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China pips US as world’s No.1 investor in less than six months

Jun 12, 2014
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United States
United States
India should compete with China in investing in other countries. India has the brains and the money to invest and sign deals all around the world. I am very confident that with Modi-ji in charge, India will quickly surpass America and China to become the number one investor in the world. India will become a superpower by 2020!


China pips US as world’s No.1 investor in less than six months
BEIJING: China has overtaken the US by signing the highest number of overseas deals in less than six months of 2016. The deals, mostly for the purchase of foreign companies, amount to $110.8 billion. Chinese firms surpassed their own full-year record in 2015 when they spent $106.8 on foreign acquisitions, according to UK-based data provider Dealogic.

The Chinese firms were engaged in 17 deals worth more than $1 billion, while the rest were of lower valuations. Leading the pack was a $43-billion cash offer by China's National Chemical for the purchase of Swiss pesticide and seed company Syngenta.

The US has dominated the rankings in overseas acquisitions since 2007. Dealogic had predicted that China will surpass the US at the end of 2016, but it has met the projection six months ahead of time. China's acquisition spree is partly driven by the economic slowdown in the country. "The ongoing slowdown may be forcing Chinese companies to explore new avenues in overseas markets to sustain growth," Abdul Erumban, senior economist with the Conference Board, told TOI.

Chinese companies, many of which are flush with funds, are finding it difficult to identify suitable investment targets in their home country.

And, the anti-China tirade by politicians like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders has done little to hamper Chinese investments in the US. Financial compilers said Chinese companies acquired as many as 25 US and Canada-based firms last year, compared to just four in 2014 and nine in 2013.

Analysts also said Chinese investments overseas would more than double the 2015 record because companies are targeting over 1,000 foreign firms for acquisition in 2016. Last year, Chinese business groups took control of 598 companies, according to a financial compiler.

The Chinese government is also encouraging overseas investment in strategic sectors, which is evident in the fact that state-owned Chinese banks are extending loans worth billions of dollars to the acquired companies. One of the goals behind the drive is relocating China's excess manufacturing capacity to Africa, Latin America, Europe and elsewhere where capacities are needed.

"The Chinese leadership has a knack of making foreign investments by Chinese companies look as if these are for mutual benefit. Promises of Chinese investment and The world's second biggest economy flows of capital have long been vehicles of Chinese foreign policy," stated Mercator Institute for China Studies in Berlin recently.
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We want fdi for development of our economy not the opposite
We want fdi for development of our economy not the opposite

You are very true!

This is why Modi-ji and his capable ministers have been begging China for money. The competition for Chinese money is fierce. Many African, Southeast Asian, South American, and European countries are lobbying for Chinese investment. I'm confident that under Modi-ji's brilliant leadership, India will stand out from pack and attract the most Chinese investment.
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