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China makes gain in battle against desertification but has long fight ahead


Mar 15, 2010
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China has gained a sliver of ground in its ancient battle against the desert sands, the government announced today, though it warned another 300 years may be needed to solve "the most serious ecological problem facing the country".

A survey showed more than a quarter of China's land remained either degraded or lost to sand and gravel due to a combination of a naturally dry climate, centuries of over-cultivation and decades of excessive demand on water and soil from the world's biggest population and fastest growing economy.

Unveiling the results, state forestry officials said desertification had been stabilised, but recovery efforts would have to be stepped up.

Despite the world's biggest tree-planting campaign, the relocation of millions of "eco-migrants" and restrictions on herding and farming, the report noted the "desertification trend has not fundamentally reversed".

There were small signs of improvement. In the five years to 2010, the authors estimated the area of desert had shrunk by an annual average of 1,717 square kilometres. This was 40% better than the results from 2000-05, the first in China's history to ever show a gain.

But 1.7m hectares - more than six times the area of the UK - is still covered in sand dunes or gobi gravel desert. An even wider swathe of land is plagued by wind and water erosion or salination.

The report said desertification continued to pose a "serious hidden danger" to China's security and its capacity for economic development.

The government estimates that 530,000 square kilometres can be restored through afforestation, protection and natural regeneration. But the time needed for such an undertaking makes the Long March look like a weekend stroll.

"We've made progress, but we face a daunting challenge," said Liu Tuo, head of the desertification control office in the state forestry administration. "It may take China 300 years."

To accelerate the process, senior officials said anti-desertification spending would be beefed up to 200bn yuan (£19.4bn) over the next decade.

But there are major obstacles. In a few areas, such as mountainous north-west Sichuan, deserts continue to expand because local officials ignore restrictions on land reclamation and water use.

Zhu Lieke, deputy head of the state forestry administration, said climate change was another growing concern.

"The frequent occurrence of extreme meteorological disasters, such as prolonged drought, has increased the vulnerability of the land to desertification," he said, citing climate simulations that project a 17% increase in desert areas with each 1 degree rise in temperature.

Tibet, Qinghai, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia remain badly affected, partly because they are at a high elevation and more vulnerable to rising global temperatures, glacier melt, retreating snowlines and water shortages.

"We cannot be optimistic about the desertification situation on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau," said Zhu. "Of all the challenges Tibet faces, the biggest is climate change."

The government has controversially moved hundreds of thousands of nomadic herders off degraded grasslands in the past 10 years. Tibetan critics are suspicious that this is being done to clear land for development or resource extraction. Many environmentalists also question whether it is a mistake to put too much of the blame on overgrazing.

"The grass doesn't grow well without animals so herding limits may not be the best solution," said Wang Yongchen, an environmental activist who has seen the impact on annual visits to the plateau. "Our government is making a big effort to deal with ecological problems, but management and artificial steps alone cannot cope with the consequences of climate change."

Whatever actions the authorities take, it is unlikely that they can ever completely deal with desertification and its consequences.

The dust storms which blew in to Beijing from the Gobi have become rarer in recent years because of government efforts to encourage vegetation - which prevents the soil from being picked up by the wind - in surrounding regions.

Despite the improvement, officials were asked why the capital still had suffered a bright orange, dust-filled sky last spring.

"The sandstorms are a natural disaster like typhoons or earthquakes. We can try to control the source, but we cannot eradicate them altogether," said Liu.

He said China has the world's worst desertification problem because it has to meet the demands of such a huge population. Finding a balance is the government's stated goal, but it remains elusive.

China makes gain in battle against desertification but has long fight ahead | Environment | The Guardian
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The situation is very serious in Northern China. Sand storms have wreaked havoc on Beijing before and it is good to hear that some progress have been finally made in combating the desertification problem. However I think that climate change is also a major factor and such a problem must be tackled at the roots.
Desertification is a process that has happened over geological time scales of 10's of thousands of years in a variety of areas of the globe. Not even Chinese ingenuity can alter the inevitability of desertification if Nature wants it that way in that place at that time.
Desertification is a process that has happened over geological time scales of 10's of thousands of years in a variety of areas of the globe. Not even Chinese ingenuity can alter the inevitability of desertification if Nature wants it that way in that place at that time.

Desertification in China is not natural, it is more caused by actions of human, like farming, stockbreeding, and felling. Therefore the desertification can be reversed if those actions are stopped.
Desertification in China is not natural, it is more caused by actions of human, like farming, stockbreeding, and felling. Therefore the desertification can be reversed if those actions are stopped.

Not just stopped. We also need to work hard to help the forests and grasslands recover. This may require decades if not centuries of effort.
Desrt expansion and shrinking is a natural phenomenon as result of global climate changes. China has shown the will to stop further desrtification and have put in much effect. On the opposite, if China does nothing, the boundry of desert may have reached further south hundreds of miles than it is today.

Also, hope that China's ambitious project of pumping water from Yellow Sea thousands of miles inland to Xinjiang will bear fruit.
Desrt expansion and shrinking is a natural phenomenon as result of global climate changes. China has shown the will to stop further desrtification and have put in much effect. On the opposite, if China does nothing, the boundry of desert may have reached further south hundreds of miles than it is today.

Also, hope that China's ambitious project of pumping water from Yellow Sea thousands of miles inland to Xinjiang will bear fruit.

Wait wouldn't that be salt-water though? What use would that be? Is that just to create its own microclimate?
Wait wouldn't that be salt-water though? What use would that be? Is that just to create its own microclimate?

Salt water is no use for irrigation, my guess is to change the dry climate in Xinjiang region, create moisture and rain clouds. The hot sun should be able to vaporise the water pretty fast, and the high mountaun range can act as a cooling block, thus create rain cloud. Just my 2 cent.
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