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China Needs to Make a Military Strike Now - My Personal Assessment

William Hung

Oct 3, 2013
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I mentioned before that the events occuring in the SCS is playing into the hands of the US. If the current event just keep on going as it is, China will loose in the long run.........unless they make a military strike now and capture all the islands in the spratly. Although a military conflict is unlikely, I still think it is the best option for China now. Here are my assessments:

The rig operation was a calculated move. Here are the pros (or the intended pros of the move) of the move:

-The rig was moved there to play a game of Chicken with the US. China want to show that the US asian pivot and commitment is fake. US can only pay lip service to their friends but aren't willing to do anything more. China correctly predicted this.

-This will send a message to Japan, VN and Phil to stop being hawkish because US is not going to support you like they said they would.

-In theory, this should make Vietnam less anti-Chinese and start negotiating. It also discourage Vietnam (or the Philippine) to unilaterally explore for oil/gas or invite a third party into fields within the 9-dash line. If Vietnam (or the Phil) accuse China of being aggressive and destabilizing the SCS by drilling in disputed area, China can also say the same in the future if Vietnam drills within the 9-dash line. Therefore, the world will see that Vietnam (or the Phil) is having double standard.

However, this is what is really going on and the cons of the rig operation:

-It is now a PR (public relation) battle between Vietnam/Phil and China. China is loosing. It is clear that the US is working overtime to give China a bad image (not just in the SCS, but also in the G7 and trade such as the hacking accusations) .Most western media paints China as the agressor in the SCS. CCP are now aware of this and trying to (hopelessly) rectify it in the UN.

-Japan has become more militarized. Abe succeeded in modifying the arms export ban. With the blessing of the US, Japan nominated itself to become a military leader in Asia and Phil/Vietnam are happy to accept this. CCP did not foresee this 5-6 years ago.

-Philippines is also becoming militarized. They no longer mind spending money on military arms.

-Vietnam becomes more hardened and stubborn. Instead of becoming less anti-Chinese and start negotiating, they've become even more pro-US and pro-Japan.

-Vietnamese civilian is quite unruly and extremely anti-Chinese. The country is quite unstabe and prone to a colour revolution.

-So when August come and the rig goes home, nothing will be achieved. China will gain no new island or territory. Her image will take a bit hit. If the rig stay longer, her image will even be more damaged and Phil/Viet will be more hardened.

-The US will be welcomed back to Asia more than ever by the Phil and VN. VCP will become very pro-US or the country may even have a colour revolution. With a pro-US government and military support from the US, it will even be harder to take back the VN-occupied Island in the SCS.

-With a US-backed Phil and VN who occupies most of the islands, the SCS can be a choke point for China. This is what the asian pivot is all about and why I think the events is playing into the hand of the US. The SCS can now become one more tool for the US to bring down China. It can choke China or it can be used to trigger an arms conflict between China and VN/Phil in the future or it can be used to control Japan and S.Korea should they want to be more independent from the US (SCS is also the main trading route and lifeline for Japan/S.Korea). All of this is not good for the stability and growth of China.

If you take all this into account, the best option for China is to make a quick and effective military strike against Vietnam to take back all the occupied Islands, destroy their airforce and naval assests and facilities. No need to occupy or enter their country. Here are the reasons why this is the best option and needs to happen now:

-this post is getting too long and I need to go.
The rig was moved there to play a game of Chicken with the US. China want to show that the US asian pivot and commitment is fake. US can only pay lip service to their friends but aren't willing to do anything more. China correctly predicted this.

We already proved this, when we seized the Scarborough shoal in 2012, and America didn't do anything to stop it, despite them having a "mutual defense treaty" with the Philippines.

As for a military first strike in the SCS, that is not a good idea. If we strike first, that will give the USA a chance to try and sanction us.

Whereas if Vietnam/Philippines strikes first, we will be able to strike back massively without worrying about sanctions.

Currently, we are gaining the most from the status quo, we have the fastest rate of economic development among all the major players.

And we are currently drilling for oil near the Xisha islands. The status quo benefits us, those who are unhappy with the oil rig are the ones who would be motivated to make the first strike.
If you take all this into account, the best option for China is to make a quick and effective military strike against Vietnam to take back all the occupied Islands, destroy their airforce and naval assests and facilities. No need to occupy or enter their country. Here are the reasons why this is the best option and needs to happen now:

-this post is getting too long and I need to go.

I can't stop laughing. That was masterfully done, well played.
I can't stop laughing. That was masterfully done, well played.
he must go back to work...
wait until he comes back after all toilettes are cleaned :lol:

We already proved this, when we seized the Scarborough shoal in 2012, and America didn't do anything to stop it, despite them having a "mutual defense treaty" with the Philippines.

As for a military first strike in the SCS, that is not a good idea. If we strike first, that will give the USA a chance to try and sanction us.

Whereas if Vietnam/Philippines strikes first, we will be able to strike back massively without worrying about sanctions.

Currently, we are gaining the most from the status quo, we have the fastest rate of economic development among all the major players.

And we are currently drilling for oil near the Xisha islands. The status quo benefits us, those who are unhappy with the oil rig are the ones who would be motivated to make the first strike.
No worry. If Vietnam decides to strike first, we will made it as deadly as possible, as we had done on the Song Chinese army. Vietnam government considers the oil rig with all warships in our EEZ as Chinese invasion. We have informed the UN, EU and other international organisations.
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he must go back to work...
wait until he comes back after all toilettes are cleaned :lol:

No worry. If Vietnam decides to strike first, we will made it as deadly as possible, as we had done on the Song Chinese army. Vietnam government considers the oil rig with all warships in our EEZ as Chinese invasion. We have informed the UN, EU and other international organisations.

The current news are getting boring. I hope to see Vietnam vs China soon.
If you think you have a chance against the PLA Navy, then you are welcome to strike first.

Until then, our oil rig is going to keep drilling. :P
in theory we have never a chance against the giant China.
but the history tells different story as our victories over the Han, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing and Deng.

Xi may be the next victim in the shame list. Just keep up your provocations.
If you think you have a chance against the PLA Navy, then you are welcome to strike first.

Until then, our oil rig is going to keep drilling. :P

Given the disparity in conventional forces, China is not so naive as to bait its neighbors into building nuclear weapons capability... is it?
If your goal is not to have your neighbors militarize more or band together in military alliances then don't hand them a reason to do it on a silver platter.

The only reason the USA is successful at painting China as some kind of menace is because China keeps playing into their hands with these little island flaps.

The more you keeping doing that the more world leverage the US gains and the more it smiles. And for what...some little islands. China isn't even even invading their neighbors main land masses but is losing the PR battle as potential invaders.

Now the US is getting the green light from your neighbors to station more equipment and spy more on you. To surround you even more. Even the Japanese will militarize without raising a world eyebrow because China has lost the PR battle.

All for a few islands. You call this a "good play"? Sounds the opposite to me.
in theory we have never a chance against the giant China.
but the history tells different story as our victories over the Han, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing and Deng.

Xi may be the next victim in the shame list. Just keep up your provocations.
Vietnam has good chance of winning. All that is required is will.
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