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China: military 'decades behind' US


Oct 12, 2010
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China: military 'decades behind' US

China has insisted that its military technology lags "decades behind" the United States and other developed countries and poses no threat to the rest of the world.

By Malcolm Moore in Shanghai 12:49PM GMT 10 Jan 2011

"The efforts that we place on the research and development of weapons systems are by no means targeted at any third country or any other countries in the world, and it will by no means threaten any other country in the world," said Mr Liang.

His conciliatory tone was echoed by Li Keqiang, who is likely to become China's prime minister next year. On the first day of a tour of Britain, Mr Li stressed that China had "actively mediated" to reduce international tensions in Iran, Darfur and North Korea.

Observers have been surprised over the past month by the speed of China's military advances, after officials unveiled a new stealth fighter jet and brought forward the deployment of its first aircraft carrier.

The People's Liberation Army now also has an operational ballistic missile that can target and destroy aircraft carriers, the first such weapon in the world. The new missile is likely to challenge the dominance of the US navy in the Pacific.

In response, Mr Gates pledged that the US would match the Chinese advances with its own programmes. "I've been concerned about the development of anti-ship cruise and ballistic missiles ever since I took this job," he said, as he travelled to Beijing.

The Global Times, a Communist party newspaper, said in an editorial that China nevertheless remains "one generation or more behind the US in military technology."

It added that China, as a "fragile" country, needed to develop its military in order to "make any power think twice before trying to offend China's key interests".

Mr Gates and Mr Liang agreed to establish a working group in order to bring the US and Chinese armies closer together.

"We are in strong agreement that in order to reduce the chances of miscommunication, misunderstanding or miscalculation, it is important that our military-to-military ties are solid, consistent and not subject to shifting political winds," he said.

US and Chinese military ties were curtailed for much of 2010 after Beijing protested against a proposed arms sale to Taiwan. China has also loudly complained at joint exercises that the US has carried out in the Yellow Sea with South Korea involving the USS George Washington, an aircraft carrier.

China: military 'decades behind' US - Telegraph
But one feels that the decades are passing much more rapidly than normal. Einstein may be interested and we Indians must be vary...
That's true.

I think that the future will not be in total US hands.
BRIC will get their share.
Hahaha more smokescreening from the "strategic fool-you" agency.

Well be logical.
Compare numbers,tech advancement and present standards.
US goes way ahead.
As i said BRIC will have it's share,amongst BRIC.China will have the most that's for sure.But India could well cope up.
But US is decades ahead atm..

Edit:Until ,unless there is a dramatic fall in US's economic conditions..
well china is behind from usa but we are not usa we have to think from oour point of view

china is a danger for india ,japan ,uk, isreail, france , vitenam

so the question remains unsewred
since when did china have beef with uk, israel and france?

citations needed
well china is behind from usa but we are not usa we have to think from oour point of view

china is a danger for india ,japan ,uk, isreail, france , vitenam

so the question remains unsewred

Learn how to spell. How is China a danger to any of those country is beyong me. Japan once occupied China, UK onced occupied China, France once occupied China.

Israeli is a part and so damn far away. India - is not even on the radar.
china is a danger for india ,japan ,uk, isreail, france , vitenam

pitty, whay can't indian just think of themself? If China is threat to india so be it, deal with. Dont try to hide behind other countries. They are much more capable of taking their position.
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