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China narrows technology gap with US

How many ? 169 out of 193 ?=many other countries ?

Please save your ignorant BS for your "Australia racist thread", my

dear so-called Australian, "identity crisis" is no joke, get some

professional help before its too late. :smitten::pakistan::china:



USA helped/protected those countries. USA never felt threat with them so they grown. It is not the case of china.

China is buying up the US debt so the economic relationship between the two countries are also very tight. Also, US is full of products made in China. Its true that US perceive China as a political/military competitors but economically, US and China do help each other grow.
The U.S doesn't want to invade or anything
wow, a great history inventor:smitten:

then ,Mexico、Canada、Hawaii、Grenada should say what?:rofl::rofl:

Oh, i see,these countries invade U.S:D

The US was invaded by the British and they burned the white house down during the Napoleon war. So Americans do know how it feel to have the residence of its president burned to the ground.
You can call me stupid or something. It is fact that Taiwan is different country. A person from india to go Taiwan, chinese visa is enough?

The Taiwanese government is the government of ROC. The ROC government (Taiwanese government) claims AP as part of ROC. So if someone from Indian's AP try to enter Taiwan, the person would theoretically need to carry a special passport according to Taiwan.
I saw usa consulate is not in Taiwan. My questionn Taiwan people to go USA, do they need visa? If they need where they get it

They get it from the cultural exchange office. The fact is that both Taiwan (Republic of China) and China (People's republic of China" claim as the sole legitimate government of China. Both countries require recognition of that fact as a precondition for diplomatic relationship. So all the major countries in the world recognize China. However, many countries do maintain a non official relationship with Taiwan.
NO chance of catching up...China may catch up with US in GDP..but its a bubble with hell a lot of problems & people..

it is a difficult task but still possible, isnt it?

if you take my opinion, the brain of the world lies in asia (pak, china, india, bangladesh, nepal etc). US, EU has used the people from this area to become what they are now, so i can not understand (in proper circumstances) if these people work in and for their own country, why these countries can not catch up with US.

i am not saying people only from china, but india or pakistan or other countries as well, if provided with the same facilities and equipment in their own countries can do wonders as you can see in the form of navigational satellite system of china, india's lunar probe and missile programme of pakistan. if with all the restrictions from the world we can declare ourselves nuclear powers and create long range missiles then if provided with proper equipment cant we not catch up with US?

i know some of the participant on this forum might think of me as a dreamer but this is the fact and i have met many well known asian scientist (the whole team not only the head) working in US and doing research for US/EU. we all know many indians are working for microsoft, similarly you can see a lot of medical doctors in UK and US from pakistan/these asian countries. so in my opinion, it is not only possible, but we have one example in front of us and that is china, who is narrowing the gap very quickly in technology compared to US. who knows, next will be india followed by any other country from the same region like may be pakistan.

I don't think it will happen in our lifetime. Who will buy chinese technology? They are good in copying and flooding market with cheap quality products.
Maybe you should to know the company ZTE and HUAWEI,just in indian communication system ,they are playing important roles.
you indian will pay more and more money to the western company if no ZTE and HUAWEI
i hate the persons,who enjoy good quality products but complain to pay less money.it s 傻冒!!!
it is a difficult task but still possible, isnt it?

if you take my opinion, the brain of the world lies in asia (pak, china, india, bangladesh, nepal etc). US, EU has used the people from this area to become what they are now, so i can not understand (in proper circumstances) if these people work in and for their own country, why these countries can not catch up with US.
Who is at the top of a corporation? Scientists? Engineers? Attorneys? Sales? Human Resources? How about ALL of them? The point here is that in the US we have a political and economic system that encourages ALL of them to do their best within an organization. Absent the intellectual prowess and human skills of any one of them, meaning if the political and economic environment is not conducive to their talents, you will continue to have the conditions you wondered about. I heard the many frustrating ways a man in India will have to endure to get a business license. I do not know the extent of this fact, if it is true. But if it is true, is it any wonder why Silicon Valley have so many start-ups by Indians?
Are you a ignorance child? Why always say fabricated words!

It's so tired to talk with ignorance child....


How is what i said fabricated? I'm sorry if your government has been telling you lies through your state controlled media, but that's fact. Taiwan is an independent republic under the name of the republic of china and is recognized by many countries around the world.

I'm guessing your government doesnt allow other countries free media in your country, only state controllled.
The US was invaded by the British and they burned the white house down during the Napoleon war. So Americans do know how it feel to have the residence of its president burned to the ground.

who is the producer of 1812 war ,George 3 or James Madison? Of couse, I won't plead for British Empire.But it's the fact that the war'scause is the greed of USA president. As for the British, they do like set on fire:D
How is what i said fabricated? I'm sorry if your government has been telling you lies through your state controlled media, but that's fact. Taiwan is an independent republic under the name of the republic of china and is recognized by many countries around the world.

I'm guessing your government doesnt allow other countries free media in your country, only state controllled.

Before you speak like a mad, I hope you could use search engines to find the truth, if you know how to use a search engine.

We have provided many proofs, but you keep blind.

Could you provide some proof before you reply fabricated words?

How is what i said fabricated? I'm sorry if your government has been telling you lies through your state controlled media, but that's fact. Taiwan is an independent republic under the name of the republic of china and is recognized by many countries around the world.

I'm guessing your government doesnt allow other countries free media in your country, only state controllled.

Hi madman, look at what guy from Taiwan posted:

So all the major countries in the world recognize China. However, many countries do maintain a non official relationship with Taiwan.
Who is at the top of a corporation? Scientists? Engineers? Attorneys? Sales? Human Resources? How about ALL of them? The point here is that in the US we have a political and economic system that encourages ALL of them to do their best within an organization. Absent the intellectual prowess and human skills of any one of them, meaning if the political and economic environment is not conducive to their talents, you will continue to have the conditions you wondered about. I heard the many frustrating ways a man in India will have to endure to get a business license. I do not know the extent of this fact, if it is true. But if it is true, is it any wonder why Silicon Valley have so many start-ups by Indians?

gambit, i have always admired the US/EU political and economic system leading to technological innovation. for example, in US/EU/Japan even, reasearch is done at the levels of universities, like for instance Japan has recently has attached a module in space station developed in Tskuba university just one example and there are many more. i think you have not seen my previous post (post 97).

on the other hand what i have mentioned in my post reffered by you is also right and i think you will agree to it, off course, if provided the right circumstances (finances, scurities, leadership etc) these countries can rise and can narrow the gap in tech.

Hi madman, look at what guy from Taiwan posted:

Do you know any english at all? he said "many countries do maintain a non official relationship with Taiwan." "many" doesnt mean none.

Like i said Taiwan is considerd an independent sovereign nation by many countries around the world, not all recognize it.

Google the list of countries. Well i doubt you will be able to find anything on Taiwan sicne your government forces google to censor it's search engine, this is why google is shutting down it's china website. :woot:

lol communists.
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