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China-Pakistan nuclear axis defies nonproliferation aims

The difference is, based on India's spotless non proliferation record, India received an exemption from NSG, passed by a majority vote of Nuclear suppliers group.

With all the Indian nuclear facilities(under this deal), will be for peaceful civilian use only(producing electricity) and will be under IAEA safeguard..where as there are no such restrictions on Pakistan..which usually uses its Chinese supplied reactors for military purposes.

Many american criminals buy their guns and amunitions with spotless records.

From the article:

India has been the main factor that has influenced China and Pakistan’s policies vis-a-vis each other.Whereas Pakistan wants to gain access to civilian and military resources from China to balance the Indian might in the subcontinent, China, viewing India as potential challenger in the strategic landscape of Asia, views Pakistan as it central instrument to counter Indian power in the region.

China and Pakistan have to advance and carry on their own policies with or without india or japan. Pakistan wants to build its infrastructure which includes electricity supply urgently. China is there to help. What is wrong with that? If japan or another country who can provide the same or better works to the builiding of the plants, I am sure Pakistan will enter into contracts with the other country, not with China. This "conspiration" theory is just sick to the core!

But with India’s ascent in global hierarchy and American attempts to carve out a strong partnership with India, China’s need for Pakistan is only likely to grow.

india can go on their own diplomatic relationships with any country. The same applies to China and Pakistan. It is not a zero-sum game. The article is the most narrow-minded and very short-sighted
Many american criminals buy their guns and amunitions with spotless records.

What Nonsense!!..what has that to do with Indian non proliferation record?

From the article:

China and Pakistan have to advance and carry on their own policies with or without india or japan. Pakistan wants to build its infrastructure which includes electricity supply urgently. China is there to help. What is wrong with that? If japan or another country who can provide the same or better works to the builiding of the plants, I am sure Pakistan will enter into contracts with the other country, not with China. This "conspiration" theory is just sick to the core!

india can go on their own diplomatic relationships with any country. The same applies to China and Pakistan. It is not a zero-sum game. The article is the most narrow-minded and very short-sighted

The problem is that China is a NPT signatory and a member of NSG..hence it has an obligation to respect these treaties.

If China wants to sell Pakistan, nuclear reactors and nuclear fuel, then it should get a NSG waiver for Pakistan..like the one US arranged for India.

Or is it, that china does not carry diplomatic clout to swing such a deal for Pakistanis and hence has to resort to such under the table deals, to be seen as a viable American replacement to Pakistanis.
What Nonsense!!..what has that to do with Indian non proliferation record?

I am just making an analogy

Your spotless claim means nothing. It may be even dangerous for "spotless" non NPT nations to acquire important nuclear technologies for the sake of intimidating or harming their rival nations which are lack of or behind in nuclear technology

The problem is that China is a NPT signatory and a member of NSG..hence it has an obligation to respect these treaties

Countries like usa has already violated that and mentioned by posters above

If China wants to sell Pakistan, nuclear reactors and nuclear fuel, then it should get a NSG waiver for Pakistan..like the one US arranged for India.

As China is a member of NSG, the onus will be on the rest of the members of the NSG to approve the deal if they respect the significance of maintaining equal standard of similar deal between the usa and india

Or is it, that china does not carry diplomatic clout to swing such a deal for Pakistanis and hence has to resort to such under the table deals, to be seen as a viable American replacement to Pakistanis.

no need to provoke "diplomatic clout" and to make mean speculation on "under the table" deals. There is still a lot of works going on even you guys are prematurely cheerleading on the japanese "conspiracy theory" article which attempts to cast bad lights on a genuine need for the faciltities of the acquiring country for the welfare of its people and for the sake of humanity
I am just making an analogy

Your spotless claim means nothing. It may be even dangerous for "spotless" non NPT nations to acquire important nuclear technologies for the sake of intimidating or harming their rival nations which are lack of or behind in nuclear technology

Countries like usa has already violated that and mentioned by posters above

As China is a member of NSG, the onus will be on the rest of the members of the NSG to approve the deal if they respect the significance of maintaining equal standard of similar deal between the usa and india

no need to provoke "diplomatic" clout and to make mean speculation on "under the table" deals. There is still a lot of works going on even you guys are cheerleading on the japanese "conspiracy" article which attempts to cast bad lights on a genuine need for the faciltities of the acquiring country for the sake of its people and humainity

A Clean non proliferation record obviously means a lot..to the nations which 'matter' in the international arena..that is why India got a NSG waiver.

World respects India, despite being a NPT non signatory (because of NPT's discriminatory character) ..Indian has adhered to its principal of non proliferation of nuclear know how.

You shall realize the significance holding 'clean record', if China were to try and swing such a deal for Pakistanis.

Pakistan's chances of receiving similar NSG waiver(even with full Chinese support) are next to none..because of its proliferation past.
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