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China official sees militant links in Pakistan

Paan Singh

Sep 8, 2010
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China is facing a network of militants entrenched in neighbouring states, but authorities, especially in Pakistan, are trying to stamp out violence and protect China’s interests, the governor of China’s Xinjiang region said on Wednesday.
China has blamed incidents of violence in Xinjiang on Islamic separatists who want to establish an independent state called East Turkestan.
Some Chinese officials have blamed attacks on militants trained in Pakistan, though China’s Foreign Ministry has refrained from public criticism of Pakistan.:azn:
Xinjiang’s governor, however, was more explicit.
“We have certainly discovered that East Turkestan activists and terrorists in our neighbouring states have a thousand and one links,” Nur Bekri said on the sidelines of China’s annual meeting of parliament, when asked about a Pakistan connection with attacks in Xinjiang.
“But officials, especially in Pakistan, have said over and over again they oppose any violent activities directed against China and will maintain China’s national sovereignty and core interests,” he said.
Both Chinese and Pakistani officials have in the past said that the militants based in western China have ties to the Pakistani Taliban and other militants in northwestern Pakistani regions along the Afghan border.
Officials in Kashgar, a city in south Xinjiang, said a stabbing attack there in late July was orchestrated by members of the separatist East Turkestan Islamic Movement who trained in Pakistan before returning to China.
Bekri said he was assured of Pakistani support in the campaign against militancy.
“China and Pakistan are indeed all-weather friends. This is the basis founded by the previous generations of leaders,” Bekri said.
Pakistan and China have long been allies but Pakistan has leaned closer to China after its tense relationship with the United States, its major donor, was strained in May when U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan where he appears to have hidden for several years.
China sees Xinjiang as a bulwark against the predominantly Muslim countries of central Asia. The region, with a sixth of the country’s land mass, is also rich in natural resources, including oil, coal and gas.
The Muslim Uighur people account for just over 40 percent of the region’s 21 million population. Many chafe at government controls on their culture and religion.
Last week, the government said attackers wielding knives killed 13 people in a remote southern part of Xinjiang before police shot seven of them dead.
Exiled Uighur groups and human rights activists say China overstates the threat posed by militants in Xinjiang, which sits astride south and central Asia.
China official sees militant links in Pakistan – The Express Tribune
every one sees militant links in Pakistan..the real question is..what can u do about it??:what:
Now Now Now, the days are changing very rapidly for pakistan.

So pakistan is spreading terror not only in enemy countries but also in friendly countries like China.

I know its not state sponsored but still emerging from Pakistan.

CD was constantly harping show me statement of Chinese official, now he will get one statement from Governer of Xinjiang.
The Pakistani Taliban are the enemies of both Pakistan & China, as well as other neighboring countries. So I don't see a problem, we know that the Pakistani Taliban is helping groups like the IMU, Al-Qaeda, ETIM, Jundullah etc; & Pakistan is pounding them hard with constant offensives.
Chinese Official: Xinjiang Militants Have Ties to Pakistan Groups

"We have discovered some East Turkestan activists and terrorists from our neighboring country have countless links," Mr. Bekri said during a meeting in Beijing of the National People's Congress,*

Chinese Official: Xinjiang Militants Have Ties to Pakistan Groups - WSJ.com

I was about to post this thread :tup:
I think india is a neighbor of China, right? Nur Bekri must be talking about india training Uighur terrorists.
So pakistan is spreading terror not only in enemy countries but also in friendly countries like China.

I know its not state sponsored but still emerging from Pakistan.
Yes! You can't blame the Pakistani State directly for what's happening in China. Though militants are being trained in Pakistan by the Taliban and the LeT for actions against India in Kashmir, under the guidance of the ISI and PA, some of these guys have turned their attention to China's Xinjiang province too. Now, it's impossible for the Pak Establishment to keep an eye on the hundreds of trained militants roaming the North and North West of the country with impunity.

It's like a rott!ng water pipe with leaks springing up everywhere which is impossible to control. The only option is to disconnect the pipe completely but that would go against Pakistan's strategy of low cost proxy war especially against India in Kashmir.
The Pakistani Taliban are the enemies of both Pakistan & Iran, as well as other neighboring countries. So I don't see a problem, we know that the Pakistani Taliban is helping groups like the IMU, Al-Qaeda, ETIM etc; & Pakistan is pounding them hard with constant offensives.

It will be good for world.
It will be even more good for world if Pakistani military targets all the terrorist organisation irrespective of target either in China, India, Afghanistan, America.
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