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China offers to jointly explore Moon with India, hails successful Chandrayaan-2 mission launch


Oct 16, 2014
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Just a day after India successfully launched its Chandrayaan-2 Moon mission, Beijing says it is ready to team up with New Delhi to explore Earth’s natural satellite, possibly offering a way to mend ties with its rival neighbor.

China welcomes the start of India’s flagship Chandrayaan-2 mission, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chungying told a press briefing in Beijing. “We are ready to join forces with India and other countries to carry out lunar explorations,” Chungying said, adding that it is “a shared mission of humankind” to find out more about the Moon and beyond.

That aside, there were other indications that the Indian launch was met with praise in China. Wu Weiren, chief of China’s lunar exploration program, wished India’s Moon landing success“despite previous delays,” according to the Global Times.

International efforts to explore the Moon will also motivate China to move forward, but its own space program doesn’t mean that Beijing is going to “compete with anyone over the matter,” Wu said.

On Monday, India’s second lunar mission successfully blasted off from the Sriharikota space station, garnering applause from scientists in the control room and other onlookers. The spacecraft has already entered Earth’s orbit, where it will stay for three weeks before it starts maneuvering towards the Moon.

If all goes as planned, India will become the fourth country to make a safe landing on the Moon’s surface. So far, only the USSR, the US and China have been able to do so. Chandrayaan-2 is set to gather data and images from the Moon’s little-explored South Pole.

China’s own mission, the Chang’e-4, successfully touched down in the South Pole-Aitken basin in January. It explores the region’s geology, conducts biological experiments, and captures images which are relayed back to Earth.

India is competing with China and unlikely to partner up with China on any missions.
India is competing with China and unlikely to partner up with China on any missions.
I disagree, despite our chequered relationship, it is multifaceted and there are certain areas where both the nation's interest overlap and can be cooperated on.

China's resources and Indian frugal engineering solutions can be a potent mix. We both can benefit from the others experience.

Here's to hoping:cheers:
India is competing with China and unlikely to partner up with China on any missions.

When it comes to science and tech which is civilian in nature, no one is stupid enough to let political rivalries get in the way. Taiwanese universities have partnerships with Chinese universities. And it's like that in most of the world.
Just a day after India successfully launched its Chandrayaan-2 Moon mission, Beijing says it is ready to team up with New Delhi to explore Earth’s natural satellite, possibly offering a way to mend ties with its rival neighbor.

China welcomes the start of India’s flagship Chandrayaan-2 mission, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chungying told a press briefing in Beijing. “We are ready to join forces with India and other countries to carry out lunar explorations,” Chungying said, adding that it is “a shared mission of humankind” to find out more about the Moon and beyond.

That aside, there were other indications that the Indian launch was met with praise in China. Wu Weiren, chief of China’s lunar exploration program, wished India’s Moon landing success“despite previous delays,” according to the Global Times.

International efforts to explore the Moon will also motivate China to move forward, but its own space program doesn’t mean that Beijing is going to “compete with anyone over the matter,” Wu said.

On Monday, India’s second lunar mission successfully blasted off from the Sriharikota space station, garnering applause from scientists in the control room and other onlookers. The spacecraft has already entered Earth’s orbit, where it will stay for three weeks before it starts maneuvering towards the Moon.

If all goes as planned, India will become the fourth country to make a safe landing on the Moon’s surface. So far, only the USSR, the US and China have been able to do so. Chandrayaan-2 is set to gather data and images from the Moon’s little-explored South Pole.

China’s own mission, the Chang’e-4, successfully touched down in the South Pole-Aitken basin in January. It explores the region’s geology, conducts biological experiments, and captures images which are relayed back to Earth.

While USA and Pakistan getting close, it's natural for China and India to move further.
When it comes to science and tech which is civilian in nature, no one is stupid enough to let political rivalries get in the way. Taiwanese universities have partnerships with Chinese universities. And it's like that in most of the world.
Intelligent people think that way but not Indians.

I disagree, despite our chequered relationship, it is multifaceted and there are certain areas where both the nation's interest overlap and can be cooperated on.

China's resources and Indian frugal engineering solutions can be a potent mix. We both can benefit from the others experience.

Here's to hoping:cheers:
China doesn't need your frugal engineering solutions, they are doing quite well with extravagant ones.
indians be like

cheeni engineers are shit and need chinas help to develop space program! 3-4 emojis to emphasize their poibt

yabbbaa dabbbaaa doooo!!
indians be like

cheeni engineers are shit and need chinas help to develop space program! 3-4 emojis to emphasize their poibt

yabbbaa dabbbaaa doooo!!
I dont think any sane person thinks that way. Dont put imaginary words in other peoples mouth.
What matters is what Indians and Chinese think in this matter, people from countries without any experience in rocket and space science shouldnt question their sanity.
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