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China Offers to Fund and Build Deep Seaport


Jun 19, 2008
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China offers to build, fund it

Friday, September 28, 2012
Deep Sea Port
China offers to build, fund it
Remains open to partnering the project with India, US or any other country
M Abul Kalam Azad and Hasan Jahid Tusher

China has proposed to invest in four mega infrastructure projects, including the $5 billion deep-sea port and $700 million multi-lane tunnel under the Karnaphuli river in Chittagong.

The government, however, is going slow on the deep-sea port issue, as it finds itself in a quandary over whom to pick with three other countries -- Japan, India and the US -- showing interest in building the port, said two policymakers of the government requesting anonymity.

Acknowledging Bangladesh's dilemma, China has said it is open to building the deep-sea port in partnership with other countries.

“We have no problem building the port in partnership with India or the US or any other country,” said Li Jun, the Chinese ambassador to Dhaka, while exchanging views at The Daily Star Centre in the capital on Wednesday.

He said China might give soft loans for the implementation of the projects. “It can also be done under the government-to-government formula or by engaging private sectors.”

Of the four countries, China was the first to make a formal offer to invest in the deep-sea port.

Ambassador Li Jun said a Chinese company was ready to invest in the infrastructure projects and was awaiting a response from the government. The company had even opened an office in Bangladesh three years ago, he added.

“China is waiting for a concrete response from the Bangladesh side. Once we have it, we can determine whether it will be a government-to-government or a public-private partnership deal,” said the Chinese ambassador.

He said a high-level delegation from China would visit Dhaka next month to discuss the projects and investment.

The Chinese envoy believes this port can turn Bangladesh into an economic hub of the region. South China can benefit from this port once another project to link Bangladesh with China is also implemented.

The two other projects China has proposed are the construction of Bangladesh-Myanmar road corridor (a part of the Asian Highway) and a Chinese industrial park near the river Karnaphuli similar to that in Shanghai.

China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), a Chinese state-owned company now repairing the Jamuna bridge and conducting a feasibility study of the proposed Karnaphuli tunnel, submitted the proposal to the Economic Relations Division (ERD) and the principal secretary to the prime minister on August 1.

CCCC proposed the four projects under a single package. It offered to provide the entire money needed to set up the industrial park.

A top ERD official said, “We are not thinking about the Chinese proposal right now. We will look into that once the Padma bridge issue is over.”

Captain Shariful Ahsan, chief executive officer of Deep-Sea Port Cell, said, “We should not hurry with a mega project like the deep sea port. We will wait for more proposals and then go for the most suitable bidder.” The cell was formed in August 2010 for quick execution of port-related decisions.

A Japanese firm conducted the Techno-Economic Feasibility Study on the proposed port at a cost of Tk 14 crore. The study, submitted to the shipping ministry in July 2009, recommended forming a deep-sea port authority and passing a deep-sea port law immediately.

The government has yet to make any move on these issues. So far, it has only selected the site (Sonadia Island) for the deep-sea port.

The Japanese study outlined a three-phase construction plan and assessed a huge financial potential.

The first phase was supposed to start at the end of 2011 and be completed by 2015 at a cost of Tk 13,000 crore. As per study, the port could go into operation in 2016 if the suggested work was done in time.

The second phase could be completed in 2035 and will require Tk 26,000 crore. The country would have got a fully-fledged international port with the completion of the final phase by 2055 at an estimated cost of Tk 1,100 crore.

The study estimated that the port would boost the country's GDP growth by 2 percent, as it would generate huge employment, increase export and import and raise the country's capacity to handle cargos.

Experts say there is no alternative to a deep-sea port as the capacity of Chittagong port will be exhausted by 2015. Bangladesh will face serious problems without a deep-sea port once transit is allowed to India, Nepal and Bhutan.

“We are in a fix as to what to do. If we take help from one country, the other bidding countries may not take it easy considering the present geopolitical dynamics. That's why we should proceed cautiously,” said a senior government policymaker preferring not to be named.

He said that among the interested parties, the US seemed to be the most enthusiastic. The American embassy in Dhaka and visiting US envoys have talked to government policymakers on the issue more than 20 times.

Considering the geostrategic importance of the deep-sea port, India too has talked to government policymakers at least seven times, while China came up with open proposals more than five times.

Meanwhile, the 3.1-kilometre tunnel under the Karnaphuli river is making little progress. The feasibility study of the project is still not completed.

The theme of the Chinese Industrial Park on the eastern side of the Karnaphuli is “One city and two towns”. The western part of the river has been prospering but the eastern side is hardly developed.

“We are very keen to set up the industrial park, but for this we need a vast area of land. We have requested the government to manage the land,” said CCCC General Manager Wu Guangsheng.

The proposed project to build a road linking Bangladesh and Myanmar has also remained shelved for years due to non-cooperation from the Myanmar government.

According to a plan, the project can be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, a two-kilometre road from Ramu to Gundum in Bangladesh and a 23-kilometre road between Taungbro and Bolibazar in Myanmar can be constructed.

Sources in the communications ministry said Bangladesh had proposed that Myanmar implement the first phase with its own fund, but Myanmar did not respond to it.

In the second phase, Myanmar is to set up a 110-kilometre road link inside its territory, between Bolibazar and Kyanktow. There is a road linking Kyanktow with the Chinese province of Kunming, which links up with the Asian Highway Network.
Good news. Hope this project won't face the same fate like all other project due to bad planning. But 1 thing is bothering me why it will take so much time (up to 2036 & 2055) to complete it? Is it not strange and is it really impossible to build earlier then that? Lastly why so much hesitation to choose a single country or couple of countries for the project?

Good news. Hope this project won't face the same fate like all other project due to bad planning. But 1 thing is bothering me why it will take so much time (up to 2036 & 2055) to complete it? Is it not strange and is it really impossible to build earlier then that? Lastly why so much hesitation to choose a single country or couple of countries for the project?
India will look out for its national interest.

We let go Srilanka in China's side, can't afford to loose Bangladesh and Myanmar. Lets be analytic then emotional.
India will look out for its national interest.

We let go Srilanka in China's side, can't afford to loose Bangladesh and Myanmar. Lets be analytic then emotional.

You cant stop China in BD. China will be involved in that port no matter what. BD might ask some other countries to participate including India under Chinese leadership.
India will look out for its national interest.

We let go Srilanka in China's side, can't afford to loose Bangladesh and Myanmar. Lets be analytic then emotional.

Who is india to dictate where Bangladesh seek help form? It goes to expose indian duplicity about Bangladesh independence and soverigenty. India in action does not want to recognise Bangladesh as sovereign and independent country.
Who is india to dictate where Bangladesh seek help form? It goes to expose indian duplicity about Bangladesh independence and soverigenty. India in action does not want to recognise Bangladesh as sovereign and independent country.

Why do you think India is dictating. It wants to be part of the jiob , same as other countries are doing. But, it is our choice whether we select India or not. India cannot dictate. Why are you so weak and tremble with fear whenever you see the name of India? Have self-respect for yourself and the country. many people do not share your fear. Try to be good citizen of BD by becoming brave. You seem to be asking for a bad end of this thread as usual.
Chinese will ultimately get the deal inshallah. The dalals won't be in power for long. They have been involved in most of our infrastructure building since 75.

India will look out for its national interest.

We let go Srilanka in China's side, can't afford to loose Bangladesh and Myanmar. Lets be analytic then emotional.

Actually before Mr.Rajapakse coming to power , SL was always too subservient to India. They are standing up now. But before 2008 we didn't give a woot to India. This a muslim majority state of 160 million, that has 90% of her arms from china. Not to forget that our army is not at all happy with this present gov's Indian dalali. U guys are even struggling to fend off chinese influence in Nepal , which is a hindu state . so forget about BD.
You cant stop China in BD. China will be involved in that port no matter what. BD might ask some other countries to participate including India under Chinese leadership.

India has nothing to contribute here. They lack both the technological and financial muscle. Don't feed their already inflated ego.
If Indians are so bad, why you guys let India influence on your country for past 41 years. You blame your govt. but fail to take responsibility. India is the reason Bangladesh is independent and sovereign state, accept it. You were killed in millions when we intervened.

Yes, we did for our national interest but Didn't we save your forefathers from being murdered and raped. You blame Indian BSF for killing people on borders. Its your incompetence of security forces that fails to check your people at the first place.

Ask any Pakistani, if Indian BSF fails to stop people going to Pakistan illegally, they will support shooting the intruders.

Why did you allowed Rohingyans, should I bring your indifference towards your fellow Muslim brothers where Turkey helped them you didn't. Didn't we allowed BD illegal during 1970s.

Problem is that you fail to see things from other perspective and blame RAW and India for your shortcomings. When funding agencies like WB pulls out for you projects, its your fault, not ours. Its your corruption, not RAW's interference.

Start admitting your fault rather than putting India for any cause of problem, I wonder you guys will blame India for Global warming and Bangladesh drowning.

Pakistani and Chinese posters are better than you guys, Honestly. One can expect civil discussion and neutral and rational instance unlike many poster from BD.

As for Luffy 500, you are a troll and always jump on others achievements. Indian economy and technical capability can't be understood by people like you. All senior members know who you really are. Always off-topic and savage behaviour which MODs always overlook and keep posters like you messing up the thread.
India will look out for its national interest.

We let go Srilanka in China's side, can't afford to loose Bangladesh and Myanmar. Lets be analytic then emotional.

You certainly seems to have pissed of these Jamaatis and false flaggers here :rofl:
If Indians are so bad, why you guys let India influence on your country for past 41 years. You blame your govt. but fail to take responsibility. India is the reason Bangladesh is independent and sovereign state, accept it. You were killed in millions when we intervened.

I have a different perception on freedom and Independence. U can refer to my post no. 118 on this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/209563-q-about-bangladesh-8.html

And u guys solely intervened for your own strategic interest under 7 conditions forcefully imposed on the then exiled gov of BD under tazuddin Ahmed.

Yes, we did for our national interest but Didn't we save your forefathers from being murdered and raped. You blame Indian BSF for killing people on borders. Its your incompetence of security forces that fails to check your people at the first place.

Yeah that's more like it. It was for your own strategic interest not for any humanitarian cause that most fo your ignorant countrymen spout on every post.

Yes I blame BSF because they back smugglers as long as they get bribes and not to forget your BSF is directly involved in cocaine and heroine smuggling into BD. But yeah the blame mostly goes on the dalal gov of ours that is busy in Indian bootlicking.

Ask any Pakistani, if Indian BSF fails to stop people going to Pakistan illegally, they will support shooting the intruders.

Irrelevant. And what illegal migrants? No bangladeshi goes to India illegaly. Rather we have 5 lakh Indians working here in BD Illegaly. BD is one of the top 10 destinations of Indian remittance earning according to your TOI.
India world's largest remittance recipient - Times Of India

Why did you allowed Rohingyans, should I bring your indifference towards your fellow Muslim brothers where Turkey helped them you didn't. Didn't we allowed BD illegal during 1970s.

We allowed rohingyas during 2 of their mass exodus, one in 1992 and another one in 1978. They are still here in BD , over 800000 of them. The current Awami dalals didn't allow them though which is defineitely a shame but expected from such shameless anti-state dalals. Your point doesn't prove that we Bangladesis are indifferent towards our Rohingya brothers.

Problem is that you fail to see things from other perspective and blame RAW and India for your shortcomings. When funding agencies like WB pulls out for you projects, its your fault, not ours. Its your corruption, not RAW's interference.

RAW is heavily involved in BD and India's involvement in 2008 rigged election is an open secret.
India and Bangladesh: Embraceable you | The Economist

And Nobody blamed India for WB funding scam. SHOW me a post where a BD member blamed India on WB scam.

Start admitting your fault rather than putting India for any cause of problem, I wonder you guys will blame India for Global warming and Bangladesh drowning.

We have our faults but India always poke her nose in our internal politics and aggravates the situation.

Pakistani and Chinese posters are better than you guys, Honestly. One can expect civil discussion and neutral and rational instance unlike many poster from BD.

PAK and chinese don't have a dalal gov ruling them. They have no reason to hate India. Btw Civil discussions is not possible with any Indian who have over inflated egos. Just refer to your own post here.

As for Luffy 500, you are a troll and always jump on others achievements. Indian economy and technical capability can't be understood by people like you. All senior members know who you really are. Always off-topic and savage behaviour which MODs always overlook and keep posters like you messing up the thread.

Oh really. Feel free to report to the mods. Btw when it comes to off topic and savage behavior , U are the one who started it in this thread by this off topic and provocative post of yours.:

India will look out for its national interest.

We let go Srilanka in China's side, can't afford to loose Bangladesh and Myanmar. Lets be analytic then emotional.
India is not capable to plan and build a deep sea port or a part of it. It just does not have that technology and expertise. USA and Japan are the best two countries to do the job. Japan's JICA has done the feasibility study of this port. Japan has money and technology, perhaps the best in the world. But, Japanese yen at $1 = Y78 is too expensive for them not to lose money.

Even China may not have that kind of technological edge that the Japanese civil engineering companies have. In their homeland there are hundreds of reports of cheating with low grade construction materials. USA is certainly the best, but their engineers will not be allowed by their spouses to come alone or they will be on a two-week leave every three months. Americans will need a common swimming pool in their living quarters.

Only Japanese have the most honest work ethics. I wish Japan to be the main Contractor of this job or at least of the core project of the port.
My post wasn't provocative. My point was on Indian foreign policy vis-a-vis Bangladesh. China and India's tussle over regional cooperation is a sensitive topic this time.

RAW and Indian govt. involved, fine, isn't it common civilians fault in uprooting India friendly govt. We blame our govt., so does Pakistani blame their govt. but we have the courage to say that it is our fault that thee thieves are in power. Whether its Sonia or Zardari, people who supported Congress and PP feel betrayed by their parties. Who stopped you to start a revolution ?

Fine there is no illegal Bangladeshi, but WB said 3.3 million illegal Bangladeshis are there in India, it isn't our estimation. Its the same WB that siad about corruption in your country and you took at its face value.



Amnd look at your words "wet pants", hungry Indians, poverty etc. You always posts flame posts.

I can go on and on about you guys turning blind eye towards other nations. BTW it was China who helped Pakistan during 1971 war. So you can see who supported to kill your forefather.

We did it for our strategic interest, so does China. Use these same words against them or you don't want to go against the tide of being Anti-India.
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