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China playing role in its own way


Jun 3, 2014
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Chinese ambassador in Dhaka tells The Independent about Rohingya crisis


China has expressed optimism that the Rohingya crisis will be settled amicably and peacefully as soon as possible, saying that Beijing is playing role in its own way to resolve the protracted problem.

Beijing has also described the relationship between the two countries as very good and it will be much closer in the coming years.

China, one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, is also of the view that the cooperation between the armed forces of Bangladesh and China is a strong pillar of the relationship, which has strengthened after the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Dhaka in October last year.

“China is ready to play a constructive role. In fact, China is already playing a role. But, our approach will be different from other countries. We’re working on our own way,” Chinese Ambassador in Dhaka Ma Mingqiang told The Independent on the occasion of 68th National Day of China today. “We hope the [Rohingya] issue will be settled as soon as possible in peaceful and amicable manner,” he said in the interview at the Chinese embassy in Dhaka on Thursday, hours before the United Nations Security Council held an urgent meeting in the UN headquarters in New York to find a solution to the problem.

The Chinese envoy highly appreciated Bangladesh for its efforts to look after the Rohingyas who crossed into Bangladesh to escape the atrocities orchestrated by the Myanmar security forces in Rakhine State bordering Bangladesh.

“I see people are in real need and Bangladesh has done a lot. I appreciate Bangladesh’s humanitarian efforts,” he said, reminding the country’s own challenges including early monsoon and recent flood.

“This influx of refugees [Rohingyas] is an added burden to Bangladesh,” he added.

The international community must come forward in support of Bangladesh and China is providing 250 tonnes of relief materials including much-needed tents keeping the upcoming winter in mind, said the ambassador.

Sharing his experiences, he said, “I visited Cox’s Bazar thrice since my arrival in Bangladesh. Beautiful seaside ... beautiful coastline ... some shabby shelters for refugees. It’s not compatible. It doesn’t suit well.”

Shedding lights on the bilateral relationship between the two countries, Ma Mingqiang described it as very good and it has been further strengthened after the visit of the Chinese president.

“I’m very happy with the state of relationship which is one of win-win and mutual benefits,” he said, adding that the best of relationship between the two countries is yet to come in the coming years.

“Strategic trust comes from equality and mutual respect. We regard Bangladesh as an equal friend,” he added.

The envoy further said, “China does not play the role of a big brother rather it plays the role of a real and equal brother.”

“Friendly and constructive cooperation between the armed forces of both the countries is a strong pillar of the bilateral relationship. Unless the armed forces of both the countries consider each other as friend, the relationship would not be that strong. So, that’s strong bond,” he said.

When asked about the progress of the projects under the agreements signed during the visit of the Chinese president, Ma Mingqiang said most of the projects are progressing well.

About One Belt One Road (OBOR), he said that Dhaka’s association with the initiative will economically connect with different countries to gain economic benefits.

On Indian’s reluctance about the initiative, he said that it is the choice of the individual country whether to join or not.

When asked about the ways to reduce the huge trade imbalance in favour of China, the ambassador laid emphasis on attracting more Chinese investments, diversification of export products and a free trade agreement (FTA) between Dhaka and Beijing.

Ma Mingqiang, however, mentioned that while Bangladesh’s exports to other destinations are showing a declining trend, Dhaka’s exports to Beijing is witnessing an increase of 30 per cent.

He also claimed that Chinese investments in Bangladesh has creased manifold in the last three years, and expressed confidence that China will be the largest investor in Bangladesh in the near future.

Apart from the trade and commerce aspects of the relationship, the envoy placed greater emphasis on people to people contact.

To a question, he said, “When we floated the idea of FTA, the Bangladesh government was non-responsive, but now their position appears to be a bit softer.”

Dhaka-Beijing to strengthen cooperation, says envoy
SAM Staff, October 16, 2017

Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Ma Mingqiang said the relations between Bangladesh and China reached such a height which will help expedite development efforts benefiting people of the two countries.

He also said China follows the policy of “unity and friendship” and is taking forward its relations with neighbours based on those principles.

Ambassador Ma was addressing a function at a city hotel titled ‘Forum on China’s ODA Training Programme of Bangladesh Young Diplomats’ on Saturday (Oct14).

The Chinese Ambassador said the basis of Bangladesh-China deep relations is mutual trust and equality.

He said an excellent relationship developed between the people of the two friendly countries which is helping economic and diplomatic relations to move forward.

Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haque, Foreign Service Academy Principal Syed Masud Mahmood Khundoker, Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy Li Guangjun were present, among others, at the event.

Some 90 officers participated in higher training courses in China since 2013. They visited Chinese Foreign Ministry, Foreign Service Institutes and gained knowledge on policy issues.

Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque thanked the Chinese government for giving young diplomats chance to get trained which he thinks will help boost their professional capacity.

He said there are many things that can be learned from China and laid emphasis on strengthening cooperation between the friendly two countries.
China wants peaceful solution to Rohingya crisis
Published at 11:43 PM October 25, 2017

'Their intention and commitment for sending them (Rohingyas) back is now stronger'
China wants to see a peaceful bilateral solution to Rohingya crisis and send them back to their homeland Myanmar, says an official on Wednesday.

“Their intention and commitment for sending them [Rohingyas] back is now stronger,” Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haque told reporters quoting Chinese special envoy of Asian Affairs Sun Guoxiang after their meeting.

He said Bangladesh raised their stance and he informed the Chinese envoy that six months ago when he came here, the number of Rohingyas was four lakh and now it is one million.

The foreign secretary said they (China) are very worried about the crisis thinking that it is not good for this region.

He, however, said the question of mediating by China into the crisis did not come up for discussion.

“We sought support in the areas where we need. We’re always optimistic and this time, too (regarding repatriation),” said the foreign secretary adding that he sees some positive signs.

He said the only issue discussed at the meeting was Rohingya and Bangladesh’s stance to send them back safely.

“Our stance is that their nationals will have to be taken back. It’s our one-point agenda. It’s unbearable burden. The Prime Minister (Sheikh Hasina) allowed them to stay here on the humanitarian ground. But their stay can’t linger,” he said.

Replying to a query what is China’s position on the issue, the foreign secretary said Myanmar and Bangladesh are both friends of China. “They want to bring a peaceful resolution working with the two friends.”
Sun Guoxiang, who arrived at 12:50am on Wednesday, will leave Dhaka for Beijing early Thursday.
Nothing tangible seen or felt on Chinese "own way" of doing things. In the mean time window is closing.
Nothing tangible seen or felt on Chinese "own way" of doing things. In the mean time window is closing.
China seems to be opposed to any outside interference inclusive of the U.N. However, they are also admitting that the Burmese Military junta will not succumb to the Chinese pressure.

The carefully drafted points of the Chinese spokesperson's is very similar to the Indian's recent comments.
I completely agree with you views, that "Time and Tide, waits for none".

Meanwhile Praying that the situation does not spiral out of the Chinese feeble control,while vested powers,seize the opportunity and turn this delicate region into another killing field or Graveyard of the Chinese Empire.
Meanwhile, BIMST-EC, BBIN,ALTID, TAR,BRI(OBER) incentives will turn into unfulfilled dreams,till these vital issues are amicably settled urgently.
Kindly note that Bangladesh will become an insignificant player in this situation.Similar to Pakistan during the Afghan issue, during the Russian invasion.
Hope my imagination is running wild and turns out to be a farce.
Beijing's media say China, India's aid can solve Rohingya issue
IANS . Beijing | Update: 18:44, Oct 16, 2017

India and China can jointly lead efforts to solve the Rohingya crisis by offering humanitarian aid to Myanmar's conflict-ridden Rakhine state, an article in the state-run media has said.

"Given the interests Beijing and New Delhi share with Myanmar, the two could cooperate in offering humanitarian aid to Rakhine state, assist Bangladesh in resettlement of refugees, enhance economic cooperation with Myanmar," according to the article in the Global Times.

"... China and India can also promote greater integration of trade and investment in the area, including the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor."

The exodus of Rohingyas to neighbouring Bangladesh began on August 25 when the Myanmar Army launched an offensive in the region following an attack by Rohingya rebels on multiple government posts.

"As Myanmar's neighbours, the last thing China and India want is terrorist violence on their doorstep. In the meantime, both countries are well aware of the complexity of the Rakhine ethnic and religious conflict, knowing it will take time for the government to solve such a complex question," the article stated.

"In terms of economics, there are more reasons for the two to cooperate. China's investment in Myanmar reached $18.53 billion in January 2017 and the country plays a unique role in Beijing's Belt and Road initiative.

"It is impossible for Beijing to remain indifferent. Nor can India's interests be divorced from peace and stability in a nation (Myanmar) that forms a bridge between South Asia and Southeast Asia," the article stated.

"Myanmar, the gateway for New Delhi's northeastern states to Southeast Asia, is crucial to India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Myanmar last month, during which the two sides inked a series of economic, trade, defence, energy and strategic agreements, is proof enough."

The support and sympathy offered by Beijing and New Delhi to Mynamar's ruling National League for Democracy party over its efforts to deal with the Rohingya crisis was portrayed by the Western media as a "scramble" for influence between China and India, the article said.

"The possibility of the two big countries (China, India) cooperating to help resolve the ethnic conflict in Myanmar went largely unnoticed, it said.
India loses the plot on the Rohingya issue: Hands the game to China
P K Balachandran, October 27, 2017

Suu Kyi with Bangladesh Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan
India appears to have lost the plot on the Rohingya issue. Despite having a measure of clout both in Bangladesh and Myanmar, and appeals by Dhaka to mediate, New Delhi has been found wanting in terms of ideas and action, with the result, China has stolen the initiative.

It is undoubtedly due to Beijing’s behind-the-scenes efforts that Bangladesh and Myanmar have begun to talk, and talk constructively to determine the fate of an estimated one million displaced Rohingyas, now living in gigantic camps spread over 2000 acres in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh.

Confusion over its relative interests in the two countries; what it should do to contain China; and systemic deficiencies in the decision making process; appear to have resulted in India’s losing the initiative to China.

As a result, China could gain ground in both Bangladesh and Myanmar at India’s expense. China and India both have vital economic and strategic interests in Bangladesh and Myanmar.

It is undoubtedly due to Beijing’s behind-the-scenes efforts that Bangladesh and Myanmar have begun to talk, and talk constructively to determine the fate of an estimated one million displaced Rohingyas.

India sent a fair amount of relief material to the Rohingya refugees. But it did little else to solve the basic issue which had led to the exodus from Myanmar to Bangladesh. New Delhi did not even suggest a way out of the crisis. It was more concerned about preventing the Rohingyas from entering India and throwing out the 40, 000 already in the country.

It was only very recently that External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said in Dhaka that the only way out is to help Myanmar develop Rakhine State economically.
But her solution was way off the mark.
She had missed the point entirely.

The central issue is not economic backwardness, as she believes, but is religious-cum-ethnic. The Myanmarese do not accept the Rohingyas as indigenous nationals but as illegal Bengali Muslim immigrants, who stand in sharp contrast to the majority community in Myanmar –the Myanmarese Buddhists.

The Rohingyas have been denied citizenship though they have a history of settlement in Rakhine State going back to the 12th. Century. They have not only been denied citizenship but have been subjected to movement restrictions. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Prince Zeid has described the exodus from Rakhine into Bangladesh as being the result of “textbook ethnic cleansing. ”

Dhaka called for mediation by India and China. But while China responded, India did not, for fear of annoying its new-found friends in Myanmar.

China sent its Special Envoy on Asian Affairs, Sun Guoxiang, to Dhaka. India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj was also in Dhaka for two days but she was more interested in the January 2019 parliamentary elections in Bangladesh, keen as India was in seeing that the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) contests the elections and not boycott it as it did in 2014. India wants to be able to play one Bangladeshi party against the other to promote its interests within the framework of parliamentary politics.

Sun Guoxiang, China’s Special Envoy
Dhaka called for mediation by India and China. But while China responded, India did not, for fear of annoying its new-found friends in Myanmar.

Significantly, Swaraj did not speak about the Rohingyas until she was asked to.

On the other hand, China has always had a clear cut and consistent policy on the Rohingyas. It has disapproved the practice of pointing fingers at one of the parties to the conflict. It has argued that international intervention will only complicate matters and has called for bilateral talks between Myanmar and Bangladesh to solve the issue between themselves.

China has had no suggestions to give to the two countries, but has only wanted them to thrash out the issues untrammeled by fears of international intervention.

International intervention by the West and the UN is anathema to the Myanmar military which actually rules the country.
And this view is shared by Suu Kyi also, because she looks at the Rohingyas in the same way as the military does.

The threat of international intervention in the form of economic sanctions also worried Myanmar, which is just about coming out of isolation to exploit its immense natural resources for its own growth and prosperity in a highly globalized world.

The US is toughening its stand on the Rohingya issue and is contemplating targeted sanctions.
The Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) is going to meet the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly which deals with human rights issues.
The UN Human Rights Council is to take up the issue in November.

In a way, Bangladesh too is wary of a broad spectrum international intervention under the aegis of the UN as it could vitiate bilateral relations with India and China. It also does not want anybody and everybody to come with relief fearing infiltration by intelligence agencies, saboteurs and Islamic radicals.

It is said that a leading Muslim organization from the UK had made a very attractive offer and was given permission to provide relief in the Cox’s Bazar refugee camps. But it was sent packing in a week because its staff were radicalizing the refugees in night classes held in the camps.
10-Point Program
It was apparently due to China’s efforts that Kyaw Tint Swe, Minister for the Office of the State Counselor, visited Dhaka earlier in October. Following that, this week, the Bangladesh Home Minister, Mohammad Asaduzzaman Khan visited Myanmar as the head of a 10-member delegation and had an hour’s talks with Suu Kyi.

As a result, a 10-point program to take back the one million Rohingyas who had fled Myanmar has been adopted

According to the Myanmar news portal Mizzima the bilateral agreement envisages “stopping immediately entry by Myanmar nationals into Bangladesh and repatriation of refugees at the earliest date and restoring normalcy in Rakhine Region for their resettlement.”

Both sides also agreed to finish by November, the formation of the Joint Working Committee, which was announced in Dhaka early in October.

This is exactly what Dhaka has been wanting. It has achieved a breakthrough, as it were. On Wednesday Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Md. Shahidul Haque met Chinese Special Envoy Sun Guoxiang. He told the media later: “China is concerned. They believe this is not good for this region. They want the issue to be settled peacefully. They want it to be settled bilaterally. ”

The Foreign Secretary said that he updated the Chinese official, who had last visited Bangladesh in April this year. He told Sun that the total number of Rohingyas in Bangladesh has now gone up to one million.

Asked if Myanmar has agreed to take back the Rohingyas any time soon, Haque said: “We are optimistic.”
01:48 PM, October 29, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 02:29 PM, October 29, 2017
Dhaka, Beijing to sit together to solve Rohingya problem: Envoy

Rohingya refugee sits outside a makeshift shelter at Kutupalong refugee camp in the Bangladeshi district of Ukhia on October 28, 2017. Photo: TAUSEEF MUSTAFA / AFP
UNB, Dhaka
Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Ma Mingqiang today said Bangladesh and China will sit together and solve the Rohingya problem.
"We also expressed our commitment that we stand with Bangladesh (regarding Rohingya problem). We do hope that this issue will be settled as soon as possible peacefully," he said.

The Chinese envoy was addressing a function at the Economic Relations Division (ERD) here marking the handover of acceptance certificate of Chinese firefighting equipment to Bangladesh with Chinese grant.

Ma Mingqiang signed the acceptance certificate on behalf of the Chinese side while the Secretary of the Disaster Management and Relief Md Shah Kamal on behalf of the Bangladesh side.

Noting that China faces different kinds of natural disaster like flood, drought and earthquakes every year resulting in billions of RMB Yunun every year, Ma Mingqiang said that Bangladesh also faces similar types of disasters. "Even today, you're also facing disaster...a serious problem of refugees."

Terming Myanmar and Bangladesh as friendly countries, the Chinese Ambassador said, "We hope our two brothers (Bangladesh and China) will sit down and solve this problem. I did see that there's some visible progress in terms of discussion."

Last month, the Chinese envoy said China has been maintaining close contact with Bangladesh on the influx of Rohingyas into Bangladesh from the Rakhine State of Myanmar.

"China has been maintaining close contact with Bangladesh Foreign Minister on this matter and we hope that the situation will calm down as soon as possible," said the Chinese ambassador while replying to a question on the influx of Rohingyas into Bangladesh.

He then said attacks on police in Rakhine State of Myanmar on August 25 have created this turbulent situation and Rohingyas have started coming to Bangladesh crossing the border. As a result, Bangladesh is facing suffering, he said, adding that China is also in trouble because there are Chinese investments in Myanmar.

Since August, hundreds of villages in Rakhine have been burnt down, with more than 600,000 Rohingyas fleeing across the border seeking shelter in Bangladesh.

Under an intense global pressure, Myanmar has agreed to repatriate "scrutinised" refugees who can prove their residence in Rakhine.

About the handover of firefighting and rescue equipment to Bangladesh, the Chinese envoy said the equipment include escalators, air compressors, generators and fork lifts.

Disaster Management and Relief Secretary Md Shah Kamal said that the equipment will help provide training to volunteers and other personnel on tackling disasters and conducting rescue operations.
MYANMAR committed crimes and pay compensations to CHINA

Min Khant
RB Opinion
November 7, 2017
The UNSC’s heartily and energetic effort in regard Rohingya issue, “the matter of life and death”, in the meeting hall was feel frustrated after the Republic of China’s indication to use its veto power for objection to the proposed resolution of the world BODY.

The Republic of China’s deliberate objection to the world united proposal to have a fine UNSC resolution to go ahead to save tens of thousands of Rohingyas’ live has been a steadfast ally of Myanmar de facto leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and S.G Min Aung Hlaing.

Those leaders and majority of Myanmar people want to cleanse the entire Rohingya population from their ancestral land and the Rohingyas carnage since 9 October 2016 to date have been seen and recognizable by all the people of the world.

The Republic of China has been a main GAME player in the matter of political and economic bubble of Myanmar since 1990, advocating Myanmar in international forums from taking actions by the world communities due to its crimes against humanities on all ethnic indigenous of Myanmar and nowadays CHINA has rudely shown its rebellious manner to the world accord regarding Rohingyas concern.

Right now, as known everyone, to solve Rohingya dilemma is completely up to the United Nations Security Council alone other than pushing or directing to regional organizations such as the Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN), South Asian Association of Regional Countries (SAARC), Organization of Islamic Corporation (OIC) or else, because of the fact that all those continuous efforts have been fagged out by Myanmar government and the Rohingyas issue ultimately becomes as the international central problem.

Knowing in mind that, as long as the world's most unsettled and complicated affairs have been discussed and reached to the unanimous agreement as final for the permanent settlement by the UNSC, nowadays Rohingyas case is similar to those of the world matters which might have been in the world history.

CHINA’s standpoints to the Rohingya problem in the forum of UNSC , which has been merely the issue of humanitarian nightmare, has arrogantly though been attached to its economic and geopolitical strategy of RAKHINE state to save and protect from any foreign powers, want the EXCUSES to step in Rakhine, MYANMAR.

Because of the CHINA’s constant solid-stand for whatsoever Myanmar regime comes to the power since 1990 to date, the world community has failed again and again in the UNSC meetings to adopt the necessary resolutions which could have been benefiting not only the fair democratic reform and flourishing of economy in the country, and the concerted actions of the world would have saved the golden Myanmar from being swallowed, exploited, sucked, and spoiled by CHINA, the natural and Human resources of Myanmar.

Whenever the problems arise in local and Myanmar regime, military leaders are being overwrought with their killing innocent people, and burning the villages, its leaders would quickly run and approach to the Chinese leaders to save and protect from the crimes, which they have committed against the ordinary people. China has been ever ready for such THE opportunities in Myanmar and it would protect, save, and prop up for the crimes that Myanmar authorities have committed to the fellow citizens in return for CLANDESTINE compensation, it is sure, no doubt.

Now situation of Myanmar is “to commit the multiple crimes against its people and the state of CHINA is to protect the criminals again and again in the world forum in response big reward “Strategic-ECONOMY”.

The Republic of China is the most populous nation in the world and more than one-fourth total of the world people are belong to the state of CHINA.
China is a lovely country and that is why it bears one and half billion populations in it, they do lovely with one another, and promoting economic beings faster than ever before, people guess China will replace the USA, which is the world no. 1 economy, within couple of years.
Things have been cheerful that CHINA becomes THE might in economy and hope leading to the world in the field of humanities.

The Republic of China knows that the Rohingyas are the most persecuted people in the world and the consecutive governments have been committing human rights violations against Rohingyas to be driving out, segregating in their localities and at last to be annihilating them right through brutal operations after operations, which have been clearly seen via the mobile-phone shots alone by the runners during their trekking to Bangladesh, with the exclusion of world journalists and photographers.

If all media of the word, journalists, and photographers were allowed to the localities, then the conscience people would have imagined how much extent of the dreadful, terrible, horrendous, and nasty scenarios would come out to the sight of the world communities.

Then, why doesn’t the Republic of China concentrate its humanitarian’s attitude to focus to the long standing suffering of Rohingyas people as in line principle of world community to have a final settlement for their peaceful, secured and dignified living in their ancestral land?
WHY is that?

In reality, the Republic of China should behave a norm of world standard through its practical cooperation with the world community to show its understanding and compassion to the persecuted Rohingyas people rather than shielding and sheltering the oppressive and suppressive Myanmar brutal regime.

While the entire Rohingyas people, ‘the matter of life and death’ is depend on the table of UNSC, the Republic of China has to choose the right direction more willingly than promoting oppositions to the world communities who want to save Rohingyas lives and continue to live in their land with dignity, peace, harmony and security.
The Rohingya issue has been kept in the limelight by the sheer effort of international community in some instance by the BD government.

Without doubt China is assisting in the process whist seeking to keep out UN. BD should co-operate with china but at the same time be steadfast in ensuring that EU and US continue the process of ostracising the Burmese monkeys and bring back sanctions.

UNSC does not really matter. The monkeys can be hurt in other ways.

It is better for all concerned that this issue is dealt with efficiently and quietly. BD needs to impress upon the Chinese that we want to cooperate with them and do not wish to jeopardise their investment in Burma. however there is a time limit to our patience, we will continue to garner muslim and world opinions against the Burmese monkeys and as necessary exercise other options as we see fit.
03:39 PM, November 08, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 03:45 PM, November 08, 2017
China to help Myanmar in Rakhine fencing

Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Ye Aung visited the construction site of border fencing in Taungpyo Letwei, Maungdaw on September 12. Photo: Eleven Myanmar
Star Online Report
China will help Myanmar to fence its Rakhine border with Bangladesh, local media reported today.
China’s Asean Economic and Cultural Association will help in border fencing at Rakhine to meet international standard and to work for regional development, the report said.

Personnel from Hintha Akari Co. from Myanmar, and the association went to Sittwe yesterday and met chairman of Rakhine State parliament and other officials and discussed the matter.

“They visited here to learn more about the current situation. This association is continuously reporting the situation in Rakhine,” said Nwe Nwe Aye, managing director of Hintha Akari Co.

“They will meet with heads of government on November 14 and implement their plans. They will utilize latest modern technology,” Nwe Nwe said.

In meeting with parliament speaker of Rakhine State, chairman of the association said that as China and Myanmar are neighbors, they are ready to help Myanmar in time of need.
12:00 AM, November 05, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 02:57 AM, November 05, 2017
Rohingya Crisis: China recipe not working

Rohingya refugees walk after crossing the Naf river at the Bangladesh-Myanmar border in Palong Khali, near Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh November 1, 2017. Photo: Reuters
Shakhawat Liton
The Chinese recipe for resolving the Rohingya crisis is not working.
Yet, Beijing is insisting on it.

Over the last 10 months, China has been speaking for resolution of the crisis through bilateral efforts between Bangladesh and Myanmar. After last year's brutal crackdown on Rohingyas by the Myanmar military, Beijing had also offered mediation between the two countries to resolve the crisis.

But, the continuous Rohingya influx into Bangladesh since last August after fresh violent military crackdown on them shows the Chinese recipe is not the right one.

Moreover, the Myanmar government's latest devious offer to take back only a few thousand Rohingyas through verification shows the ineffectiveness of the Chinese recipe.

Naypyidaw announced that repatriation of the Rohingyas must be done on the basis of verification of the refugees in line with the criteria agreed on by the two countries in a joint statement in 1992.

If the 1992 agreement is followed, only around 14,000 Rohingyas may get the chance of repatriation, if at all. As the Kofi Annan Commission set up by Suu Kyi this year reported that around 4,000 Rohingyas out of one million have been recognised as citizens or naturalised citizens. Around 10,000 more Rohingyas got national verification cards considered as a preparatory step towards citizenship. But the reality is that more than six lakh Rohingyas have already arrived in Bangladesh since August 25.

There is more of Myanmar's devious tactic. It has estimated it can take back only a handful of Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh per day through verification under the 1992 agreement, according to a report in the Irrawaddy on Monday.

“We can only process about 150 [refugees] in a checkpoint per day as we have to scrutinize and check their information,” said U Myint Kyaing, permanent secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population.

This means even if Myanmar agrees to take back more Rohingyas through bilateral efforts, the repatriation will be a lengthy process. Nobody knows when it will be completed.

The Chinese ambassador in Dhaka on October 29 however hoped for a peaceful resolution to the crisis soon. He also said: "We hope our two brothers will sit down and solve this problem. I did see that there's some visible progress in terms of discussion."

Earlier, in April this year, Chinese special envoy Sun Guoxiang, who visited Dhaka, urged Bangladesh to resolve the row with Myanmar bilaterally. He also said Beijing stood ready to help in the matter. The envoy urged Bangladesh not to internationalise the issue.

Six months down the line the special envoy visited Dhaka again last week with the same messages.

China has also been opposing foreign interference in Myanmar. Its policy has made the UN Security Council unable to take any action against the Myanmar military although the forces have been accused of conducting ethnic cleansing on the Rohingya.

In October last year, the Myanmar military launched a crackdown on Rohingyas that forced around 90,000 to cross border into Bangladesh. In February this year, China offered itself as a mediator between Myanmar and Bangladesh to resolve the crisis.

The Myanmar government has rejected the mediation offer. But China did not reassess its stance; rather it has kept backing Myanmar and insisting on resolving the crisis through bilateral means.

In March this year, China, backed by Russia, blocked a short UNSC press statement on Myanmar which would have “noted with concern renewed fighting in some parts of the country and stressed the importance of humanitarian access to all affected areas”.

After eruption of the ongoing violence on August 25, the UNSC sat at a close-door meeting at the end of August and discussed the situation. But the Chinese ambassador strongly opposed UN's involvement.

In the wake of global outcry against the atrocities, China and Russia allowed the Security Council to issue only a press statement urging Myanmar to end violence against the Rohingya. But due to their opposition, the statement was not strongly worded.

China and Russia again did not pay heed to the global outcry at the end of September's open meeting held amid exodus of Rohingyas to Bangladesh from Rakhine state of Myanmar and the UN chief's call for taking strong action.

Sticking doggedly to their stances, Beijing and Moscow rather questioned the UNSC's jurisdiction to take any measure and argued that any interference would worsen the situation in Myanmar.

China's deputy UN ambassador condemned “recent violent attacks” in Myanmar but said “there is no quick fix” to the plight of the Rohingyas.

In 2007 and 2009, China backed by Russia also killed measures in the UNSC. The draft resolutions would have urged Myanmar to ease repression and release political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi.

China, whose investment in Myanmar reached $18.53 billion up to January 2017 and considers Myanmar an important tool in its One Belt, One Road initiative, ignored the fact that its “strategic partner” Bangladesh is suffering because of the ethnic cleansing in Myanmar.

It has already become clear that the Chinese recipe for resolving the Rohingya crisis bilaterally could not improve the situation. One thing is however evident that China's policy keeps benefiting the Myanmar military, not Bangladesh, though the latter has been bearing the burden of the Rohingyas.

If China is sincere in wanting a resolution, it needs to make fresh efforts to change Myanmar's attitude towards the Rohingya. Beijing needs to intervene out of humanitarian concern and focus less on mere economic and commercial interests in Myanmar.
BD needs to begin training the rohingya in preparation for a military solution.
BD needs to begin training the rohingya in preparation for a military solution.

Yep young Rohingya men must be trained so they can one day lead the fight to take back their homeland.
Looks like China is more interested how to fence border than Myanmar taking back its citizens. In Myanmar issue (without sugar coating) China has ZERO credibility.

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