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China may 'speed up construction of CPEC'


Feb 8, 2016
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Will speed up CPEC construction if Pakistan shows concern: Chinese scholar


Chinese Scholars and Analysts have indicated that China may speed up the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Director of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations affiliated to the Chinese Foreign Ministry Hu Shisheng, said China may speed up the construction of the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor which passes through Azad Kashmir if Pakistan was isolated and cornered by India.

“China has to discuss with Pakistan about the current situation on how to handle and how to come out it,” Hu said speaking about threats of Pakistan’s isolation in the region and postponement of the SAARC summit after the Uri terror attack in which 19 Indian soldiers were killed.

“China has to further enhance relations with Pakistan if it feels cornered. A cornered regime some times will be more desperate, which will not be conducive to political development within Pakistan,” Hu said. “If Pakistan feels isolated from South Asia, then China will speed up CPEC to instil confidence in Islamabad,” he said.

However, Hu said this isolation may be conducive for Pakistan to remove internal differences on CPEC. The isolation “may be to the good of CPEC,” he said. “The completion of the CPEC may give Pakistan some confidence in handling differences with India more confidently,” he said.

“This may also change the Pakistani mindset on extremism, radicalism and terrorism and shift it to development,” he said.

Hu said India was purposely promoting the regional sub-regional integration in South Asia to isolate Pakistan.

“This will make Pakistan feel cornered and improving relations with India will be more difficult,” he said.

With the indefinite postponement of SAARC, a platform has been lost for India and Pakistan to improve relations, he has said.

On Xi’s proposed meeting with Modi on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in Goa, he said top leaders alone cannot solve problems.

There have to be candid and frank talks at the diplomatic level which would enable top leaders to take decisions, he said.

“China can not sit idle like in the past to let India-Pakistan tensions grow. May be in future, China would like the U.S. to be more active with India and Pakistan to stabilise their relations,” Hu said.

we should pay heed to our long-term interest and these cannot be achieved only through putting all our eggs into one basket.Pak needs to remain focused on how its sovereignty is being compromised. we should not allow China to be US for us. we should develop ourselves in a way where China should remain our friend not the master because we like them to be friends not the US or master.
BEIJING: Chinese Scholars and Analysts have indicated that China may speed up the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Chinese scholar, Hu Shisheng, Director of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations affiliated to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said China may speed up the construction of the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which passes through Azad Kashmir if Pakistan was isolated and cornered by India.

“China has to discuss with Pakistan about the current situation on how to handle and how to come out it,” Mr. Hu said speaking about threats of Pakistan’s isolation in the region and postponement of the SAARC summit after the Uri terror attack in which 19 Indian soldiers were killed.

“China has to further enhance relations with Pakistan if it feels cornered. A cornered regime some times will be more desperate, which will not be conducive to political development within Pakistan,” Mr. Hu said.

“If Pakistan feels isolated from South Asia, then China will speed up CPEC to instill confidence in Islamabad,” he said.

However, Mr. Hu said this isolation might be conducive for Pakistan to remove internal differences on CPEC. The isolation “may be to the good of CPEC,” he said.

“The completion of the CPEC, may give Pakistan some confidence in handling differences with India more confidently,” he said.

“This may also change the Pakistani mindset on extremism, radicalism and terrorism and shift it to development,” he said.

Mr. Hu said India was purposely promoting the regional sub-regional integration in South Asia to isolate Pakistan.

“This will make Pakistan feel cornered and improving relations with India will be more difficult,” he said.

With indefinite postponement of SAARC, a platform has been lost for India and Pakistan to improve relations, he has said.

On Mr. Xi’s proposed meeting with Modi on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in Goa, he said top leaders alone cannot solve problems.

There has to be candid and frank talks at the diplomatic level that would enable top leaders to take decisions, he said.

“China can not sit idle like in the past to let India-Pakistan tensions grow. May be in future, China would like the U.S. to be more active with India and Pakistan to stabilise their relations,” Mr. Hu said.


However, Mr. Hu said this isolation might be conducive for Pakistan to remove internal differences on CPEC. The isolation “may be to the good of CPEC,” he said.

Frankly speaking, other than Sri Lanka no other country in South Asia matters to the extent that if they wish to discontinue their diplomatic relations with Pakistan. This kind of isolation was already in place since decades but had only been brought up right now. But does it matter even a bit? I dont think so.
If China & Pakistan agree to set up a Chinese naval base near Gawadar port, then this will boost the security & this will also check US in India.

As I have said earlier, dont be surprised to see Chinese subs or warships docking in vicinity or at Gawader in near future. Thats bound to happen one way or the other.
Frankly speaking, other than Sri Lanka no other country in South Asia matters to the extent that if they wish to discontinue their diplomatic relations with Pakistan. This kind of isolation was already in place since decades but had only been brought up right now. But does it matter even a bit? I dont think so.

Well.. china wants CPEC to be non controversial that's why may be he said this.

And it does matter I think so. Because we can't rely on China only..we have our borders with others too.. Would it be in our benefit if we are kept cornered within South Asia?? Don't think so..
Will speed up CPEC construction if Pakistan shows concern: Chinese scholar


Chinese Scholars and Analysts have indicated that China may speed up the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Director of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations affiliated to the Chinese Foreign Ministry Hu Shisheng, said China may speed up the construction of the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor which passes through Azad Kashmir if Pakistan was isolated and cornered by India.

“China has to discuss with Pakistan about the current situation on how to handle and how to come out it,” Hu said speaking about threats of Pakistan’s isolation in the region and postponement of the SAARC summit after the Uri terror attack in which 19 Indian soldiers were killed.

“China has to further enhance relations with Pakistan if it feels cornered. A cornered regime some times will be more desperate, which will not be conducive to political development within Pakistan,” Hu said. “If Pakistan feels isolated from South Asia, then China will speed up CPEC to instil confidence in Islamabad,” he said.

However, Hu said this isolation may be conducive for Pakistan to remove internal differences on CPEC. The isolation “may be to the good of CPEC,” he said. “The completion of the CPEC may give Pakistan some confidence in handling differences with India more confidently,” he said.

“This may also change the Pakistani mindset on extremism, radicalism and terrorism and shift it to development,” he said.

Hu said India was purposely promoting the regional sub-regional integration in South Asia to isolate Pakistan.

“This will make Pakistan feel cornered and improving relations with India will be more difficult,” he said.

With the indefinite postponement of SAARC, a platform has been lost for India and Pakistan to improve relations, he has said.

On Xi’s proposed meeting with Modi on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in Goa, he said top leaders alone cannot solve problems.

There have to be candid and frank talks at the diplomatic level which would enable top leaders to take decisions, he said.

“China can not sit idle like in the past to let India-Pakistan tensions grow. May be in future, China would like the U.S. to be more active with India and Pakistan to stabilise their relations,” Hu said.

“If Pakistan feels isolated from South Asia, ..." Which South Asia, BTW. The region with one and a half or so billion poor living in slums? The only sensible people in that region are Sri Lankans and we will continue having good relations with them in any case. Other than that, what do we lose by getting isolated from South Asia? Don't worry. We are fine. Rather better off without them.
Frankly speaking, other than Sri Lanka no other country in South Asia matters to the extent that if they wish to discontinue their diplomatic relations with Pakistan. This kind of isolation was already in place since decades but had only been brought up right now. But does it matter even a bit? I dont think so.

Agreed with the above post. This has been going on for decades but has been made officially public now. South Asia cannot do anything of benefit or value to Pakistan. On top of that we have nothing in common with other South Asian nations so why should we even bother with SAARC?
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Looks like CPEC will be a tool China will use from time to time to make Pakistan toe it's line. China may well force Pakistan to cease its support to terrorist elements if it finds it is a threat to the project.

As any war or major conflict could hamper the progress of CPEC. I must say a brilliant move from Modi and Indian govt to rise tensions at this time. India knows now that whatever it has to get done in Pakistan can be done so only through Chinese intervention and what better than to warn of a major conflict that puts CPEC at risk?

It will be interesting to see if China can force Pakistan into going for development rather than indulging in proxy wars.
Looks like CPEC will be a tool China will use from time to time to make Pakistan toe it's line. China may well force Pakistan to cease its support to terrorist elements if it finds it is a threat to the project.

As any war or major conflict could hamper the progress of CPEC. I must say a brilliant move from Modi and Indian govt to rise tensions at this time. India knows now that whatever it has to get done in Pakistan can be done so only through Chinese intervention and what better than to warn of a major conflict that puts CPEC at risk?

It will be interesting to see if China can force Pakistan into going for development rather than indulging in proxy wars.

Support of terrorists you guys keep crying about same thing! If you are so scared of kashmiris attacking your pussy army stop occupation and stop blaming Pakistan for your pussy armys failures!
South Asia cannot do anything of benefit or value to Pakistan. On top of that we have nothing in common with other South Asian nations so why should we even bother with SAARC?

To be precise, Bull's eye.

Well.. china wants CPEC to be non controversial that's why may be he said this.

And it does matter I think so. Because we can't rely on China only..we have our borders with others too.. Would it be in our benefit if we are kept cornered within South Asia?? Don't think so.

What I understood was that if Pakistan is further cornered in SA then China will make a move that ll give cushioning affect to Pakistan. Nonetheless who likes to be isolated but if one big country is hell bent on doing so and other are following or forced to follow the footsteps then what can be done regarding that?
“If Pakistan feels isolated from South Asia, ..." Which South Asia, BTW. The region with one and a half or so billion poor living in slums? The only sensible people in that region are Sri Lankans and we will continue having good relations with them in any case. Other than that, what do we lose by getting isolated from South Asia? Don't worry. We are fine. Rather better off without them.

Since this article reflects the assertions of a Chinese Think Tank, therefore wouldn't it be logical for you to share your thoughts with Chinese people instead of cribbing in front of an Indian. :p:
Looks like CPEC will be a tool China will use from time to time to make Pakistan toe it's line. China may well force Pakistan to cease its support to terrorist elements if it finds it is a threat to the project.

As any war or major conflict could hamper the progress of CPEC. I must say a brilliant move from Modi and Indian govt to rise tensions at this time. India knows now that whatever it has to get done in Pakistan can be done so only through Chinese intervention and what better than to warn of a major conflict that puts CPEC at risk?

It will be interesting to see if China can force Pakistan into going for development rather than indulging in proxy wars.

If anything you said had any sense or was even remotely true than China would not have helped Pakistan become a nuclear weapons state with the ability to produce H-bombs, Fusion bombs and thermonuclear weapons:

Support of terrorists you guys keep crying about same thing! If you are so scared of kashmiris attacking your pussy army stop occupation and stop blaming Pakistan for your pussy armys failures!

Kashmiris are our brothers, its just certain fringe elements that are provided with means to create disruptions there. Sure we haven't handled the situation better but that is why I said if China can use CPEC to make Pakistan shift its focus from cross border terrorism to Economic advancement, it would be good for the region.

Hence I understand now why India's ploy of raising tensions has been a master-stroke. By going to almost a war-like situation we have scared Beijing more than Islamabad as they are worried about CPEC.

If anything you said had any sense or was even remotely true than China would not have helped Pakistan become a nuclear weapons state with the ability to produce H-bombs, Fusion bombs and thermonuclear weapons:


And how would investing in those help Pakistan by any means? Only thing you could do with that is maybe catch the world's attention that constantly doubt Pakistan's ability to keep those away from terrorist elements.

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