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China needs to be more vocal in support of Rohingyas: Bangladesh


Apr 28, 2016
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The official, however, said that the ASEAN countries are yet to take a united step to force Myanmar to take effective measures. He also said that China needs to be more vocal in stopping the tragedy inflicted on the Rohingya.

Bangladesh has been handling the crisis of influx of refugees from Myanmar single-handedly, said the official, urging more international support. The role of ASEAN and the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) will be critical in ensuring support for the Rohingya, said the official.


China has already compromised our significant economic interests in Myanmar by withholding our UNSC veto in the last anti-Myanmar resolution as well as providing aid for the Rohingya refugees. Which is a lot more than anyone did for the Kokang Chinese who were being persecuted by Myanmar a few years ago.

But when even Hasina/India are persecuting their own fellow Bengali Muslims, what can anyone else do about it.
China has already compromised our significant economic interests in Myanmar by withholding our UNSC veto in the last anti-Myanmar resolution as well as providing aid for the Rohingya refugees. Which is a lot more than anyone did for the Kokang Chinese who were being persecuted by Myanmar a few years ago.

But when even Hasina/India are persecuting their own fellow Bengali Muslims, what can anyone else do about it.

India has no obligation in life for Bangladeshi Muslims. We don't owe anything and don't give shit about them.

This is between Bangladesh and China.
China has already compromised our significant economic interests in Myanmar by withholding our UNSC veto in the last anti-Myanmar resolution as well as providing aid for the Rohingya refugees. Which is a lot more than anyone did for the Kokang Chinese who were being persecuted by Myanmar a few years ago.

But when even Hasina/India are persecuting their own fellow Bengali Muslims, what can anyone else do about it.

What do you mean that BD is persecuting BD Muslims?
Which is a lot more than anyone did for the Kokang Chinese who were being persecuted by Myanmar a few years ago.
Why you let the burmese to persecute the Kokang Chinese? Specially when you have the means to stop it? Why CCP thinks, material interest is everything, human life is nothing?When China will start valuing human life and dignity over petty interest? You may attain number one position in the world in economy or military, but you will not earn any respect in the world, countries around the world will still look towards USA for guidance and mediation and will identify China as a self serving monster looking for only exploitation of the world's resources.
Why you let the burmese to persecute the Kokang Chinese? Specially when you have the means to stop it? Why CCP thinks, material interest is everything, human life is nothing?When China will start valuing human life and dignity over petty interest? You may attain number one position in the world in economy or military, but you will not earn any respect in the world, countries around the world will still look towards USA for guidance and mediation and will identify China as a self serving monster looking for only exploitation of the world's resources.

Did you even read what I wrote, China already sacrificed our significant economic interests in Myanmar by withholding our UNSC veto well as supplying aid to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

Now what did Hasina the Indian slave sacrifice for us? F*ck all. Buying equipment from us and receiving investment at friendship prices, great for Bangladesh.

And Kokang are not Chinese citizens, they are the responsibility of the Myanmar government. Which Myanmar eventually realized a year ago (which ended their offensive against the Kokang), now can Hasina the Indian slave achieve the same thing with the Rohingya?
Did you even read what I wrote, China already sacrificed our significant economic interests in Myanmar by withholding our UNSC veto well as supplying aid to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
I am not sure what economic interest in burma is damaged.

The latest statement from UNSC was very soft and had no option to give veto.It was not something which would have compelled burma to modify it's course of action.
Now what did Hasina the Indian slave sacrifice for us? F*ck all. Buying equipment from us and receiving investment at friendship prices, great for Bangladesh.
Buying equipment and investment/credit also help China.These are not one way street.
And Kokang are not Chinese citizens, they are the responsibility of the Myanmar government. Which Myanmar eventually realized a year ago (which ended their offensive against the Kokang), now can Hasina the Indian slave achieve the same thing with the Rohingya?
Citizen or not, Kokang Chinese certainly deserved help from neighboring China specially when they were the same Chinese people left out on the wrong side of the border.But China did nothing to stop their killing or persecution.Even Russia, whose reputation on human rights is not good, react strongly when ethnic Russian mistreated in neighboring countries.

China to Deport Kokang Refugees Back to Burma: Sources
RANGOON — Chinese border authorities have ordered Kokang refugees back to Burma, threatening to deport those who resist the directive, according to sources on both sides of the border.

“They came through Thursday and destroyed 40 or 50 dwellings,” said Sai Lao,

These refugee certainly deserve better treatment from China.
These refugee certainly deserve better treatment from China.

We already gave them aid, that is more than enough, considering they are not Chinese citizens.

Still the question remains, what has Bangladesh/India done for China? They only have their hand out for money, they never cared about the Rohingya.
Did you even read what I wrote, China already sacrificed our significant economic interests in Myanmar by withholding our UNSC veto well as supplying aid to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

Now what did Hasina the Indian slave sacrifice for us? F*ck all. Buying equipment from us and receiving investment at friendship prices, great for Bangladesh.

And Kokang are not Chinese citizens, they are the responsibility of the Myanmar government. Which Myanmar eventually realized a year ago (which ended their offensive against the Kokang), now can Hasina the Indian slave achieve the same thing with the Rohingya?

Please excuse the tone that my fellow BD'shi poster used when replying to you.
Nearly all people in BD wish China well and are very happy to see it progress. Ignore some of the
emotional comments from certain BD posters here about China.
It's rise to a superpower will be good for the world at large as it will create an alternative to
the US-led Western pole.
We understand China's strategic interests in Myanmar and so do not expect it to be able to support
BD over the humanitarian disaster that is the Rohingya exodus but we would expect it to abstain from tough U.N. censure. Just imagine what China would feel
if 5 million( adjust for pop diff between BD and China) refugees were pushed into Southern China over a few weeks and BD is a lot poorer than China is.
BD government, even one led by Hasina, would have been the first to condemn Myanmar
unequivocally for the treatment of the Kokang Chinese but did China raise this at an international
level for awareness?
Recall the stand off at Doklam, where BD posters universally supported China over India.
We had to face constant Indian taunts of "cheerleaders" because of this. China can rest assured
that despite the feelings over the Rohingya issue, BD as a nation will remain a Chinese friend.
As regards Hasina, she is a waste of space when regards defence and has brought 33 modern jet trainers since 2012 and not a single fighter! The situation with Rohingya is different over Kokang Chinese as Myanmar
does not even recognise Rohingya as citizen.
Still the question remains, what has Bangladesh/India done for China? They only have their hand out for money, they never cared about the Rohingya
I agree. China can't jeopardise it's national interests for the Rohingyas. So I expect the Chinese government to stand by Myanmar either passively or actively. They shouldn't care what some people might say, since once country's interests comes first the rest later.
We already gave them aid, that is more than enough, considering they are not Chinese citizens.

Still the question remains, what has Bangladesh/India done for China? They only have their hand out for money, they never cared about the Rohingya.
Yes, our performance is much much lower than ideal.But you have to understand the size difference, Bangladesh's capability to help the refugee is 1/100th of China due to geographic and economic size.And we had to receive half a million refugee in just 2 weeks.This is the same magnitude like 5 million people suddenly poured into China.And if you consider the pre-existing Rohingya population that it is like hosting 10 million refugee in China.So as a poor country, our challenge is not small and asking China to do something is not out of proportion to the crisis.

I hope you will take my words frankly as a friendly criticism.This episode is just a hiccup on China-Bangladesh friendship.Our relation will flourish in many ways in coming decades.:china:
We already gave them aid, that is more than enough, considering they are not Chinese citizens.

Still the question remains, what has Bangladesh/India done for China? They only have their hand out for money, they never cared about the Rohingya.

Actually it is not true that BD as a nation do not care about Rohingya. You can see how ordinary
BD citizens are handing out aid to the poor Rohingya refugees through their own initiative.
Past prime minister's of BD even threatened to arm Rohingya if Myanmar does not
take back Rohingya. Unfortunately current leader of BD is a complete wimp!

Yes , you are right that BD is mainly receiving and not giving back to China. That is the reality right now
as BD is way poorer than China is. We need to remember that a strong BD is in Chinese interest and so China
in a way is getting something back from it's investments even if it cannot be counted in hard currency.
I am sure this will change if BD ever develops to China's level. There is still universal goodwill towards China in BD, despite some of the comments you would have read here.
I agree. China can't jeopardise it's national interests for the Rohingyas. So I expect the Chinese government to stand by Myanmar either passively or actively. They shouldn't care what some people might say, since once country's interests comes first the rest later.
So there should not be any humanitarian intervention in the world which may threaten national interest? You are willing to do business with Hitler/Stalin type of mass murderer as long as it materially benefit your country?By this logic,Britain should not have gone to war with Nazi Germany and risk invasion and bombing,should have accepted Hitler's lucrative peace offer which allowed Britain to rule her empire in exchange of Britain turning a blind eye of what Nazis are doing in mainland Europe.US should not have intervened in Bosnia and Kosovo and risk antagonizing Russia and China.No nation should care about the slaughter/genocide happening in her neighborhood as it may harm her national interest.This is the type of world you want to live?
So there should not be any humanitarian intervention in the world which may threaten national interest? You are willing to do business with Hitler/Stalin type of mass murderer as long as it materially benefit your country?By this logic,Britain should not have gone to war with Nazi Germany and risk invasion and bombing,should have accepted Hitler's lucrative peace offer which allowed Britain to rule her empire in exchange of Britain turning a blind eye of what Nazis are doing in mainland Europe.US should not have intervened in Bosnia and Kosovo and risk antagonizing Russia and China.No nation should care about the slaughter/genocide happening in her neighborhood as it may harm her national interest.This is the type of world you want to live?

That IS how the world works, geopolitics never had anything to do with morality, only national interests.

None of those wars you described were done for selfless reasons, and they all killed large numbers of people on the other side. Which is hardly moral in any case.

Yes, our performance is much much lower than ideal.But you have to understand the size difference, Bangladesh's capability to help the refugee is 1/100th of China due to geographic and economic size.And we had to receive half a million refugee in just 2 weeks.This is the same magnitude like 5 million people suddenly poured into China.And if you consider the pre-existing Rohingya population that it is like hosting 10 million refugee in China.So as a poor country, our challenge is not small and asking China to do something is not out of proportion to the crisis.

I hope you will take my words frankly as a friendly criticism.This episode is just a hiccup on China-Bangladesh friendship.Our relation will flourish in many ways in coming decades.:china:

China is still a developing country with 1.3 billion Chinese citizens to take care of.

What do you expect us to do, when even rich developed countries like America say "America first"?
There're at least 3 facts about this crisis.

1, The ethnicity collision has a root at least as early
as when British colonized Bangla and Myanmar, or in a shorter timeline, at least from WWII when Japanese invaded Myanmar.
2, The immediate trigger of this issue is ARSA proactively attacked MM police.
3, There're numerous Rohingyas refugees fled into BD.

I don't consider China's response have any fault, for 2, support MM government, definitely. for 3, already deliver aid to refugee and didn't veto in latest announcement of UNSC.

This new round of crisis is apparently triggered by ARSA after careful calculation. ARSA leaders clearly understand the reaction from MM military if they proactively attack MM police stations, their goal is very clear, recruit Rohingya militants in the refugee, recruit Jihadist in South Asian. Furthermore, they clearly understand they have no any hope to survive in MM, they have to root BD, and filtrate into India, a total population of 350 million Muslim provide a nice environment for them to blend into civilian and execute a sustainable recruitment of militants.

The real threat to BD is ARSA, Dhaka terrorist attack in 2016 is already a signal of infiltration of ISIS. I believe BD government don't desire to gift India a nice pretext to directly interfere its own internal security affair.
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