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ESA Science & Technology: Cluster and XMM-Newton pave the way for SMILE
27 August 2019

The Solar wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) mission is still four years away from launch, but scientists are already using existing ESA satellites, such as the XMM-Newton X-ray observatory and the Cluster mission studying Earth's magnetosphere, to pave the way for this pioneering venture.

Cluster and XMM-Newton observing Earth's magnetosphere. Credit: ESA/ATG medialab

A joint European-Chinese spacecraft, SMILE is currently scheduled for launch in 2023. It will be placed in a highly inclined, elliptical orbit around Earth, which will take it as far as 120 000 km from our planet.

One of its primary objectives will be to observe the Sun-Earth connection, particularly the interactions on Earth's dayside between the solar wind – a flow of charged particles streaming from the Sun into interplanetary space – and the magnetosphere of our planet.

The magnetosphere is an invisible magnetic bubble that shields the planet from the non-stop, but variable, bombardment of solar particles – mainly protons and electrons.

SMILE will carry four instruments to observe this ever-changing celestial battlefield: a light ion analyser, a magnetometer, a soft X-ray imager, and an ultraviolet aurora imager.

The soft X-ray imager, which is designed to detect and image low energy X-rays, will observe the outer regions of Earth's magnetosphere for up to 40 hours per orbit.

These regions include the magnetosheath, which lies behind the bow shock, where the flow of solar wind particles is dramatically slowed down, and the magnetopause, which is the outer boundary of Earth's magnetosphere.

Of particular interest to scientists who are preparing for the SMILE mission is the density of neutral hydrogen atoms near the magnetopause. This is where the signal at low-energy X-rays, or soft X-ray signal, is expected to reach its peak.

ROSAT all-sky X-ray image at 0.25 keV. Credit: Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (MPE) and S. L. Snowden

The X-rays are generated when highly charged particles from the solar wind collide with hydrogen atoms in Earth's magnetic environment – a process known as solar wind charge exchange. When the hydrogen density and solar wind flux are higher than average, the result is a stronger emission of soft X-rays. At such times, SMILE will be able to provide frequent, high-resolution X-ray images and movies of the interaction region.

The resulting images – the first of their kind – will help scientists understand the large-scale interactions between the outer magnetosphere of our planet and the solar wind. By searching for the soft X-ray peak, SMILE will trace the motion of the magnetopause and reveal some of the secrets of how magnetic field lines snap and reconnect on a global scale.

XMM-Newton looking though Earth's magnetosheath. Credit: Courtesy J. A. Carter

In order to improve our understanding of what happens when the solar wind charge exchange process occurs, scientists in Europe, China and the United States are utilising data from satellites such as ESA's XMM-Newton X-ray observatory and the Cluster quartet of satellites flying through Earth's magnetosphere. The data enable them to study actual soft-X-ray measurements made in near-Earth space, and to simulate what SMILE is likely to observe.

In 2019, Hyunju Connor of University of Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, and Jennifer Carter, University of Leicester, UK, published a paper in which they investigate neutral hydrogen density at distances from Earth of about 64 000 km – the average distance of the subsolar magnetopause – using XMM-Newton observations in soft X-rays.

XMM-Newton is an astrophysics observatory designed to study highly energetic phenomena across the cosmos, such as black holes and remnants of supernova explosions, which shine brightly in X-rays. The satellite follows a highly elliptical, 48-hour orbit around Earth.

While XMM-Newton's targets lie well beyond our planet, the line of sight of its X-ray imagers may sometimes pass through Earth's dayside magnetosheath, resulting in a diffuse soft X-ray emission in the foreground of the observation.

This emission is usually regarded as an unwanted contaminant by astrophysicists, but it provides an opportunity for plasma scientists, who have been analysing these data for many years, to investigate solar wind charge exchange events in the outer magnetosphere. These studies are now proving of value during preparations for the SMILE mission.

Joint Cluster and XMM-Newton observations. Credit: Courtesy H. K. Connor & J. A. Carter (2019)

In their paper, Connor and Carter examined 103 time-variable solar wind charge exchange emission events that astronomers had detected during nearly 9 years of XMM-Newton X-ray observations. Among the top 10 strongest events, they found two occurrences on 4 May 2003 and 16 October 2001 for which there were also magnetosheath data available from the Cluster spacecraft and the Japanese Geotail satellite, as well as solar wind data from NASA's ACE and WIND spacecraft, part of the OMNI mission.

For these events, the scientists compared these in situ measurements with simulations generated using a computer model known as the Open Geospace Global Circulation Model, or OpenGCCM, which uses solar wind data as input. The in situ data were crucial to verify the validity of the model.

After confirming a good agreement between the modelled and observed density in the magnetosheath, the scientists were able to determine the density of neutral hydrogen particles near the magnetopause. They found that the estimated neutral density was high enough to produce strong soft X-ray signals, confirming that SMILE should provide exciting new images of the dynamic Sun-magnetosphere interaction.

The scientists are now carrying out statistical analysis on a wider sample of XMM-Newton data, in order to achieve a more comprehensive characterisation of dayside neutral hydrogen densities, taking into account variations in solar activity.

Meanwhile, another 2019 paper led by Tianran Sun of the National Space Science Centre in Beijing, China, presented simulations of the soft X-ray emission on the dayside magnetopause and the cusps under various solar wind conditions.

These simulations are helping to predict the behaviour of a wide range of phenomena relevant to SMILE's soft X-ray imager observations, such as changes in the X-ray flux or in the magnetopause location, depending on the incoming solar wind flux. In parallel, these studies are also supporting the development of the methodology that will be used to reconstruct the 3D structure and location of the magnetopause from the 2D images that the SMILE soft X-ray imager will obtain.

Connor, H.K., & Carter, J.A. (2019). Exospheric neutral hydrogen density at the nominal 10 RE subsolar point deduced from XMM-Newton X-ray observations. J. Geophys. Res.: Space Phys., 124, 1612– 1624. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JA026187

Sun, T.R., Wang, C., Sembay, S.F., Lopez, R.E., Escoubet, C.P., Branduardi-Raymont, G., et al. (2019). Soft X-ray imaging of the magnetosheath and cusps under different solar wind conditions: MHD simulations. J. Geophys. Res.: Space Phys., 124, 2435–2450. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JA026093

Last Update: 27 August 2019
China's KZ-1A rocket launches two satellites
Source: Xinhua| 2019-08-31 15:47:35|Editor: Li Xia

JIUQUAN, Aug. 31 (Xinhua) -- Two satellites for technological experiments were sent into space by a Kuaizhou-1A, or KZ-1A, carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Saturday.

The rocket blasted off at 7:41 a.m. and sent the two satellites into their planned orbit.

Kuaizhou-1A, meaning speedy vessel, is a low-cost solid-fuel carrier rocket with high reliability and a short preparation period. The rocket, developed by a company under the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, is mainly used to launch low-orbit microsatellites.

Saturday's launch was the third mission of the KZ-1A rocket.

One of the newly launched satellites was developed by the Innovation Academy for Microsatellites of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and will be used for microgravity technology experiments.

It will conduct on-orbit experiments on ultra-high precision control and measurement technologies under microgravity conditions, according to the CAS.

The technologies will lay a solid foundation for space science tasks and frontier basic science research, such as space-based gravitational wave detection and ultra-high precision inertial navigation, CAS said.

The other satellite, developed by Spacety Co., Ltd. (Changsha), a privately owned Chinese commercial space company, will be used to test solar sail technology.

The microgravity technology experiment satellite belongs to the second phase of a space science program of the CAS. During the first phase, a series of space science satellites have been sent into space, including the DAMPE to search for dark matter, the world's first quantum satellite and the HXMT, China's first X-ray space telescope.

In the coming three to four years, China plans to launch new space science satellites including the Gravitational Wave Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor (GECAM), the Advanced Space-borne Solar Observatory (ASO-S), the Einstein-Probe (EP) and the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) to study gravitational waves, black holes, the relationship between the solar system and humanity, and the origin and evolution of the universe.

Extremely Rare Blue Jet Caught On Camera


31 Aug 2019

You never know what you might see in the wake of a big storm. On Aug. 25th, Chinese astrophotographer Chao Shen of Shaoxing City went outside to photograph the Milky Way. A typhoon named "White Deer" had passed through the day before, and the storm clouds were parting. "I saw the stars--but that's not all," says Shen. "A Gigantic Jet leaped up right before my eyes!"


http://web.archive.org/web/20190826...?image_name=Chao-Shen-_MG_8296_1566803815.jpg ; https://archive.is/GzMAV/2d0ef4fdf7c15f8f326035888467dbad499755fb.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20190826...gallery.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=155706 ; http://archive.fo/FmSjv
1. This is the second HD lightning elf captured in China by a camera.

Think of them as sprites on steroids: Gigantic Jets are lightning-like discharges that spring from the tops of thunderstorms, reaching all the way to the edge of space. They're enormous and powerful.

"Shen definitely caught a Gigantic Jet," confirms Oscar van der Velde of the Lightning Research Group at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. "It looks like it may have reached as high as 90 km above the ground."

"Gigantic Jets are much more rare than sprites," says van der Velde. "While sprites were discovered in 1989 and have since been photographed by the thousands, it was not until 2001-2002 that Gigantic Jets were first recorded from Puerto Rico and Taiwan." Only dozens of Gigantic Jets have ever been photographed.

Shen says that "the Jet came from a storm about 100 km southwest of me. It was so huge, I was able to see it clearly despite the distance."


http://web.archive.org/web/20190831...ther.com/images2019/30aug19/gj_map_strip2.jpg ; https://archive.fo/ekWoO/895516f9d1fe60a9ff76397167867ee1ca5ac441.jpg
2. The arrow in this weather map points from Chao Shen's camera toward the jet-producing storm.

Observers of sprites may be wondering if Shen really saw this jet. The answer is "yes." Unlike sprites, which flicker so rapidly that they are difficult to see with the unaided eye. Gigantic Jets can lasts for hundreds of milliseconds, long enough for human eyes to register their purple glow.

Gigantic jets are part of a growing menagerie of strange forms that appear above intense thunderstorms, including sprites, elves, trolls, and blue jets. Some researchers believe that cosmic rays help trigger these "transient luminous events" by ionizing the air in and around thunderheads. If so, now is a good time to look for Gigantic Jets, because cosmic rays are nearing a Space Age high. Thank you, Solar Minimum!



Chinese Tianhe Vs Soviet MIR

7:54 PM - 29 Aug 2019

Just a demonstration of proportions. You can clearly see both the equipment (centre) and living compartments (right) are longer. Also the larger volume of the forward multi docking hub.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190831145959/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EDL5IR1U8AInEpW.jpg ; https://archive.fo/QbtR8/879ca154f7821798774f2fb9ba6d1456a4a9d19a.jpg ; https://twitter.com/ShuttleAlmanac/status/1167269256976719873
1. Chinese Tianhe Vs Soviet MIR space station module.



Space dragons: Researchers observe energy consumption in quasars

Like a starved dragon, the supermassive black hole in the center of quasar gobbles materials with endless appetite. These materials glares shiningly when gathering into an accretion disk before finally sliding down into the black hole. Outside the accretion disk, materials are pumped from all directions to the center to feed the black hole. These materials are described as inflows. CREDIT: Image by CUI Jie, Universit of Science and Technoloy of China

Quasars are the Universe's brightest beacons; shining with magnitudes more luminosity than entire galaxies and the stars they contain. In the center of this light, at the heart of a quasar, researchers think, is an all-consuming black hole.

Researchers, for the first time, have observed the accelerated rate at which eight quasars consume interstellar fuel to feed their black holes.

They published their results on Sept 4th, Nature.

"As the most luminous steady beacons in the Universe, quasars are believed to be powered by an accretion disk around the central black hole," said Hongyan Zhou, paper author and faculty member at the University of Science and Technology of China. Zhou is also affiliated with the SOA Key Laboratory for Polar Science in the Polar Research Institute of China.

Zhou compared the black hole to a starved dragon.

"The supermassive black hole in the center of the quasar gobbles up an enormous amount of nearby materials, which glare and shine when they constitute an accretion disk before finally sliding down in the black hole," Zhou said. "Outside the accretion disk, materials are continuously pumped from all directions to the center by gravity to feed the black hole with an endless appetite."

An accretion disk is a spiraling mass of material centered around a monumental source of gravity consuming interstellar material--what researchers have theorized is a black hole. Much like how water empties out of a bathtub, the material spins much faster the closer it gets to the drain.

"We think this paradigm of black holes at the center of quasars is accurate, but fundamental questions remain unanswered: Is the accretion disk fueled with external mass? If so, how?" Zhou said.

The interstellar gas cannot be observed directly, as its radiation signature is overwhelmed by the accretion disk's brightness. Instead, researchers monitor for gas falling into the accretion disk that may pass through their line of sight. The gas makes a kind of eclipse between Earth and the accretion disk, casting lines onto the disk's spectrum of radiation.

The researchers used the Doppler effect to measure these lines and observe the velocity of gas feeding into the disk, toward the black hole. A classic Doppler effect example is how the pitch of a police siren drops once it passes. Astronomers call this passing pitch the "redshift" when measuring how quickly gases move toward an object away from Earth.

Zhou and his team measured velocities of 5,000 kilometers per second. For comparison, a passenger jet travels at less than a thousand kilometers per hour.

"Such a high velocity can only be accelerated by the strong gravity of the central black hole," Zhou said. "It's comparable to how, in a meteor shower, the closer the meteors get to the ground, the faster they fall."

In the quasars Zhou observed, the accretion disks were supplied with fast-falling external mass from surrounding space. The disks themselves then create inflows to the black hole.

Next, Zhou and his team plan to investigate exactly how these quasar "dragons" organize and differentiate the external mass from accretion disks to fuel inflows. According to Zhou, elucidation of this process could better inform the understanding of how quasars form, how long they last and when and how they end.

Space dragons: Researchers observe energy consumption in quasars | EurekAlert! Science News

Hongyan Zhou, Xiheng Shi, Weimin Yuan, Lei Hao, Xiangjun Chen, Jian Ge, Tuo Ji, Peng Jiang, Ge Li, Bifang Liu, Guilin Liu, Wenjuan Liu, Honglin Lu, Xiang Pan, Juntai Shen, Xinwen Shu, Luming Sun, Qiguo Tian, Huiyuan Wang, Tinggui Wang, Shengmiao Wu, Chenwei Yang, Shaohua Zhang & Zhihao Zhong. Fast inflows as the adjacent fuel of supermassive black hole accretion disks in quasars, Nature (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1510-y
Restaurant inside a Long March 2 rocket to open soon in Hangzhou
Source:Global Times Published: 2019/9/4 18:13:39

A restaurant made for the recovered fuselage of a Long March 2 rocket is under construction and will soon open in East China. Photo: Qianjiang Evening Daily

Ever wanted to get close enough to touch one of China's giant Long March Rockets that has actually traveled into outer space? Soon you'll be able to get up close and personal by having a meal inside the fuselage of one of the recovered rockets, in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province.

A restaurant consisting of all the recovered stages of a Long March 2 rocket is under construction in the city and it will open in mid-September, according to post by Qianjiang Evening Daily on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo on Wednesday.

This particular Long March 2 was used to carry into space a module for Tiangong-2 space laboratory and the Shenzhou 11 spacecraft with astronauts Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong on board in October 2016.

The fairings for rocket's boosters and other stages are being turned into dining rooms of the new restaurant, according to the post, which didn't mention which type of cuisine will be on the restaurant's menu.

"Will they serve food eaten in space by astronauts in the restaurant?" a netizen asked. "If so, I am definitely in."

"It's a good example of how to change trash into treasure," wrote another.

Some netizens wondered how the restaurant owners were able to obtain the actual Long March 2 rocket.
China's FAST telescope detects 'mysterious radio burst' for first time
chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2019-09-05 14:04

Photo taken on Aug 27, 2019 shows China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) in Southwest China's Guizhou province. [Photo/Xinhua]

China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) has detected a repeating fast radio burst (FRB) — mysterious radio signals from outer space — for the first time, Science and Technology Daily reported.

Scientists on the FAST project with the National Astronomical Observatories of China, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed the news on Wednesday.

The FRB originated some three billion light years away from Earth. Interference factors including aircraft and satellites have been eliminated and cross validation is being carried out, the scientists said.

FRB is one of the hottest topics in astronomy. It was not until 2007 when the first FRB was discovered by humans. Fewer than 100 FRBs have been detected internationally to date.

There is still no cohesive explanation for the origin of FRB in the international scientific community at present. FRBs mostly only appear once, which makes them very hard to track.

The FRB detected by FAST's real-time detection terminal, however, is one that has been observed before, said Zhang Xinxin, an assistant engineer with the NAOC.

Known as FRB121102, it was first discovered in 2012 and found to repeat in 2015. Analysis of data later located the source of the signal coming from a dwarf galaxy three billion light years away.

The first pulse from FRB121102 was spotted by FAST on Aug 30. After this, the telescope recorded dozens of pulses from the FRB over the course of days. On Sept 3 alone, more than 20 pulses were detected.

The number of enigmatic bursts detected so far is too small to draw any conclusions, Zhang said. FAST, the world's largest single-dish radio telescope, has a certain edge in detecting repeated FRBs. This is because the 19-beam receiver installed on FAST, covering frequency ranges of 1.05 - 1.45 GHz, is very sensitive to radio signals, Zhang said.

Scientists of the FAST project will adjust the debugging observation missions of the telescope to conduct follow-up observations of FRB121102 as it is currently in a period of activity, Zhang said. It is hoped other telescope facilities around the world will also carry out observations, she added. More samples are expected to contribute to research on the origin and physical mechanism of the FRBs, she said.
Implementation phase of China-funded Egyptian satellite project kicks off
Source: Xinhua| 2019-09-09 04:16:13|Editor: Liu

Photo taken on Sept. 8, 2019 shows the Egyptian Satellite Assembly, Integration and Test Center at the Egyptian Space City near Egypt's new administrative capital, Egypt. Egyptian and Chinese teams announced Sunday the start of the implementation phase of the China-funded "MisrSat II" satellite project. (Xinhua/Li Binian)

by Ahmed Shafiq

CAIRO, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian and Chinese teams announced Sunday the start of the implementation phase of the China-funded "MisrSat II" satellite project.

During the kick-off meeting, which was held at the Egyptian Space City near Egypt's new administrative capital, both sides signed the documents of launching the project that is funded by the Chinese government.

On Saturday, a ceremony to launch the satellite project was held during the fourth China-Arab States Expo, being held in Yinchuan, capital of northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Egypt and China signed in January an agreement on a 72-million-U.S. dollar Chinese grant for Egypt's MisrSat II satellite, which is a small high-resolution remote sensing satellite.

Egypt sees the project as another major cooperation between the two countries in the field of space after signing an agreement to build the Egyptian Satellite Assembly, Integration and Test Center which is expected to be fully established this year.

"This is the kick-off meeting for starting the project of MisrSat II satellite which will be implemented thanks to a grant from China," Ahmed al-Rafie, head of the MisrSat II Satellite project, told Xinhua, adding "the satellite will help Egypt with its development plans in many fields."

The official said the satellite will be developed through cooperative and joint work between Chinese and Egyptian teams who work in parallel, noting that there will be Chinese guidance throughout the project phases.

"This will provide the Egyptian side with experience in the development of satellite space systems," he said, adding that it will take the teams about 35 months to finish the building of the satellite.

"The design phases will be carried out in parallel in Egypt and China, but the assembly and integration of the satellite will be done in Egypt at Egyptian Satellite Assembly, Integration and Test Center," said the official.

In addition to the satellite, a ground control station and a ground application system to support the operation of the satellite will be also supplied, al-Rafie said.

He revealed that the lifetime of the satellite is five years, while the lifetime of the ground station is 15 years.

Meanwhile, Chinese Ambassador to Egypt Liao Liqiang said he believes that China and Egypt have made "four firsts" in this project.

"The first is that Egypt is the first country to carry out satellite cooperation with China under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative," he said.

"The second is that China will help Egypt build a complete satellite assembly integration and test center, in which scientists and engineers from China and Egypt will jointly complete the assembly, integration and test of Egypt's MisrSat II," said the ambassador.

The third, Liao said, is that China will help Egypt build its aerospace team and will jointly train Egyptian aerospace experts.

"The fourth is that after the project is completed, Egypt will be the first African country to have complete satellite assembly integration testing capabilities," he added.

Liao noted China is willing to work with Egypt to build Egypt's own aerospace science and technology talents for the independent development of Egypt's space field.

"We are also willing to make our contributions to the economic and social development of Egypt, including the fields of agriculture, environmental protection, and anti-desertification," the ambassador said.
China Sky Eye, the World's Largest Single-dish Radio Telescope, Completes Its Final Step to Be Fully Operational
Sep 09, 2019

Figure 1: FAST Aerial View (Credit: NAOC)

China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, known as FAST, is the world’s most sensitive listening device. The single-dish radio telescope is made of 4,450 individual panels that scan the sky, detecting the universe’s whispers and shouts. It’s cradled in a natural Earth depression the size of 30 soccer fields. It has more than twice the collecting area of the world’s previous largest radio telescope, the 305-meter dish in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. With construction completed in 2016, FAST has undergone rigorous testing and has one more hurdle before it’s considered fully operational.

At the end of September, the $171 million USD (1.2 billion CNY) project will undergo the final review process in China, called the National Construction Acceptance.

"We fully expect a successful review at the national level, and then we’ll transition from being a construction project to a full facility,” said LI Di, FAST’s chief scientist and leader of the radio astronomy division of the National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC). NAOC oversees FAST.

"Once we pass this review, FAST becomes an accepted telescope for exploring the Universe,” said JIANG Peng, FAST’s chief engineer and deputy director of FAST Operation and Development Center, NAOC. “Fast has been open to Chinese astronomers since April 2019. After the National Construction Acceptance, it will be open to astronomers across the world.”

For the review to be successful, FAST must meet the specifications initially laid out in the proposed design in 2008, such as the telescope’s sensitivity and performance. NAOC ran an internal review earlier this year, demonstrating that the telescope is as – if not more – sensitive as planned.

The construction of FAST, while solely funded by the Chinese government, involved collaboration with international organizations, including Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, but exactly who in the international community will be able to use FAST – and to what extent – is still to be decided. While both LI and JIANG stressed the importance of international collaboration (they have both conducted research using data from radio telescopes in Australia and in Puerto Rico), the decision lies with the Chinese government.

"Our hope for FAST is an open-sky policy, with the goal of advancing the work of humanity,” LI said.

That work could include the detection of pulsars, for example. When a giant star collapses in on itself, it forms a dense neutron star that rotates, flashing a beam of intense radiation every so often. The beam is called a pulsar, and it can’t be visually observed. However, because that flash is a radio signal, scientists can listen it for using a radio telescope like FAST. Once they detect a pulsar, they can use it to identify and measure the behavior of other physical phenomena, such as gravitational waves.

In the few years FAST has been scientifically operational, they’ve already made significant scientific headway, including the discovery of 130 new pulsar candidates, 93 of which were confirmed with other radio telescopes. By comparison, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico has published the discovery of 200 pulsars since 1968.

"Our goal is to catch up,” LI said. “And eventually have hundreds of new discoveries every year.”

Beyond pulsars, the researchers are looking for Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) – the unexplained yet extremely energetic radio signals that are much louder than pulsars despite being much further away. On August 29, FAST detected more than a few dozen bursts from FRB 121102, the first repeating FRB source ever discovered. This source has been constantly monitored by major telescopes around the world since its discovery in 2012. FAST, however, was the first telescope to detect so many bursts in such a short amount of time, attesting to its sensitivity and processing power. The FAST science team is now analyzing the data, which may help elucidate the FRB’s origin.

They’re also looking for hydrogen, the most abundant - and suspected oldest - element in the universe.

"We’re going to discover curious emissions,” JIANG said. “These observations could improve our understanding of high-energy physics, star evolution, and galaxy evolution.”

They’ve also organized two major surveys that will take about five years to scan the sky, with another ten years dedicated to analyzing the information collected.

"These programs are straight forward, and account for the research we can plan,” LI said. “But there’s always known unknowns and unknown unknowns that require creativity in planning.”

The surveys will take up about 50% of FAST’s scanning time, during which the researchers will also look for exoplanets with a magnetic field – a crucial component for supporting life, according to LI.

Now that FAST is approaching the final review stage, LI said he is relieved.

"I don’t have any anxiety about it,” LI said. “FAST has exceeded my own expectations. I’m very grateful to our primary driver and founder, Dr. NAN Rendong, and the excellent, hard-working engineering team. We’ve already collected more than enough data for me to work on for the rest of my career. There’s so much we can study.”

JIANG said he is excited, but also feels a responsibility to make FAST even better. In the first submission process of individual researchers interested in pursuing research projects, FAST received 133 proposals with more than 500 associate scientists.

"These individuals also bring with them students and junior scientists,” JIANG said. “They could build their careers using FAST data. We hope that more and more scientists can make use of FAST to produce excellent scientific results in the future, making our efforts even more meaningful.”

Both LI and JIANG agree that FAST is a product of exponential scientific growth in China since 2000.

"We’re a beneficiary of vast advancement of infrastructure in both science and technology,” LI said. “We are also a contributor. We hope to continue to contribute by making FAST not only a successful construction project, but also something that can be a global landmark in radio astronomy.”

Figure 2: At the FAST Site. Left: Prof. JIANG Peng, FAST Chief Engineer; Right: Prof. LI Di, FAST Chief Scientist (Credit: NAOC)

About The National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC):

The National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC) was officially founded in April 2001 through the merger of observatories, stations and research center under Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is headquartered in Beijing and has four subordinate units across the country: the Yunnan Observatory (YNAO), the Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology (NIAOT), the Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (XAO) and the Changchun Observatory. NAOC conducts cutting-edge astronomical studies, and operates major national facilities including The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopy Telescope (LAMOST), the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) etc.

NAOC’s main research involves cosmological large-scale structures, the formation and evolution of galaxies and stars, high-energy astrophysics, solar magnetism and activity, lunar and deep space exploration, and astronomical instrumentation. NAOC has seven major research divisions in the areas of optical astronomy, radio astronomy, galaxies and cosmology, space science, solar physics, lunar and deep space exploration, and applications in astronomy.

China Sky Eye, the World's Largest Single-dish Radio Telescope, Completes Its Final Step to Be Fully Operational---Chinese Academy of Sciences
Small gear has big potential in space
By ZHAO LEI | China Daily | Updated: 2019-09-10 03:11


Chinese space designers have devised a pocket-size device they say can extend small satellites' life spans and help prevent them from becoming hazardous space debris.

The ion liquid electric thruster was developed by the 206th Institute under the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp and has undergone in-orbit tests on a Chinese small, experimental satellite launched earlier this year.

Compared with conventional rocket engines that generate propulsion using chemical propellants, these new ion thrusters use liquid metals — usually cesium, indium or mercury — as propellants, allowing spacecraft to carry much less fuel than before.

The 300-gram ion thruster is a state-of-the-art propulsion system for small satellites, which, in contrast to traditional large satellites, have no bulky chemically powered engines, said Gao Hui, the equipment's chief designer at the Beijing institute.

"Without large fuel tanks, pumps, valves and toxic propellants mounted on conventional engines, the new devices are totally portable and capable of executing high-precision orbital maneuvers for small satellites in an efficient manner," Gao said.

He explained that most small satellites now operate in low-Earth orbits in a passive state and gradually fall from their orbits because they have no propulsion instruments to maintain their altitude.

"In fact, a very slight propulsive force will be enough to alter a small satellite's altitude or to correct any possible orbital deviations, thus prolonging its service life," the designer said.

If a high-orbiting satellite completes its service life and remains in orbit, it becomes space debris and poses a potential hazard to other spacecraft.

Without propulsion systems, these satellites potentially float in space forever, adding to existing space clutter

"If they are equipped with our thrusters, they will be able to be propelled to leave their orbits and travel outside of all satellite-deployable orbits, eliminating the possibility of turning into dangerous space junk," Gao said, adding that this solution can save satellite businesses around the world a lot of money on monitoring and tracking space debris and also ease concerns over the potential for catastrophic collisions.

Xu Nuo, head of applied physics technology at the institute, said that as the market for commercial satellites is quickly expanding in China, demand for the new compact ion thrusters is on the rise

Xu said that several domestic institutes have been conducting research and development into these thrusters, and her institute is the first to produce and test such devices in flight.

Internationally, only the United States has flight-tested the technology. The institute will continue improving the technology before promoting it to the satellite market, she added.
China could launch another Long March 5 by year’s end
by Debra Werner and Andrew Jones — September 11, 2019

Xing He, executive vice president of China Great Wall Industry Corp., speaks Sept. 10 at World Satellite Business Week in Paris. Credit: SpaceNews/Brian Berger

PARIS — China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. is likely to resume flights of its heavy-lift Long March 5 rocket this year, said Xing He, executive vice presidentof China Great Wall Industry Corp., a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.

“The exact cause of the failure has been pinpointed,” He said Sept. 10 at the World Satellite Business Week conference here. A launch date has not been selected but will “probably be in this year,” He said.


China could launch another Long March 5 by year's end - SpaceNews.com
Main body of the Shanghai Planetarium complete
Published on Sep 13, 2019

The installation of facilities for the main body of Shanghai Planetarium was completed on Thursday, after more than two years of construction. Located in the Lingang New Area of east China's Shanghai Municipality, the Shanghai Planetarium is expected to open to the public in 2021.
18 SEP, 00:08
Russia, China agree on joint Moon exploration - Science & Space - TASS
The sides also signed an agreement on cooperation in the coordination of the Russian mission using Luna 26 orbiter and the Chinese research mission of the Moon’s polar area Chang'e 7

ST. PETERSBURG, September 17. /TASS/. Russia and China have signed two agreements aimed at joint Moon exploration. On the outcomes of the 24th regular meeting between Russian and Chinese heads of government, Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin and head of China National Space Administration Zhang Kejian signed an agreement on cooperation in the establishment of the Joint Moon and Outer Space Research Center.

The space chiefs also signed an agreement on cooperation in the coordination of the Russian mission using Luna 26 orbiter and the Chinese research mission of the Moon’s polar area Chang'e 7.
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