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China: Officials Say Tibetan Lama Is Not a Chinese Spy as India Says

this incident has cause a feud between the Tibetan exile and India. several leading activist(actual Tibetan, not Hollywood wannabes) for the Tibetan cause, expressed disappointment in the Indian government "interference" in Tibetan affairs. considering the Dalai Lama backs the "accused" spy as the legitimate one, it is pretty much settle that he is the real one even if he is pro-china. this has creates alot of unnecessary friction.

it is quite clear what the Indian wants. they fear that if he is legitimized(which he already is when Dalai Lama allied with him and backed his claim), the monastery in India which his lineage controls might cause the same problem for India as Dalai Lama does for China. The Dalai Lama intention to set him up as his own replacement make things even more complicated, it seem that despite differences with the Chinese leadership, the Dalai Lama, patriotic still, would want power to be held by one who is born in China.

he dreams of the Exiles returning... he does not want to give up hope. the question now lies, in what form will the exiles return? I much prefer the Chinese government to give them a chance to return honourably... to forgive and grant citizenship to all tibetan descendent, let them come home to a prosperous China different from when they left. prosecution leads no where but open old wounds.
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