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Giant neutrino telescope to open window to ultra-high-energy universe

Creation and propagation of ultra-high energy particles in the Universe. CREDIT: ©Science China Press

The long-sought, elusive ultra-high-energy neutrinos, ghost-like particles that travel cosmological-scale distances, are key to understanding the Universe at the highest energies. Detecting them is challenging, but the Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND), a next-generation neutrino detector is designed to find them.

A decades-old mystery: where are the most energetic particles coming from?

A major open question in astrophysics for the past fifty years has been the origin of the most energetic particles known to us, the ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). These are electrically charged particles - protons and atomic nuclei - of extraterrestrial origin. Their energies are millions of times higher than those of the Large Hadron Collider.

The most energetic UHECRs have energies of 1019 eV or more . This is about the kinetic energy of a football (soccer ball) kicked by a professional player, concentrated in the size of an atomic nucleus. UHECRs are likely made in powerful cosmic accelerators - like active supermassive black holes and supernovae - located outside the Milky Way, at distances of a few Gigaparsecs (109 parsec ~ 1013 km), in the far reaches of the observable Universe. However, despite our efforts, no individual source of cosmic rays has been identified so far.

The reason is two-fold. First, because cosmic rays are electrically charged, they are bent by the magnetic fields that exist in the intergalactic space and inside the Milky Way. As a result, the direction with which they arrive at Earth does not point back to their origin. Second, during their trip to Earth, UHECRs randomly interact with cosmic photon fields that permeate the Universe - notably, with the cosmic microwave background. In the interactions, UHECRs are either completely destroyed - and so never arrive at Earth - or lose a significant amount of energy - which further aggravates their magnetic bending.

Fortunately, the same interactions also produce secondary ultra-high-energy neutrinos as a by-product. Those we can use as a proxy to finding the sources and properties of UHECRs.

Ultra-high-energy neutrinos

Neutrinos are elementary particles with unique properties: they are light, electrically neutral, and hardly interact with matter or photons. This makes it difficult to detect them. But it also means that, unlike cosmic rays, ultra-high-energy neutrinos are not bent by magnetic fields, nor are they destroyed or lose energy in interactions with cosmic photons. Because the Universe is not opaque to them, they are able to reach Earth even at the highest energies, and from the most distant locations.

Neutrinos inherit about 5% of the energy of their parent UHECRs. Therefore, neutrinos of energies around 1019 eV (10 EeV, with 1 EeV = 1018 eV) are created from UHECRs of energies 20 times higher, which do not reach Earth, unless they are produced nearby Therefore, by studying EeV neutrinos, we indirectly study 200-EeV cosmic rays, at the very end of the observed cosmic-ray energy spectrum. Because these cosmic rays are unlikely to reach Earth, neutrinos provide the only viable way to study them and their sources.

Ultra-high-energy neutrinos produced in the interactions of UHECRs with the cosmic microwave background en-route to Earth, are called cosmogenic neutrinos. See Figure 1. Their energy spectrum encodes information about their parent UHECRs - notably, their energy distribution mass composition, and the maximum energy that they reach. Cosmogenic neutrinos also carry information about the population of UHECR sources - their number density and distances - that can help narrow down the list of candidate UHECR source classes. In addition to cosmogenic neutrinos, ultra-high-energy neutrinos can also be produced in interactions that take place inside the UHECR sources. These neutrinos, unlike cosmogenic ones, would point back to individual sources when detected at Earth, so they are capable of revealing individual UHECR sources.

Yet, so far, ultra-high-energy neutrinos have eluded detection. In recent years, it has become clear that their flux is likely so low that a large neutrino detector - larger than the ones that currently exist - is needed in order to discover and study them. GRAND is such a detector and is especially designed to tackle this challenge.

GRAND: An ambitious next-generation observatory of ultra-high energies

GRAND is an ambitious next-generation large-scale neutrino detector especially designed to discover ultra-high-energy neutrinos, even if their flux is very low. It will achieve this by using extensive arrays of radio antennas to detect the distinct radio signals made by ultra-high-energy neutrinos that interact in the Earth's atmosphere.

Neutrinos ordinarily interact feebly with matter and are able to travel through the Earth without being stopped. However, the probability of neutrinos interacting with matter grows with their energy. Hence, ultra-high-energy neutrinos that arrive at Earth have a significant chance of interacting underground, inside the Earth.

When one of the three known types of neutrinos - "tau neutrinos" - interacts underground, it produces a short-lived particle - a "tau lepton" - that exits into the atmosphere. There, it decays and creates a shower of new particles, including many billions of electrons and positrons that, under the influence of the Earth's magnetic field, emit an impulsive radio signal in the MHz frequency range. This signal can be detected using rather simple antennas sensitive in the 50-200 MHz regime. This is the detection principle of GRAND. It is illustrated in Figure 2.

Because the expected flux of ultra-high-energy neutrinos is very low, we need a huge detector to increase the chances of detection. Therefore, GRAND is designed to cover a total area of 200,000 km2 with antennas, making it the world's largest radio array. Moreover, GRAND will be sensitive to similar radio signals created by ultra-high-energy cosmic rays and gamma rays, making it a versatile ultra-high-energy observatory, not just a neutrino detector.

For years, the technique of radio-detection of ultra-high-energy particles has been explored by other experiments, like the Pierre Auger Observatory and LOFAR. However, the sheer scale of GRAND represents a logistical challenge. We will meet it by building GRAND in stages of progressively larger arrays. At each stage, the science goals and the research and development (R&D) will go hand-in-hand.

Presently, GRANDProto300, a 300-antenna engineering array, is under construction near the town of LengHu in the QingHai province of China. It will already be sensitive enough to study the transition energies at which the origin of the observed cosmic rays starts being dominated by extragalactic sources. It will also search for transient radio signals from astrophysical events such as fast radio bursts and giant radio pulses.

The next stage, GRAND10k, will consist of 10000 antennas. It will be the first stage of GRAND large enough provide the first chance of detecting ultra-high-energy neutrinos. The construction of GRAND10k is expected to start in approximately five years. GRAND10k will also detect record numbers of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays and achieve the best sensitivity for ultra-high-energy gamma rays.

The final, target stage, GRAND200k will consist of 200,000 antennas. These antennas will be set-up in several ( approximately 20) different "hotspots", that is, favorable, radio-quiet locations in the world. At this stage, GRAND will reach its full physics potential, notably, the best sensitivity to ultra-high-energy neutrinos. GRAND200k is planned for the 2030s. The rich science case and challenging R&D required to create GRAND is attracting scientists from different countries to work together. Steps to formalize the GRAND organizational structure through Memoranda of Understanding between different institutes are being prepared. In addition, the QingHai government is providing the necessary infrastructure and it ensures that the GRAND10K site will be free of man-made background sources. In addition to bringing great science, GRAND may also become a successful example of a truly world-wide scientific collaboration under Chinese leadership.


Giant neutrino telescope to open window to ultra-high-energy universe | EurekAlert! Science News
Construction of gravitational wave telescopes in Tibet underway

March 13, 2018

China is under smooth progress towards the world's highest altitude gravitational wave telescopes in Tibet Autonomous Region to detect the faintest echoes resonating from the universe, a project insider disclosed.

The main part for the first stage of the "Ngari plan", which was launched by China in March 2017 to eyeball the Big Bang cosmic waves at Ngari, Tibet, is almost completed, Zhang Xinmin, chief scientist of the project said on the sidelines of the ongoing first session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

The project will start operations in 2020 and observation results will arise in 2022, added Zhang, a senior researcher at the Institute of High Energy Physics in the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

At the first stage of the two-phased project, a telescope code-named Ngari No.1 would be constructed at 5,250 meters above sea level to enable the first measurement of primordial gravitational waves in the northern hemisphere, according to the scientist.

The first telescope is expected to be installed at the end of 2019 and operational in 2020, added Zhang, also a member of the 13th CPPCC National Committee.

The second stage, according to him, involves a series of telescopes, code-named Ngari No. 2, to be located at an altitude of about 6,000 meters, to realize more accurate measurement of the waves.

Chinese scientists are now working on design of the first telescope with a team of Stanford University, and they would cooperate more in the future, he said.

The primordial gravitational waves, different from gravitational waves produced by motions and evolution of the heavenly bodies, were generated by the first tremors of the Big Bang.

Detection of the primordial gravitational waves is of great significance to studying the origin and evolution of the universe, said Zhang.

Ngari is considered as one of the world's four best places for astronomers to gaze into the faint echoes from the earliest days of the universe given its thin air, clear skies and minimal human activity.

The other three spots to detect the tiny twists in cosmic light are Atacama Desert, Chile and Antarctica in the southern hemisphere, as well as Greenland in the northern hemisphere.

The Ngari observatory, once constructed, will be the first of its kind in the northern hemisphere for China to carry out experiments regarding detection of primordial gravitational waves.

By then, the Ngari observatory, alongside the existing South Pole Telescope and the facility in Chile’s Atacama Desert, will cover both the northern and southern hemispheres.

Both space exploration and ground-based research have been employed by China to gaze into the remote universe.

The telescope in Ngari and FAST, a 500-meter aperture spherical radio telescope in southwest China’s Guizhou province, dedicate to probing waves from ground-based research facilities, while the Taiji and Tianqin projects, proposed by CAS and Sun Yat-sen University respectively, focus on detection by launch of satellites.


▲ The Ngari Observatory


▲ The Ngari Observatory at night



China's Next Observatory At Ngari To Beat Mauna Kea, the Atacama Desert

Jeff's Journey To The Stars

12 October 2019 at 7:25 PM ·

A timelapse at 5100 meters above sea level in Ali Observatory, Tibet, China The World at Night - TWAN. Ali observatory would be the one of the highest permanent astronomical perch on Earth's surface. Preliminary weather and atmospheric data suggest that Ali would rival high-altitude facilities at Mauna Kea, the Atacama Desert in Chile, and in the Canary Islands.



Yala Snow Mountains Deep Sky Nightscape


https://archive.is/IzmWd/f7ab072b7ae37475318e2543070db52e99abd566.jpg ; https://archive.is/IzmWd/f83001662860c4bfa2ea197dfa3d1bc9e75a9452/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191031...ff-Dai-M42-Orion-Nebula-rising_1572422162.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191031...gallery.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=157108 ; http://archive.ph/U5i4x
1. Orion Nebulae. Taken by Jeff Dai on October 29, 2019 @ SICHUAN, China


After the deep sky nightscape work at 2014, i try to capture a closer view of Orion nebulae for a long time. Here is my satisfied result taken at last night (October 29th). In order to get this shoot, we have to be at the right place and the right time. With the help of Planit photography app, we calculated the Orion Nebulae (M42), snow mountain, people and camera appear at the same line. 
Watching the nebulae rise above the one of the Yala snow mountains (5820m above sea level) and appear in the screen of camera is an exciting experience. The image was taken by a 400mm lens. As you probably know, the lens view is only 6°10′ degree. There is only 2 minutes timing for this shoot. The image was taken by two soft composite images (one traked + one fixed) in 400mm ISO25600, F5.6 , 20s, and shoot by Canon EOS 6D + EF100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS II USM. Copyright by: Jeff Dai, Wangzheng and Papajames. Wish you enjoy the view.





China to Build Earth-Space Economic Zone Providing USD10 Trillion of Services a Year

DATE : Nov 01 2019/SOURCE : yicai

(Yicai Global) Nov. 1 -- China plans to build an Earth-Space Economic Zone by the year 2050 to bolster development of the space resource, station and travel sectors and offer paid services worth USD10 trillion a year.

The zone will cover areas of space near Earth, the moon and in between, Science and Technology Daily cited Bao Weimin, director of China Aerospace Science and Technology's sci-tech commission, as saying at a company conference yesterday. CAST is a state-owned company focused on researching, making and launching carrier rockets, satellites, spacecraft and space stations.

Companies involved in basic industries, application exploration and development will feature at the zone, which will focus on three key fields: interspace transport, space resource detection and space-based infrastructure, he added.

China will need to strive to complete its basic research in these fields by 2020, make breakthroughs in key technologies by 2030, and have a robust, low-cost space transport system in place by 2040 in order to make the zone a reality, Bao said.


By 2030, China forecasted with $64.2 trillion GDP (PPP), will lead the world, far ahead of India's second place with only $46.3 trillion, and more than double of the U.S.' $31 trillion at the third place.

Meanwhile, far behind with $7.9 trillion Russia will only rank 8th, along Japan's 9th place with $7.2 trillion.

1. Top 20 Country GDP (PPP) History & Projection (1800-2040)
This video shows the Top 20 countries with highest GDP PPP from 1800 to 2040 based on 2011 international dollars. It gives a brief history of the world since the 1800s. China and India were ahead before the 1900s while the US started leading after the 20th century.



13:52, 27-Oct-2019
The Long March 5 Y-3 carrier rocket arrives at launch site
By Wu Lei


The National Space Administration announced that the Long March 5 Y-3 carrier rocket safely arrived in south China's Hainan Wenchang Qinglan Port on October 27.

After completing a series of assembly and testing work, the rocket will be launched from the Wenchang space launch site.

Yuanwang 21 and 22 vessels. /CGTN Photo

The rocket transport fleet, consisting of the Yuanwang 21 and 22 vessels belonging to the China Satellite Maritime Survey and Control Department, set sail from Tianjin Port on October 22. After five days and nights of sailing under the complex sea conditions and harsh environment, it arrived safely at the Qinglan Port Terminal in Wenchang, Hainan.

The rocket will then be transported to the Wenchang Space Launch Site by road transport and will carry out preparations for the launch site mission following the plan.
今天 08:10 来自 HUAWEI P30 Pro

At 10 am on November 2, an AN-124 landed at Haikou Meilan Airport.


Note: The plane is rumored to be delivering the Shijian-20 satellite due to be launched by Long March 5 late this year.

From 9ifly.cn,

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China conducts simulated weightlessness experiment for long-term stay in space
Source: Xinhua| 2019-11-04 09:48:13|Editor: Wang Yamei

XIAMEN, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- Thirty-six healthy male volunteers lay on beds with their heads low and feet high for 90 days for an experiment to simulate weightlessness that will pave the way for Chinese astronauts' long-term stay in space.

The number of people simultaneously participating in such an experiment was a world record, Li Yinghui, deputy chief designer for the astronaut system of China's manned space program, recently told the first China Space Science Assembly in Xiamen, east China's Fujian Province.

The Earth Star-2 experiment, conducted by the China Astronaut Research and Training Center, is preparation for China's space station, which is expected to be completed around 2022.

When the body is recumbent for a long time, fluid moves to the head and chest, and the leg bones and muscles are less active and stimulated, similar to the body changes of astronauts in space due to weightlessness, said Li.

"In the experiment, we can study cardiovascular dysfunction, bone loss, muscle atrophy, endocrine disorders and other medical problems under the conditions of weightlessness in space," she said.

"The experiment could provide scientific data on the impact of long-term weightlessness on the human body, and help us test the effectiveness of the protection measures for astronauts," Li said.
NEWS | 30 APRIL 2019
China plans mission to Earth’s pet asteroid | Nature
Spacecraft will return samples to Earth and be open to researchers around the world.

China’s space agency wants to send a craft to a rock that loops around Earth.Credit: Xinhua/eyevine

China has set its sights on deep space. The China National Space Administration (CNSA) is planning a robotic mission that would return samples from an asteroid and visit a comet — and it has invited international researchers to take part.

The ten-year mission, which has yet to be formally approved by the government, could launch from 2024, CNSA’s international cooperation manager Yang Ruihong told Nature.

Japan and the United States both currently have spacecraft orbiting asteroids and, in 2010, Japan’s Hayabusa mission became the first to bring samples of asteroid material back to Earth.

The CNSA wants to encourage foreign research institutions to propose scientific payloads that could fly on its mission — either developed independently or in collaboration with Chinese partners, according to details published by the agency on 19 April.


The asteroid mission would put a probe on the rock 2016 HO3, and would later return to Earth’s orbit and drop a sample-containing capsule back to the ground. The small asteroid — also known as Kamo‘oalewa, a Hawaiian name that refers to an oscillating celestial object — is thought to be less than 100 metres across and was discovered in 2016. It is classed as a quasi-satellite: it loops constantly around Earth, but is too far away to be considered a normal satellite (see ‘Earth’s pet rock’). The maximum distance from Earth to HO3 is around 100 times the distance to the Moon.

After visiting HO3, the Chinese craft would undertake a seven-year journey beyond Mars, to the Solar System’s asteroid belt. There, it would study the comet 133P/Elst–Pizarro, which is sometimes also classified as an asteroid because of its location. However, like a comet, 133P releases dust and gas to create a ‘tail’.

The mission aims to find clues about the formation and evolution of small bodies in the Solar System and their interaction with the solar wind. It also intends to compare their compositions with those of material on Earth, to illuminate the origins of life on our planet, says the CNSA.

In February, Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa2 touched down on the surface of asteroid Ryugu to collect a sample that it hopes to return next year. Meanwhile, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx is making a detailed study of a smaller target, the asteroid Bennu, before attempting to collect a sample in 2020.
China to meet challenges of exploring asteroid, comet
Source: Xinhua| 2019-11-06 14:49:44|Editor: huaxia

XIAMEN, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- Chinese space engineers are tackling the key technologies needed to explore a near-Earth asteroid and a main-belt comet with one space probe.

The proposed mission is to send a probe around an asteroid named 2016HO3 and then land on it to collect samples, Huang Jiangchuan, a researcher from the China Academy of Space Technology, recently told the first China Space Science Assembly in Xiamen, east China's Fujian Province.

The probe will then fly back to the proximity of Earth, and release a capsule to return the samples. After that, the probe will continue its journey. With the assistance of the gravity of Earth and Mars, it will finally arrive at the main asteroid belt and orbit comet 133P, Huang said.

Asteroid 2016HO3 has a very close relationship with Earth and is known as a "mini moon" or a quasi satellite. It has a diameter of about 40 to 100 meters and a density of about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter, said Huang.

"Where is it from? What's its relationship with the Earth and Moon? Those are questions we want to know," he said.

The second target, comet 133P, is the first comet found within the main asteroid belt that displays characteristics of both an asteroid and a comet.

Main-belt comets are apparently icy bodies recently discovered within the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and have shown comet-like activity during part of their orbit, scientists say.

The largest diameter of the cometary nucleus of 133P is about 5.4 kilometers, and its density is about 1.4 grams per cubic centimeter, Huang said.

"Probing small celestial bodies is a new frontier of space exploration, but with a high threshold. The main difficulties are the micro-gravity, uncertainties and the unknown environment of the small bodies. It's hard to learn about their shape, composition, structure and other features through observation from Earth," said Huang.

"We face great technological challenges in exploring asteroids and comets because so little is known about their detailed features," he added.

"Through ground observation, we presume that asteroid 2016HO3 rotates very fast, making one rotation in about half an hour. The structure of small celestial bodies is usually loose. It's very hard to land on such fast-rotating small bodies."

Comet 113P is larger than the first target, but is also largely unknown. It's at the outer edge of the main asteroid belt, adjacent to Jupiter. Its distance from Earth would make the orbit measurement very difficult, Huang said.

"Another challenge is how we connect the two tasks of exploring the asteroid and then the comet," he said.

The scientific objective includes studying the formulation and evolution of the solar system, the role of near-Earth asteroid and main-belt comet impacts on the origin of life, and the dynamics of small bodies in the solar system.

The probe will be equipped with advanced scientific detectors, electric propulsion technology, automated navigation and intelligent control functions.

On Dec. 13, 2012, China's second lunar probe, Chang'e-2, after successfully completing its mission, rendezvoused with the asteroid Toutatis at a distance of 770 meters, as the space rock, bigger than a city block, swept by Earth at a distance of around 7 million kilometers.

It was the world's first close fly-by observation of Toutatis. The probe took high-resolution images providing a number of discoveries.

"Compared with Japan, Europe and the United States, China is a latecomer in the exploration of asteroids and comets. We need to go faster, and we hope the mission will have multiple goals and can satisfy scientists' curiosity," said Huang.

"There are so many small bodies like asteroids and comets in space, but only a few have been detected. The exploration could help us prevent threats to the Earth, as well as exploit their resources."

The China National Space Administration is pushing forward the asteroid and comet exploration project, and inviting scientists around the world to participate. China has offered to carry instruments developed by other countries on the mission.

Sudan launches its first satellite | SudanDaily

Earlier on Sunday morning (3 November 2019), a Long March-4B rocket took off at 11:22 a.m. (Beijing Time) from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in North China’s Shanxi Province carrying a couple of satellites, one of which belongs to Sudan government.

Satellites onboard include Gaofen 7, Xiaoxiang-1 08, Whampoa 1, all of which belongs to China, and a remote sensing satellite owned by Sudan.

The Sudan Remote Sensing Satellite, SRSS-1 was developed for the Sudanese government by the Shenzhen Aerospace Oriental Red Sea Satellite Co. The small satellite was designed for both civil and military remote sensing mainly over Sudan.

The project objectives are to generate a comprehensive, cost-effective and reliable data base on the topographic Mapping, natural resources for developmental planning, exploration of natural resources, environmental monitoring, agricultural monitoring and yield estimation and beside public security (intelligence) and defence applications. The aim of the government is towards the establishment of the space industry in Sudan by owning the first Sudanese satellite, and the development of ground facilities in Khartoum North.

Earlier this year, we announced that the Government of Sudan recently rolled out ambitious aerospace, aviation and telecommunication project development portfolio; which includes a plan to launch Sudanese Communication Satellite (SUDASAT-1) and Sudanese Remote Sensing Satellite (SRSS-1) into space in the near future.

Source: Space in Africa
November 6, 2019

Wednesday 6 November, on the occasion of President Emmanuel Macron’s state visit to the People’s Republic of China, CNES President Jean-Yves Le Gall and Zhang Kejian, Administrator of the China National Space Administration (CNSA), signed in the presence of Presidents Macron and Xi Jinping a joint statement covering two fields of investigation.

First, in 2023 China’s Chang’e 6 lunar mission will fly the French DORN instrument proposed by the IRAP astrophysics and planetology research institute. DORN’s science goals are to study the transport of volatiles through the lunar regolith and in the lunar exosphere and lunar dust. Earlier this year on 25 March at the Elysee Palace in Paris, CNES and CNSA had previously expressed their intention to work together on Chang’e 6. Chang’e is the lunar exploration programme being conducted by CNSA, which in particular landed the Chang’e 4 probe in January this year on the dark side of the Moon and set down the Yutu 2 lunar rover on its surface.

Second, in the field of Earth observation, the two agencies will pursue water cycle research together and jointly develop a satellite for this purpose. The satellite could include an advanced L-band interferometry radiometer developed by CNES for soil moisture and ocean salinity observations, and a high-resolution dual-frequency X-/Ka-band interferometry radiometer from CNSA to measure snow water equivalent and surface freeze-thaw status. All of these data will be critical to better understanding climate change.

After today’s signature, Jean-Yves Le Gall commented: “We are continuing to step up our partnership with China in space, as this new joint statement shows. Firstly, through scientific study of the Moon, the exploration of which is set to be the mantra for space missions in the coming decade; and secondly, through the study of Earth’s water cycle to better understand climate change, one of the main challenges facing our planet. I thank President Macron and his Chinese counterpart for attending this signing ceremony, which confirms the importance of space cooperation in France and China’s relationship.”

China to meet challenges of exploring asteroid, comet
Source: Xinhua| 2019-11-06 14:49:44|Editor: huaxia

XIAMEN, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- Chinese space engineers are tackling the key technologies needed to explore a near-Earth asteroid and a main-belt comet with one space probe.

The proposed mission is to send a probe around an asteroid named 2016HO3 and then land on it to collect samples, Huang Jiangchuan, a researcher from the China Academy of Space Technology, recently told the first China Space Science Assembly in Xiamen, east China's Fujian Province.

The probe will then fly back to the proximity of Earth, and release a capsule to return the samples. After that, the probe will continue its journey. With the assistance of the gravity of Earth and Mars, it will finally arrive at the main asteroid belt and orbit comet 133P, Huang said.

Asteroid 2016HO3 has a very close relationship with Earth and is known as a "mini moon" or a quasi satellite. It has a diameter of about 40 to 100 meters and a density of about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter, said Huang.

"Where is it from? What's its relationship with the Earth and Moon? Those are questions we want to know," he said.

The second target, comet 133P, is the first comet found within the main asteroid belt that displays characteristics of both an asteroid and a comet.

Main-belt comets are apparently icy bodies recently discovered within the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and have shown comet-like activity during part of their orbit, scientists say.

The largest diameter of the cometary nucleus of 133P is about 5.4 kilometers, and its density is about 1.4 grams per cubic centimeter, Huang said.

"Probing small celestial bodies is a new frontier of space exploration, but with a high threshold. The main difficulties are the micro-gravity, uncertainties and the unknown environment of the small bodies. It's hard to learn about their shape, composition, structure and other features through observation from Earth," said Huang.

"We face great technological challenges in exploring asteroids and comets because so little is known about their detailed features," he added.

"Through ground observation, we presume that asteroid 2016HO3 rotates very fast, making one rotation in about half an hour. The structure of small celestial bodies is usually loose. It's very hard to land on such fast-rotating small bodies."

Comet 113P is larger than the first target, but is also largely unknown. It's at the outer edge of the main asteroid belt, adjacent to Jupiter. Its distance from Earth would make the orbit measurement very difficult, Huang said.

"Another challenge is how we connect the two tasks of exploring the asteroid and then the comet," he said.

The scientific objective includes studying the formulation and evolution of the solar system, the role of near-Earth asteroid and main-belt comet impacts on the origin of life, and the dynamics of small bodies in the solar system.

The probe will be equipped with advanced scientific detectors, electric propulsion technology, automated navigation and intelligent control functions.

On Dec. 13, 2012, China's second lunar probe, Chang'e-2, after successfully completing its mission, rendezvoused with the asteroid Toutatis at a distance of 770 meters, as the space rock, bigger than a city block, swept by Earth at a distance of around 7 million kilometers.

It was the world's first close fly-by observation of Toutatis. The probe took high-resolution images providing a number of discoveries.

"Compared with Japan, Europe and the United States, China is a latecomer in the exploration of asteroids and comets. We need to go faster, and we hope the mission will have multiple goals and can satisfy scientists' curiosity," said Huang.

"There are so many small bodies like asteroids and comets in space, but only a few have been detected. The exploration could help us prevent threats to the Earth, as well as exploit their resources."

The China National Space Administration is pushing forward the asteroid and comet exploration project, and inviting scientists around the world to participate. China has offered to carry instruments developed by other countries on the mission.



Chinese scientists completes first SKA regional center prototype
Source: Xinhua| 2019-11-11 16:36:25|Editor: Li Xia

BEIJING, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists have developed the first regional center prototype of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the world's largest astronomical device.

The prototype, developed by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) under the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, will help push forward the construction and operation of the future SKA regional center, said An Tao, head of the SKA group of the SHAO.

An article introducing the prototype was published in the latest issue of the academic journal Nature Astronomy.

The SKA will be the largest and most advanced radio telescope ever. It will combine signals received via thousands of small antennas spreading over 3,000 km to simulate a single giant radio telescope with a total collecting area of approximately one square kilometer.

The construction of the SKA is planned to start next year, and China, one of the founding members, is investigating the China regional center scheme, which will offer a platform for multi-disciplinary science research, in-depth data processing, long-term storage and advanced technique development, An said.

He said the prototype aims to provide scientists worldwide with necessary computing resources, high-quality data products and convenient technical support to conduct SKA early science and to understand the data challenges.

The commissioning of the prototype is expected to take place in 2020. The pioneering work and practical operational experience of the prototype will be valuable for improving the design and future large-scale expansion of SKA regional centers, he added.

China's first 5m diameter common bulkhead structure tank developed by China Aerospace Science and Technology Institute
Source: China Aerospace News
Date: May 09, 2019

Not long ago, China's first 5 m diameter common bulkhead structure tank was successfully launched in Tianjin Rocket Company, the 211 factory of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd.

The appearance of the common bottom tank seem to be one single tank, but the interior is divided into two chambers by a special common bulkhead structure, which respectively store different propellants, equivalent to two tanks. It can effectively reduce the weight of the tank structure and has the characteristics of large volume, which can effectively improve the rocket carrying capacity. (Xu Tingting / Wen Meng Danyang / photo)
From weixin of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology. The fuel tank was reported to have recently pass and met its initial requirement test.



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