history and we should look at it with cool head".

India and China concluded the 16th round of border talks by their Special Representatives last week. Antony is the first Indian defence minister in seven years to visit China. He is to hold formal talks with his Chinese counterpart General Chang Wanquan on Friday.

China plays down general`s warning to India
Chinese leaders say one thing and their generals say a different thing.

Will someone please tell this dumb general that India is NOT the only country that is is developing its military power because of China's military threat ???
Philippines. Vietnam , Japan are all doing it too. How many countries will he warn and make a fool of himself ?? !!!

Aquino defends use of bases by US, Japan | Inquirer Global Nation

Chinese expansion is fuelling Japan's military growth | The National Business Review
Chinese always play Hide and seek game, @HongWu your general hid himself behind CCP ..... :lol:
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May be it was an attempt by the general to please Pakistani PM and his delegates who are visiting China at the same time as AK Antony's visit :undecided:
What the chinese say and what the chinese do are not usually the same. Indians should stop reading too much into what they say.

What they say is worthless.
Damn...didn't see this one coming. :lol:
There are no coincidences with China. With such tightly controlled media it is unlikely that such utterances ' slipped ' out.

This is attempt to unhinge India prior to the visit of the Def Min - quite like the sledging cricketers do.

Its a veiled message which may not be acted upon but should not be taken lightly or ignored.
I don't think the Chinese political brass did not see it coming.The Chinese general would unlikely make that comment without due permission from the Politburo.This is an old,indigenous Chinese trick to speak with butter and sugar in your face and at the same time keeping you on the toe.

Its a veiled message which may not be acted upon but should not be taken lightly or ignored.

Can't agree more.They did exactly same thing again and again before.
I don't think the Chinese political brass did not see it coming.The Chinese general would unlikely make that comment without due permission from the Politburo.This is an old,indigenous Chinese trick to speak with butter and sugar in your face and at the same time keeping you on the toe.

Can't agree more.They did exactly same thing again and again before.

I don't think there is any way anything gets out to the media from a Chinese Military source without ' acceptance'.

The Govt I feel is in the loop.
Chinese leaders say one thing and their generals say a different thing.

Chinese generals say one thing and the Indian media says a different thing.

The general's comments could just as easily be described as "urging" or "advocating" rather than "warning", but the sensationalist Indian media has to hype everything up.
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