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China likely to unveil Defence spending for 2012 on this weekend

According to you China is ready to war with USA and Russia right now. Great hope you fair well in the nuclear fall out on the second hand no I don't since its people like you (warmongers) that always want war war and more war because you fail in a society which is providing ever expanding benefits to the civilians.
We already fought the Soviet Union and defeated it during the Cold War. Now Russia is our friend and we are teaming together to resist USA attempt to monopolize global geopolitical power, even if it means a major regional war. Most likely hotspots are indian border, South China Sea and East China Sea.

You are Australian and none of this concerns you. You are just worried because you don't want to get beaten up by white Australian thugs if some major war happens involving China. Understable worry for you, but none of our problem.

Is that why you spend all your time getting banned from all the Asian forums? Do you think it makes you 'stronger'? where is your Yi Jianlian avatar that you had on AF. Anyone can talk tough and act tough on the internet sonny. Real men don't ever talk tough on the internet remember that. P.S don't pretend to be Chinese, American boy.. you weren't even born in China.
You are delusional. Post reported.
I have reported this austrilian guy for trolling and insulting three times in this thread,wait for the banning please.
I have reported this austrilian guy for trolling and insulting three times in this thread,wait for the banning please.

You just created an account to troll why don't you keep it private? P.S admins are not stupid you insulted not only me but many other members on this thread already. But then again...who cares you just created an account to troll Chinese members.
In my opinion, the hawkish and the dovish views by our fellow brothers here are both rational and valid. Each side look at China from a different angle and perspective and expressed what China needed. And I learn from both sides.

There are 2 areas China has to spend money on immediately in order to justify her status and needs. First because China international trades grew at a rapid speed for the last decade, she has to, quickly, enlarge her deep water Navy in order to protect her commercial interests beyond her borders. Secondly, China began way behind the West power in technology and air power, she need to spend and play catchup.

I think China's defense budget as to her GDP is essential and reasonable at 3% for the next few years. After that she can lower the spending down to around 2% and enjoys comfortably on what she has been invested.
We have good relations with india? LOL now my view of your university has gone down a notch.

Don't misquote me, I said 'stable' relations. India got owned in 1962, and I don't envision that they will try a stunt like that anytime soon. Even if they did, they will make no progress; they are simply not that powerful. We should reply proportionately to Indian escalation, just like we did in 1962, but ultimately border skirmishes are just a distraction. They are not important.

Fact is, the international system is undergoing a massive change not seen since the collapse of the Soviet Union. USA is defending its dollar hegemony and trying to cut down any potential peer competition from China or Russia. Right now, there are too many hotspots of conflict in the world -- Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, South China Sea, East China Sea -- to avoid a war. A major conflict will definitely happen within 5 years.

USA can go ahead and pursue their expansionist policy in the Middle East - I look forward to seeing their budget eaten by pointless wars. No conflict in the East China Sea is likely. South China Sea is uncertain, but I think we can resolve it through diplomacy. There is not point to war right now because we can wait for a better opportunity.

More ignorance. I don't know what Oxford is producing nowadays.

Since when is China aggressive? Since when has China extended its territorial claims? All we've been doing is enforcing the same territorial claims we've made since ROC days for crying out loud. We are hardly in the same category as pre-WW1 Germany or Victorian England in terms of global expansion.

Does China have any overseas colonies? Please learn some basic history if you are really studying at Oxford.

It's clear you are ignorant of Chinese history. China's problem is not that we are too much like Hitler. That's total garbage straight from Jew Hollywood and anti-China propangada. China's problem -- was our problem -- was that we were too soft, acting like late Qing dynasty or Republican China, not tough and strong like Mao's red PRC.:china:

Don't strawman please. I didn't argue that China was aggressive (thankfully, China is currently not), I said that northeast's support for "limited real war" and a military-industrial complex would be aggressive and lead to expansionism.

To put it short, the rightist revisionism that started benignly under Deng Xiaoping has finally come to an end. Hu Jintao is the ultimate rightist revisionist and weak foreign policy puppet. Fortunately, Hu is leaving and now we have Xi Jinping, a hardcore leftist, truly red Maoist, and the military hawks are determined to uphold their vow to defend China's sovereignty, territorial integrity and national interests!

Absolutely insane. Stop summoning the spirit of Cixi and get out of my China please.

You act as if there is some urgency to act. There is none, because China is ascending and benefits from the status quo. We are currently stronger than all our neighbors and this disparity in power will only be magnified in time. We must wait for a better opportunity. The problem is that you're all too insecure. After one and a half centuries of humiliation, China has finally cobbled together sovereignty, political stability, and a booming economy. We have good cards in our hand and we shouldn't blow it now.
Don't misquote me, I said 'stable' relations. India got owned in 1962, and I don't envision that they will try a stunt like that anytime soon. Even if they did, they will make no progress; they are simply not that powerful. We should reply proportionately to Indian escalation, just like we did in 1962, but ultimately border skirmishes are just a distraction. They are not important.
LOL..... you just joined PDF. You can be forgiven for thinking in such a brainwashed manner. Go ahead and ask the indians around here who taught who a lesson in 1962 and who would be the winner in a re-match.

:rofl: We'll discuss this again later.

You act as if there is some urgency to act. There is none, because China is ascending and benefits from the status quo. We are currently stronger than all our neighbors and this disparity in power will only be magnified in time. We must wait for a better opportunity. The problem is that you're all too insecure. After one and a half centuries of humiliation, China has finally cobbled together sovereignty, political stability, and a booming economy. We have good cards in our hand and we shouldn't blow it now.
The problem with overseas Chinese is you really don't know what's going on in China or what's going on between China and its neighbors.

Go ahead and ask the indians, the Vietnamese, the Koreans and various other people on PDF what they think about your smug little "theory" that China is so ahead of its neighbors, and growing so quickly, that they have no option but to peacefully accept Chinese dominance in East Asia over their countries sooner or later.
Well its not the official figure. Chinese gov deliberately hides actual defence spending figure to keep the mad dog US calm. But
China should publish actual defence figure not giving a damn about what uncle sam & a wannabe super power thinks. After all
they can't do a **** about china other than winning. China should show more aggressiveness in Asia to counter undue Indo-Yanki
Well its not the official figure. Chinese gov deliberately hides actual defence spending figure to keep the mad dog US calm. But
China should publish actual defence figure not giving a damn about what uncle sam & a wannabe super power thinks. After all
they can't do a **** about china other than winning. China should show more aggressiveness in Asia to counter undue Indo-Yanki

US black budget hides over a hundred billion in various development warfare funds. No one not even the US exposes their real budget. Its just double standards at play.
In my opinion, the hawkish and the dovish views by our fellow brothers here are both rational and valid. Each side look at China from a different angle and perspective and expressed what China needed. And I learn from both sides.

I don't know if you're referring to me, but I reject a label like 'dovish'. I am a realist. I'm sure I have similar endgoals as others:

The fundamental goals should be:

- economic, military and technological supremacy over the USA
- become energy independent. This can happen through alternative energies like solar, or if we're lucky, fusion power.
- restoration of Taiwan
- restoration of Mongolia
- restoration of Outer Manchuria, giving us access to Sea of Japan
- restoration of South Tibet

A more distant goal is to permanently end Russia and India as threats. To this end:
- Develop a fullproof missile shield that liberates us from MAD doctrine
- If Russian demographics continue to decline, annex Siberia
- Balkanize India
- Annex Ladakh
- Give Indian Kashmir to Pakistan
- Carve out an independent Sikh Khalistan out of Punjab.
- Cut off Seven Sisters States and annex Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram. Give independence to the other states.
- Annex Burmese port of Sittwe and a connecting strip to our North-East Indian possessions. This will give us access to the Indian Ocean.

I really don't care about Diaoyutai/Spratlys, but if we're powerful enough to achieve the former objectives, then it can't hurt to annex them I guess.

Go ahead and ask the indians, the Vietnamese, the Koreans and various other people on PDF what they think about your smug little "theory" that China is so ahead of its neighbors, and growing so quickly, that they have no option but to peacefully accept Chinese dominance in East Asia over their countries sooner or later.

This is where you both show your insecurity. The Indians/Vietnamese/Koreans that reject my 'smug theory' are insecure and delusional for rejecting reality, but you are also insecure for caring what they think. This is why I enjoy being at Oxford and around the Chinese students here: everyone is confident and secure in both their own superiority, but also the superiorty of the motherland. As a result, we almost never discuss political issues, which is very refreshing.
US black budget hides over a hundred billion in various development warfare funds. No one not even the US exposes their real budget. Its just double standards at play.

How true! Both wars in Iraq and Afghan were off the books. And how about her CIA and NGOs, as Colin Powell coined them "Force Extenders', spends tens of billions of dollars a year on their little dirty secret wars all over the world.

There are no one country in the world doesn't under count her defense spending.

No problems here bro. All views are taken with respects and digested earnestly whether we agree with each other or not. I'll buy you a beer later.
I don't know if you're referring to me, but I reject a label like 'dovish'. I am a realist. I'm sure I have similar endgoals as others:

The fundamental goals should be:

- economic, military and technological supremacy over the USA
- become energy independent. This can happen through alternative energies like solar, or if we're lucky, fusion power.
- restoration of Taiwan
- restoration of Mongolia
- restoration of Outer Manchuria, giving us access to Sea of Japan
- restoration of South Tibet

A more distant goal is to permanently end Russia and India as threats. To this end:
- Develop a fullproof missile shield that liberates us from MAD doctrine
- If Russian demographics continue to decline, annex Siberia
- Balkanize India
- Annex Ladakh
- Give Indian Kashmir to Pakistan
- Carve out an independent Sikh Khalistan out of Punjab.
- Cut off Seven Sisters States and annex Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram. Give independence to the other states.
- Annex Burmese port of Sittwe and a connecting strip to our North-East Indian possessions. This will give us access to the Indian Ocean.

I really don't care about Diaoyutai/Spratlys, but if we're powerful enough to achieve the former objectives, then it can't hurt to annex them I guess.
You are crazy! You posts have little to do with the real China.

China hasn't made any new territorial claim since ROC days. Most importantly, China settled all of its border with Russia in 2009. Our expansion stops at Outer Mongolia. I can see getting a slab of North Korea to have access to Sea of Japan. That's it.

This is where you both show your insecurity. The Indians/Vietnamese/Koreans that reject my 'smug theory' are insecure and delusional for rejecting reality, but you are also insecure for caring what they think.
You will be proved wrong. I will be proved right. But I like seeing a different viewpoint at least.

This is why I enjoy being at Oxford and around the Chinese students here: everyone is confident and secure in both their own superiority, but also the superiorty of the motherland. As a result, we almost never discuss political issues, which is very refreshing.
No comment except congrats and enjoy!
Raphael politics is just embarassing to discuss in real life! It always ends up with someone whinning and everyone being silent and thinking..ah well lets just move on now..no one really cares.
If this forum is a microcosm of the real world, one can clearly see there are many elements among China's neighbors who want her to fail. Some members here even go to the extreme trying to inflict damages by using fabricated and misdirected sources to justify their persistent bashing of her.

In this 21st century world, China should not just sit back and lavish on her so called 'allies' coming to beg for businesses. If histories are the guides, she has to be be vigilance.
Haha, who's the 'coward' now? :azn:

You are crazy! You posts have little to do with the real China.

China hasn't made any new territorial claim since ROC days. Most importantly, China settled all of its border with Russia in 2009. Our expansion stops at Outer Mongolia. I can see getting a slab of North Korea to have access to Sea of Japan. That's it.

Let's deconstruct. You agree with Taiwan and South Tibet right? What about Outer Mongolia and Outer Manchuria? Their restoration is needed to finally reverse all the unequal treaties. No N. Korean territory is needed because Outer Manchuria gives us access to the Sea of Japan.

I think you don't want to upset Russia. We have good relations with them right now, but it's an alliance of convenience mainly to balance the USA. I'm talking about in the long-term, when our interests will collide again just like they did during the Cold War, only this time, we will be the dominant power.

As for the the "distant goals", I agree they seem fantastical right now. I don't view them as fundamental, and I think our pursuit should be contingent on how much our geopolitical power has evolved.

You will be proved wrong. I will be proved right. But I like seeing a different viewpoint at least.

Let's clarify: I think that the difference in power with our neighbors will magnify as long as we keep the status quo and continue growing economically/technologically. Therefore, we should deal with them later rather than sooner. Is this what you disagree with?

No comment except congrats and enjoy!

Thanks :)

Raphael politics is just embarassing to discuss in real life! It always ends up with someone whinning and everyone being silent and thinking..ah well lets just move on now..no one really cares.

Yes, irl politics is pointless. You can't disagree too vehemently because there's a need to preserve personal relationships, and you have no instant access to sources.

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