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China, Pakistan agree to stand by each other

china and PAKISTAN are neighbors with very close relations and element of need works as bond.
they both need each other to withstand up coming challenges.
china need to invest in projects like dams and power houses to resolve our energy issue.

Not at all mate..not if its useless China.
for u china may be useless, but for us China is useful and is our best buddy........ so no need to be envious .........
an alliance with a dying china is faar better than any "alliance" with a porker euro swine nation

the usual butthurt indian replies follow ... im still amazed that these indians outnumber Pakistanis on this forum ...
We don't need a third country to dictate our level of meetings. That's nonsense.

There are also other dignitaries in the Boao Forum during which all the participating countries are free to determine which level of national representative are most suitable for the meeting. The trust between China and Pakistan is so strong that both do not consider it is much of an issue.

Both China and Pakistan have had numerous summit meeings in the past. It is best time for Li to meet Gilani face to face on this convenient occasion in BoAo Forum when Hu is on a mini-Asia tour and Wen is in house taking care of national business.

why even giving clearifications??

u still dont understand the intentions of this indians?
BEIJING: Renewing their all weather friendship China and Pakistan today said they would stand by each other "in all circumstances" and vowed to uphold their sovereignty and territorial integrity at all costs.
So, what's new? Nothing to see here. Move on........:pop:
Actually their government know this very well .... But how can you teach fanboys here ???

Guess who they went to after the chinese rejection ? Russia LOL.
not against anyone but we are developing a 2500km missile will finish 2014 maybe 5000km in 2017 or somin

Allow me to shed a little light on this purely hypothetical issue. It would be a very difficult point if Pakistan has to choose between China and Turkey. As Pakistan's long time friend, China will not force Pakistan to do anything against Pakistan's will. So it is her decision.

But to begin with, Turkey need to develop a missile with the range of at least 3000 miles to draw China's attention on your 'problems'.

Li is scheduled to be the PM of China for the next Five years for sure (and maybe next 10 years).
Mostly words. They have hardly done anything out of ordinary for Pakistan.
1) The best friend has never cared to donate some money to a struggling Pakistan.
2) They have never helped them in any war.
3) They did not provide any serious help like the american during flood.
Yes there are quite a few instances..China as we all know is very good at warnings..then US attacked Pakistani soldiers killing 26 of them for nothing...China said "We condemn it":kiss3: and then Osama hunting,drone strikes...China really hasn't transformed its words into action
So why did China not stand by Pakistan on the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline finance?

Chinese Bank Pulls out of Pakistan-Iran Pipeline - China Digital Times (CDT)

Sycophancy has its limits. Smart Pakistanis will slowly but surely see through the emotional rhetoric. Lets hope Pakistan doesn't make the same mistake with CHina that it made with the US 50 years ago.

Boy, you Indians just don't know when to quit, do you ?

Please don't strain and stress yourself with our relationship with our most important Ally ( China )and please mind your own business.

We don't need your patronizing BS and your attitude of " India knows Best ".

We are a smart nation and can discern the difference between a true friend like China and an Opportunist country like India.

Thank you for your FAKE CONCERN. :china::pakistan:
^^^^ Dont' attack me, address the point I raised in my post.

Let me Ask you a question Brother Ottoman-Turk about a situation that has a higher likelihood than the one you presented.

What if NATO/USA attacks Pakistan ? Do you think your Turkish Government will side with Pakistan or NATO ?

Would Turkey leave NATO and fight Nato alongside Pakistan ?
Boy, you Indians just don't know when to quit, do you ?

Please don't strain and stress yourself with our relationship with our most important Ally ( China )and please mind your own business.

We don't need your patronizing BS and your attitude of " India knows Best ".

We are a smart nation and can discern the difference between a true friend like China and an Opportunist country like India.

Thank you for your FAKE CONCERN. :china::pakistan:

u r giving advive to wrong pplss...:)

they are taught from their childhood to poke their nose in every one's afairs & blame others for their own failure....

BTW sometimes i feels the way israel/US is using india, indians can do any thing to apease their masters...:D
Let me Ask you a question Brother Ottoman-Turk about a situation that has a higher likelihood than the one you presented.

What if NATO/USA attacks Pakistan ? Do you think your Turkish Government will side with Pakistan or NATO ?

Would Turkey leave NATO and fight Nato alongside Pakistan ?

Well....After Salala attack, Turkish govt did support Pakistan's stance and distanced from the official NATO position.. We must regard them for tht...

.. Also, I sincerely hope tht such situation never ever arises as Ottoman Turk presented....tht theres ever a serious conflict b/w China and Turkey... But if we assume, such hypothetical situation, It will not be only a great dilemma from Pakistani govt, but also for the Pakistani public, whom to side with...unlike situations, where Pakistani govt, is on one side and the public on the opposite...even if we consider Afghan situation, it was always the Pakistani govt, who sided with Americans and helped them in occupying Afghanistan, whereas most the Pakistanis didnt agree with this policy..of helping America to occupy Afghanistan, where we had a friendly govt... Even today, most Pakistanis, want govt to get out of this alliance with America... But God forbid, if ever a situation arises, where Turkey and China, get in a conflict, then like the govt, even public will be in a dilemma, whom to support...In every conflict, one side is the winner and the other loses...and u always want one side to win...but... Turkey and China, both are such friendly countries, tht we wouldnt wish bad for either of the country..Turkey is a brother Muslim country... We have our ties with Turkish brothers, even before independence of Pakistan..we have always had great historical ties with them.. Pakistan and Turkish govts always had excellent relations... And China, also has been a strongest ally of Pakistan, which has supported Pakistan through every thick and thin....Both Turkey and China, have extreme popularity amongst Pakistanis..as true friends of Pakistan..unlike America...We wish prosperity and progress for both China and Turkey...God forbid if any conflict arises, Pakistani govt will most probably encourage both countries to negotiate, and avoid escalating situation in greater interest...and make peaceful solution..Pakistani govt will most enthusiastically and genuinely play the role of a mediator..bcoz no one else will be as affected by it as Pakistan..bcoz u always hate when your two brothers have a conflict.....whereas the enemies always try to take advantage..so we will know exactly, whom will try to take advantage of such situation...But both China and Turkey are peace loving countries....both are mature unlike the war mongering America...so i dont visualise such a situation...even in the distant future...and Inshallah...it will never happen
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