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China makes inroads in Sri Lanka

This port was said to be non -profitable by the Indians...hope to see how it turns out. If it indeed turns out to be a profitable venture, the Indian policy makers should jump into the IO.

I know little about the business but from the map it looks like the port is a must pass for ships entering/leaving strait of Melaka.
You forgot the Chinese.

This port was said to be non -profitable by the Indians...hope to see how it turns out. If it indeed turns out to be a profitable venture, the Indian policy makers should jump into the IO.

For India,investmen in India's Sethusamudram Canal and Tuticorin port is more important.
I know little about the business but from the map it looks like the port is a must pass for ships entering/leaving strait of Melaka.

Thats pretty optimistic. Hope PRC turns profit from this venture.

For India,investmen in India's Sethusamudram Canal and Tuticorin port is more important.

Many shipping experts are of the opinion that this project will be an ecological disaster with no return to show for it. Anyways it would not have killed us if we had invested in this SL project.
Many shipping experts are of the opinion that this project will be an ecological disaster with no return to show for it. Anyways it would not have killed us if we had invested in this SL project.

because experts always look for an issue for publicity.
do indians are concerned with china's profit here or they got jealous of SL. Just want to know.

As far as I am concerned...... I am concerned about the stupidity of the Indian policy makers.
I know little about the business but from the map it looks like the port is a must pass for ships entering/leaving strait of Melaka.

We already have our ports Chennai, Tuticorin and Kochi to cater our needs in the region.
because experts always look for an issue for publicity.

Even the Govt does not seems to be interested...so I will leave it at that.

We already have our ports Chennai, Tuticorin and Kochi to cater our needs in the region.

Does this port caters Chinese needs??

Its about making money from an overseas investment. While Chinese came from 5000 kms away for this port, we can't even move 100 kms for this.
do indians are concerned with china's profit here or they got jealous of SL. Just want to know.

Is "jealous" a pet word of Pakistanis, I have encountered it thousand times. :lol:

Even the Govt does not seems to be interested...so I will leave it at that.

Does this port caters Chinese needs??

Its about making money from an overseas investment. While Chinese came from 5000 kms away for this port, we can't even move 100 kms for this.

We all know what Sri Lankans think of us, so investing or not investing won't make much difference.
We all know what Sri Lankans think of us, so investing or not investing won't make much difference.

Does that matter. Do Arabs have high regard for US, but every Arab Govt follows US and they effectively blocked other powers from getting foothold in ME. Thats what matters in the end.
Pretty much so..They claimed the land but not the succession unless they belong to the same dynasty.

Treating the king as some sort of God as seen in China/ Japan was non existent in India.

So, they are no more different than conquerors and don't necesarily see themselves as the continuous successor who carries on the lineage of a "nation".

First part: There is something called sense of having one language or sense of considering own language different from other.

Orly? What about the Dravidian, Sinotibetan, Austroasian and Indoarian languages in India. Does it mean that India is also an artificial state?

Last Part: Han is indeed an invented term to create balance against recognized minority groups of China. If you want to know, pls google that.

You know why I asked you which government created the Han ethnic? Because I know that you will in a tight corner to explain it. ;)
Götterdämmerung;3026299 said:
So, they are no more different than conquerors and don't necesarily see themselves as the continuous successor who carries on the lineage of a "nation".

So according to your brilliant logic..Third Reich effectively conquered the German Nation by defeating Weimar Republic.
Götterdämmerung;3026299 said:
So, they are no more different than conquerors and don't necesarily see themselves as the continuous successor who carries on the lineage of a "nation".

Orly? What about the Dravidian, Sinotibetan, Austroasian and Indoarian languages in India. Does it mean that India is also an artificial state?

You know why I asked you which government created the Han ethnic? Because I know that you will in a tight corner to explain it. ;)

We have feeling as a nation but do such thing exist in a multi-ethnic communist states. USSR, Yugoslavia showed us that.

Han is also a invented term, if you have quest for knowledge just google that. I already explained you in short(to colonize non-han land in China).
So according to your brilliant logic..Third Reich effectively conquered the German Nation by defeating Weimar Republic.

Why do you think he called the Nazi regime Third Reich, genius? Is it maybe because he saw himself as the legitimate successor of two previous Reich, the Heilig Römische Reich Deutscher Nation and the Deutsche Reich? ;)

Hitlers propaganda picture: King Frederic, Bismarck, Hindenburg, Hitler

We have feeling as a nation but do such thing exist in a multi-ethnic communist states. USSR, Yugoslavia showed us that.

Orly? What about the many independence movements that are still happening in India?

How do you explain the ongoing paralysis in democratic Belgium between the Flemish and Wallonian and the Scottish independence movement in the UK? Both countries are more democratic than India and have been much longer a nation state than India.

Han is also a invented term, if you have quest for knowledge just google that. I already explained you in short(to colonize non-han land in China).

Since when does the one who makes a claim asking the doubter to prove him right? Are you all right up there? :girl_wacko:
Götterdämmerung;3026362 said:
Why do you think he called the Nazi regime Third Reich, genius? Is it maybe because he saw himself as the legitimate successor of two previous Reich, the Heilig Römische Reich Deutscher Nation and the Deutsche Reich? ;)

Hitlers propaganda picture: King Frederic, Bismarck, Hindenburg, Hitler

So Hitler never stood for Germany???

Third Reich or Weimar Republic, they considered Germany their land, eventhough they differ in the way they chose to administer the land. The same goes to Indian Kings.
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