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China now more willing, able to challenge US military, report says


Already happened, Renegade Indian province has its own currency, diplomatic ties, military and economy

View attachment 816363
This province calls itself " Republic of China" and it claims the whole south China sea. officially it also claims whole China.

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India will balkanise long before they even reach middle income country. Too many different ethnic groups and languages for a country to hold together as one. If and thats a big IF India ever gets higher IQ, the masses will rise up against the high castes and start a revolution. Basically richer India = higher IQ = revolution against the high castes for equality = balkanisation along ethnic lines.

China is always two steps ahead geopolitically to the US. China can play the waiting game and let America demographics take over. A Black Hispanic America will soon reach out to China to reset and improve relations soon as the anglos as minorities.
It will never balkanise, this is simply a wet dream.

Only chance it will balkanise is through foreign intervention.

Indians are simply patriotic, the (Indian) Muslims could get slapped in the face as a greeting and they will still scream patriotic slogans.
If you like being a cheerleader jiggling your pom poms atleast do it right

Read my post again and this time make an effort use your brain

I thought you being born in USA alteast would have had some proper American education

USA was colonial competitor in China, competing for influence from other European colonizers

View attachment 816331

They took part in the ten nation alliance as part of China relief expedition

They defeated your yellow masters by laying a siege in Peking (modern day Beijing) and many other battles

View attachment 816332

This how they gained American colonial enclave in modern Chinese Financial Hub of Shanghai after war
View attachment 816330

Were they colonized and made to sit on the floor the answer is "NO". I know it hurts your ego.
Why is China so obsessed about India?
It’s the other way around. China never thinks of India but Indians are obsessed with this imagined rivalry. China and India are not equals let alone rivals. China is a rival to the US not India.
Why so biased? India is ahead of China in many measures. China has had no enemy in the last 20 years. We had do deal with Pakistan. Your economy is not 5-6x times when it comes to GDP PPP. China copies technology from the USA. What sporting powerhouse? The only sport China is good at is table tennis lmao.

Far more powerful? You gotta be joking? China's military is ranked 3rd while we are ranked 4th. Not to mention that we have the warrior blood you dont.

We are ahead in Democracy, Human rights, IT, space tech. China could not even beat Vietnam in the 1970s.
You are so delusional. Warrior blood? India was colonized for centuries. Or are you talking about the Muslim conquerors or the British Imperial army?

Check out the Olympic medal tables. China usually ranks within the top 2 or 3 in gold medals. Look at all of the sports China has gotten gold medals consistently in from swimming to weightlifting.

India is lucky to get a medal a decade.

China is leagues ahead of India economically, militarily and socially, there is no comparison. China is on the verge of becoming a developed country while India is still very much third world. Jesus you are so delusional.
Why so biased? India is ahead of China in many measures. China has had no enemy in the last 20 years. We had do deal with Pakistan. Your economy is not 5-6x times when it comes to GDP PPP. China copies technology from the USA. What sporting powerhouse? The only sport China is good at is table tennis lmao.

Far more powerful? You gotta be joking? China's military is ranked 3rd while we are ranked 4th. Not to mention that we have the warrior blood you dont.

We are ahead in Democracy, Human rights, IT, space tech. China could not even beat Vietnam in the 1970s.
India is so ahead of every country, you decided to live in Norway lol
Oh, I think every country is challenging the U. S, obviously U. S own the earth. 🤣🤣🤣
@Sainthood 101 @jus_chillin Read this shit man 🤣

Only people capable of fighting on the Indian side are the Sikhs... the rest are coward Sanghis

Where is @siegecrossbow to post his favourite images of the Indians
Rajputs? Jatts? they seem mean
There were warrior groups but area was flat, entry point was controlled by someone else and political classes, kingdoms were way too divided
but men of the plains were no cowards infect opposite
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Why so biased? India is ahead of China in many measures. China has had no enemy in the last 20 years. We had do deal with Pakistan. Your economy is not 5-6x times when it comes to GDP PPP. China copies technology from the USA. What sporting powerhouse? The only sport China is good at is table tennis lmao.

Far more powerful? You gotta be joking? China's military is ranked 3rd while we are ranked 4th. Not to mention that we have the warrior blood you dont.

We are ahead in Democracy, Human rights, IT, space tech. China could not even beat Vietnam in the 1970s.
what crap can you delusional hubris Indians produce ? Always slandering Chinese in copy and paste tech, shame on you ! China is leading in 5G, AI, quantum computers, quantum satellites communications, super computers, space tech, nuclear energy, electric cars, solar energy, subways and high speed trains to just name a few in tech. China and US are leading in 4th industrial revolution, where is your supa pooh junkyard India ? You Indians still have the audacity to ridicule China all the time. You delusional India is leading China in IT and space tech ? Keep daydreaming, you haven't put a man in space and land on the moon yet ! You India are just IT call centres for Western IT companies !
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