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China needs to be more vocal in support of Rohingyas: Bangladesh

All China need to do is an abstention vote in UN and more humanitarian aid to Rohingyas. At the same time we will not support organization like ARSA.

Rohingyas was siding with Pakistan when BD tried to get independent in year 1971.

Pakistan shall take them as well.
China has already supported Myanmar. Where is the question of supporting Rohingyas?
Not at the expense of human life.According to this theory,Bangladesh should not have sheltered the Refugee because it is harming our national interest(draining national resources without any benefit). But we have done the right thing by not looking at petty national interest.
But bengladesh borders Myanmar and rakhine state where Rohingyas live is a stone throw away from bengladesh. It's only natural bengladesh will have more Rohingyas refugees than most countries. Geographical reasons often determines where refugees seek refuge as a first stop. So bengladesh had little to no choice than to take in these refugees, same with Pakistan took afghans refugees during Soviet war in Afghanistan, China took kokang during clashes in northern Myanmar etc etc

So there should not be any humanitarian intervention in the world which may threaten national interest? You are willing to do business with Hitler/Stalin type of mass murderer as long as it materially benefit your country?By this logic,Britain should not have gone to war with Nazi Germany and risk invasion and bombing,should have accepted Hitler's lucrative peace offer which allowed Britain to rule her empire in exchange of Britain turning a blind eye of what Nazis are doing in mainland Europe.US should not have intervened in Bosnia and Kosovo and risk antagonizing Russia and China.No nation should care about the slaughter/genocide happening in her neighborhood as it may harm her national interest.This is the type of world you want to live?
Well, you are comparing apples and oranges. For 1 WWII was a global conflict with varying alliances and interests it can't be compared to the Rohingyas issue which an internal issue/mini civil war like the one Myanmar has with its other ethnic groups.

Secondly today's western world is different from the past and western countries have a strong presence of NGO's , Hunan rights groups, leftists etc who act as counterweight to western leaders/government. As such it's more difficult for western countries to turn a blind eye to such attrocities without public scrutiny. The presence of alot of different immigrants(including those born here ) in western countries plays a major role as well. There are many 1st,2nd and 3rd generation immigrants here in western countries who now occupy government positions/MPS so they often help in drawing attention to the plight of the situation in their home country if origin. So this plays a major role in pressuring our leaders to take actions they wouldn't have done otherwise. In case of China and Russia it's very different since they don't face such conditions. So government there doesn't face such pressure, especially with foreign alien people like the Rohingyas Muslims with whom the Chinese/Russians know nothing about, so it's a non issue there. Reason they can follow their national interests without much pressure internally
These threads asking for international support are really foolish. Firstly Bangladesh govt. needs to do more. A Bangladeshi AL minister himself called Rohingya a security risk and initially Bangladesh offered joint patrolling with Myanmar to target rohingya. Your country continues to trade and maintain relations. I reiterate no one can help until u dont help ursrlf.

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