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China-made power plant performs badly


May 14, 2012
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China-made power plant performs badly
DEMAND AND SUPPLY By Boo Chanco (The Philippine Star) | Updated May 5, 2014 - 12:00am

Power reserves for the Luzon grid may end up in the worrisome single digit at peak if the American owners of a brand new power plant made in China are forced to shut it down for repairs. The newest major power plant to go on line, the 650-MW plant had been delivering only about half its rated capacity since it was switched on.

The American owners recently got American technicians to check it out and they found out the Chinese-made plant had inherent defects. It was not clear from reports what exactly was causing the power plant to sub-perform, but the story has it that the Chinese parts used didn’t meet specifications.

It is not unusual to hear of badly made Chinese products but one wonders how this has been allowed to happen in a power plant of this size with the requisite technical project consultants. One also wonders if the national grid now being technically managed by the Chinese, and where Chinese-made parts are used, is not vulnerable to the same shoddy manufacturing problems.

China-made power plant performs badly | Business, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
China-made power plant performs badly
DEMAND AND SUPPLY By Boo Chanco (The Philippine Star) | Updated May 5, 2014 - 12:00am

Power reserves for the Luzon grid may end up in the worrisome single digit at peak if the American owners of a brand new power plant made in China are forced to shut it down for repairs. The newest major power plant to go on line, the 650-MW plant had been delivering only about half its rated capacity since it was switched on.

The American owners recently got American technicians to check it out and they found out the Chinese-made plant had inherent defects. It was not clear from reports what exactly was causing the power plant to sub-perform, but the story has it that the Chinese parts used didn’t meet specifications.

It is not unusual to hear of badly made Chinese products but one wonders how this has been allowed to happen in a power plant of this size with the requisite technical project consultants. One also wonders if the national grid now being technically managed by the Chinese, and where Chinese-made parts are used, is not vulnerable to the same shoddy manufacturing problems.

China-made power plant performs badly | Business, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com

" the American owners of a brand new power plant made in China are forced to shut it down for repairs. "

The moment i read this sentence. I will know its nonsense China bashing...

Just like how Russia blame China supply material for India carrier boiler for fault.

Just like how boeing complaint of China counterfeit parts for the fighter jet.

End of the day, its the contractor fault , not China. I can bet its the greedy contractor fault for selecting sub par parts to maxi profit and anything goes wrong. They will blame China. They themselves never have fault? China herself also produced quality product but the contractor decide to select the most cheap to fool the customer.
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Why is Pinoy journalism so shoddy? Where is the power plant? ('Luzon' tell us nothing) Who are the Chinese manufacturers? Who are the American owners? What is the technical issue? Why are basic and crucial details being omitted?

It's like someone put a monkey to a typewriter.
" the American owners of a brand new power plant made in China are forced to shut it down for repairs. "

The moment i read this sentence. I will know its nonsense China bashing...

Just like how Russia blame China supply material for India carrier boiler for fault.

Just like how boeing complaint of China counterfeit parts for the fighter jet.

End of the day, its the supplier fault , not China. I can bet its the greedy contractor fault for selecting sub par parts to maxi profit and anything goes wrong. They will blame China. They themselves never have fault. China herself also produced quality product but the contractor decide to select the most cheap to fool the customer.

I remember the Sri Lankans having similar complaints about their "China Make" power plants, not sure if its sorted out now.
It made in China power plant is so lousy. Why bother to select it in the first place? Shooting yr foot? The greedy contractor needs to bear all responsible in the first place.
I remember the Sri Lankans having similar complaints about their "China Make" power plants, not sure if its sorted out now.
May i know who is the contractor? China or other foreign companies?
I remember the Sri Lankans having similar complaints about their "China Make" power plants, not sure if its sorted out now.

Sri Lanka probes China coal plant for defective materials, design
31 Jan, 2014 08:30:23

Jan 31, 2014 (LBO) - Sri Lanka is probing a Chinese built coal plant for possible material, design or construction defects, following leaks in a steam cooling unit, officials said.
Power minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi said she had informed Chinese embassy officials at a meeting in Colombo that the builders had to bear responsibility for the latest breakdown and it was not good for China's image.
Officials of Sri Lanka's state-run Ceylon Electricity Board said it was not unusual for new power plants to be shut down often in the first few years of operations and it had happened in the case of hydro plants built by top Western firms in the past.

The 300MegaWatt coal plant in Norochcholai has had frequent breakdowns since it started two years ago, but the latest shut down has been caused by leaking pipes in the condenser, a major component which cools steam coming out of its turbine to be fed back into the boiler.

Power ministry secretary MMC Ferdinando said the condenser unit was expected to last 25 years or more but had developed leaks in a few years. The coal plant had been in operation for about three years.

CEB was investigating whether defective material, design on construction led to the leaks.

There were questions raised, including whether the tubes in the condenser were thick enough, officials said.

The plant was a design-build-transfer (DBT) project with Chinese financing.

Officials from China Mechanical and Engineering Corporation, which built the plant, were already in Colombo helping rectify the condenser.

CMEC chairman was due in Colombo for a meeting Friday, minister Wanniarachchi said.

CEB officials said assurances had been given that the condenser would be fixed at no cost to the CEB.

Ferdinando said under the contract with CMEC the plant should have been built according to international standards or equivalent or higher Chinese standards.

The coal plants reliability had improved over the past three years until the latest shut down.

CEB general manager Shavi Fernando said the availability factor which measures the time the machine is available for use had improved from around 60 percent in 2011 to 76 percent in 2013.
A coal plant is expected to be available and also operated at least 80 percent of the time.

But the plant is operated below its full availability to generate power, especially in the night, due to an internal CEB ceiling in the maximum size a single plant should be.

Sri Lanka probes China coal plant for defective materials, design
Why is Pinoy journalism so shoddy? Where is the power plant? ('Luzon' tell us nothing) Who are the Chinese manufacturers? Who are the American owners? What is the technical issue? Why are basic and crucial details being omitted?

It's like someone put a monkey to a typewriter.

Stop insulting monkeys. Monkeys have way more intelligence than the moron that wrote this propaganda article.
Then stop buying our cheap products. Nobody put a gun into your head to tell you to keep buying our low-quality items.
I never buy Chinese products, those cheap knockoffs of the famous brands are worth throwing in garbage

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