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China-Pakistan economic corridor violates India’s territorial integrity: India to UN

Who cares Pakistan ain't never getting Kashmir and push come to shove, we wont give water. Go complain to the same UN.. for action lol
Who cares Pakistan ain't never getting Kashmir and push come to shove, we wont give water. Go complain to the same UN.. for action lol

yeah cant argue with that . right
its not like occupied jammu and kashmir is boiling with domestic grown freedom struggle.
the beauty is the the more indian security forces show brutality, the more hatred will grow for them in the area.
yeah cant argue with that . right
its not like occupied jammu and kashmir is boiling with domestic grown freedom struggle.
the beauty is the the more indian security forces show brutality, the more hatred will grow for them in the area.

Domestic? Haha you wish! You havent seen the hatred of Other Indians yet trust me when you do there will be an exodus to pakistan or everyone will come to settle and buy up Kashmir

We will see about that, you Indian trash.
The Kashmir conflict is far from resolved.[/QUOT

Trash? Dont get me started, its over before it started! You think this conflict is hard to shut down lol? You had congress in power doing shit and the forces had to fight with their hands tied unlike yours in baloch dirty $hit
yeah cant argue with that . right
its not like occupied jammu and kashmir is boiling with domestic grown freedom struggle.
the beauty is the the more indian security forces show brutality, the more hatred will grow for them in the area.

The problem is if you justify the actions then the responsibility lies on you to justify the cause.

I guess that’s where the debate is right now.
CPEC: India hits out at China, Pak

Geneva [Switzerland], Sept 24 (ANI): In a veiled reference to Beijing and Islamabad over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) initiative, New Delhi on Monday expressed concerns, saying that no country can accept a project that ignores its core concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity.
First Secretary Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, Mini Kumam, said that the international community is well aware of India's position.
Speaking at the 39th UN Human Rights Council, Kumam said, "India shares international community's desire for enhancing physical connectivity and believes that it should bring greater economic benefits to all in an equitable and balanced manner. Regarding the so-called 'China-Pakistan Economic Corridor', which is being projected as the flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative, the international community is well aware of India's position. No country can accept a project that ignores its core concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity."
The USD 63 billion project has been time and again criticised by India since it passes through disputed Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (P0K) region.
In response, China had said that it had respected all territorial laws and that the issue was an "internal matter" between New Delhi and Islamabad. (ANI)
India’s actions in Afghanistan, occupation of our Kashmiri relatives’ lands, and proxy terrorism in Pakistan violate our sovereignty.

India, go to Jahannum. Remember 1971? Biggest hypocrites. We have a debt to repay.
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