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China-Pakistan : The End of the All-Weather Friendship?

thats not of friendship ..;)
you need routes and to keep in india check;)
well your policy will go in gutters coz u.s is not going to leave..;)
Weren't you telling us before how China can handle India single handed and doesn't need Pakistan to do so ? :azn:
Weren't you telling us before how China can handle India single handed and doesn't need Pakistan to do so ? :azn:

It can be interpreted in a different way. India is more powerful than Pakistan, more powerful than China. Therefore China alone cannot handle India and in addition we need Pakistan to level the playing field. :blink:
What relationship are you talking about?

China refused a $7 billion aid to Pakistan which had to run to the IMF for bailing it out of a debt trap.

Why should China provide aid in the first place to our corrupt Pakistani leaders ? ... Is the criteria of alliance or friendship that one country must provide hard cash to the other ? :azn:
If you are one of those , who believe that American aid reaches the common people ... Then you are deluded , because it goes to the numbered swiss accounts of our corrupt leaders ... and China gives us more investment in infrastructure and aid opportunities which can actually help the nation instead of making our corrupt leaders more rich ! ... Is it obliged to provide aid to us ? :azn: ... It isn't Beijing's fault that Pakistani economy is collapsing due to rampant corruption and thus needing someone to bail them out ... Chinese investment in Pakistan exceeds all expectations ... It will help us stand on our feet unlike the American aid with strings attached after then one becomes obliged to protect their interests ... The civilian nuclear deal with help nobody but the common Pakistani ... Thats what we need actually ...

> Then, whatever happened to the $200 million China had promised to Pakistan for flood relief? Only a little over $20 million have been disbursed so far. India has also handed over $20 million to Pakistan through the UN for flood relief!

Pak flood relief: China offers additional 30mn dollars, more troops and choppers - Yahoo!
Islamabad, Sept 7 (ANI): China has offered an additional aid of 30 million dollars for flood relief efforts in Pakistan, taking their total contribution to 500 million dollars, the Chinese ambassador in Pakistan, Lui Jian, has stated.
China will also send more troops and army helicopters for rescue operations in the flood-ravaged country, the Dawn quoted Jian, in a meeting with Pakistan Prime Minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani, as saying.
Jian also delivered a special message from the Chinese Prime Minister to his Pakistani counterpart.
Earlier, US President Obama's special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, had criticised Beijing for not doing enough to help Pakistan, and had appealed to them to "step up to the plate" to help Islamabad to cope with the floods, which have submerged nearly one-fifth of the country.
Pledging more aid for flood-hit Pakistan, China had said it would be sending more relief material for the thousands of people affected by the worst deluge to have hit the country in the past 80 years. (ANI)

You were talking about some $ 200 million ! :rofl: Did you think that nobody will check your figures ? Or prove here with sources that the aid never reached Pakistan ? :lol:

Better luck spreading propaganda next time ... :wave:

> A Chinese mining company pulled out of what was to be Pakistan's largest foreign-investment deal because of security concerns, complicating Islamabad's effort to position its giant neighbor as an alternative to the U.S. as its main ally. An official at China Kingho Group, one of China's largest private coal miners, said China had backed out in August from a $19 billion deal in southern Sindh province because of concerns for its personnel after recent bombings in Pakistan's major cities.

So what exactly has Chinese private firm's decision got to with China-Pakistan relationship ? :azn:
I am perfectly sure that you dont understand what risk assessment means ... Thats why you are using such absurd agreements ... Why would Chinese businessmen invest in a project in a area with worst law and order ? ... Would you do so ? ... Even a common Pakistani understand why foreign investors are reluctant to invest here at the moment ....

But then Sino-Pak relations are supposed to be deeper than the oceans, higher than the mountains and sweeter than honey! Think again. Get real! Its time to smell the coffee.

Maybe its time for you to get up and smell the coffee :P
Even India was :rofl: So should we do the same for you ? :lol:
..this U can think of ONLY after becoming South West Tibet...and after pakistan and two nation theory in dustbin..::azn::azn:
..So, since U are already thinking of the later events..that implies you have already executed the preceding activities
Mubarak Ho !! :laugh:
China,as I have posted in other thread, is a intelligent country.
For it , pakistan has the value till it can create nuisances / hurdles in India's path and keep India at safe distance from China.
If pakistan fails in this, it will not be of much importance (other than oil supply route) to Cina.
Once pakistan becomes a 'baggage', it would not hesitate to realign it's priorities. After all China, as a responsible country, has it's own and it's people interest to take care.
It may be true that China may be pakistan's last and only friend...but then pakistan would be a big dead weight for China to carry. China may also be aware of pakistan's parasitic nature. First it was US ..and now it mat be China.
China may also be aware of pakistan's parasitic nature. First it was US ..and now it mat be China.

We can decide those things for ourselves, thanks.

Pakistan is not costing us anything, in fact they are giving us plenty of help on our Western border, and also giving us investment opportunities for things that would be hard to sell to other markets, like nuclear reactors.
China has been good friends with Pakistan since its independence 64 years ago. Never had any problems unlike our relationships with India. India has single handedly destroyed its relationship with both countries and is going ape**** over the ever growing Sino-Pakistan relationship :P

India can accuse both of us all they want, but they cannot deny the fact that neither of us have ever attacked one another and have enjoyed 64 years of peaceful and trusted relationship. Both Chinese and Pakistanis can comfortably say without hesitation that we are both friends and we trust one another. It is only the Indians who is trying desperately to convince us otherwise. Their disgusting actions and evil intent sums up their relationships with us nicely.

Last but not least, don't think they have ever accused us of using Pakistan against them in our Chini-Hindi Bhai Bhai days :lol:
Indians get excited too fast over any news about Pakistan which has the magic words "Beijing". Pulling out investments is purely a matter of commercial nature and the company made their reasons obvious ie: the deteriorating security conditions. Which means the investment had a strong potential to return if the conditions were improved. Indians dont apply the same logic when it comes to closure of Apple and Dell call centers in India.
india is hostile to Pakistan forever. india is hostile to China forever. Therefore, Pakistan and China will be allies forever. The elephant is dangerous and destabilizing the subcontinent, threatening all its neighbors.

Historically China had a bad experience with western imperialism just Mughals had a bad experience with western imperialism. Today, China and Pakistan again are targeted by USA -- war on the Islamic World and containment of China.

China and Pakistan just happen to have the same enemies! And we have no issues dividing us. So of course we work together.
Pakistan is hostile to india forever. China is hostile to india forever. Therefore, Pakistan and China will be allies forever.

It is much deeper than that.

India is an irrelevant country, that has yet to beat even sub-Saharan Africa in terms of social indicators like poverty or starvation.

The alliance between China and Pakistan is much deeper than just having common enemies. Just like the ancient Silk Road, Pakistan is our link to the resource-rich Islamic world and the geopolitical pivot of Asia.
...pakistan was under western colonial power...:blink:
...So when are U sending the PLA there....:rofl:
..No need ...they are offering their country to U on platter...
..Lucky China...I'm jealous of Chinese luck...:laugh:
No! I guess U mistaken ...We gonna give Half India to China as a gift and keep the other half for us.......:D
Same can be said about the hatred of Indians towards Pakistanis

Let him be.

He tried arguing that China was not helping Pakistan in meaningful ways. When that idiocy was set to rest, the next tack was that China is helping Pakistan military control the country. When that silly canard was shot dead, he ran to his favorite sewer of "evil Mooslims" rant.

Blabbering about evil Moooslims is his way of nursing his wounds when he can't debate the topic at hand. He does it in every thread. Pretty soon we will hear more off-topic blabbering about kaffirs, identity crisis, and God-knows what else...

Just sit back and enjoy the spectacle!
China is our Natural brother and partner. As nature can't be changed hence the Western world can't break our brotherhood that is coming between us for the 5000years even before christ. The west don't even know what natural brotherhood is. They think everything is money thats why they don't have no human values and acts as butchers and animals gone out to kill the poor human races around the world.Between we/Pak-China money means nothing but human values and relationship/brotherhood means everything.......:smokin:
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