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China launches hi-res Gaofen-9 Earth observation satellite


Jun 28, 2012
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China launches hi-res Gaofen-9 Earth observation satellite



A Long March 2D rocket launching the Yaogan Weixing-24 remote sensing satellite from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre on November 20, 2014. (Photo: CNS)

China on Monday quietly launched the Gaofen-9 high-resolution Earth observation satellite on a Long March 2D rocket from the Jiuquan satellite launch centre in the Gobi desert.

The launch went ahead at 12:42 Beijing time (04:42 UTC) with the only warning coming from a prior airspace notification. The successful launch was confirmed by state-run CCTV.

Gaofen-9 is the fourth to be launched from what is expected to be eight or nine satellites forming the China High-resolution Earth Observation System (CHEOS).

Chinese state media report it will be used to provide sub-meter resolution optical images for use in land surveying, urban planning, land ownership, road network design, estimating crop yields, as well as disaster preparedness and reduction.

China High-resolution Earth Observation System

Gaofen-1 was the first in the series, and delivered a number of incredible hi-res, false colour images of land features in China. It was also involved in locating ‘dozens of illegal cross-border paths’ and the curious case of detecting the country’s largest-ever discovered marijuana plantation – which subsequently ‘disappeared’.

This was followed by the previous satellite, Gaofen-2, which launched on August 19, 2014. With a spatial resolution of 1 metre – the highest of the series – Gaofen-2 returned the stunning images below.

According to the China National Space Administration (CNSA), CHEOS is a planned advanced earth observation system with high spatial, spectral and radiometric resolution with the satellites placed in various orbits.

Approved in 2010, CHEOS plans to provide real-time, all-day global earth observation in any weather and is expected to be completed by 2020. The constellation may also be utilised in Chinese president Xi Jinping’s ‘One belt one road’ regional development project.

China's 6th launch in 2015

The launch was China’s sixth for the year, following missions sending three Beidou global positioning satellites, Gaofen-8, Yaogan Weixing-27, and on Saturday the classified satellite 'Communication Engineering Test Satellite One' into orbit.

On September 19, China will launch the first of a new generation of rocket, the Long March 6, which uses new engines fuelled by relatively clean kerosene and liquid oxygen propellant, and will eventually replace the current launch vehicles which run on highly toxic hydrazine.

Next year the new heavy-lift Long March 5 and medium-lift Long March 7 rockets, designed to launch and service China’s future space station and perform lunar sample return missions, will make their debut launches.

Today's launch was the 209th in the Long March series. The first, in April 1970, put China's first satellite - Dong Fang Hong-1 - into orbit.

In an intense period of activity, China is expected to attempt around ten more launches before the end of 2015.

China launches hi-res Gaofen-9 Earth observation satellite | gbtimes.com

央视新闻客户端 央视新闻

2015年09月14日 13:26


9月14 日12 时42 分,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征二号丁运载火箭,成功将高分九号卫星送入太空。


高分九号卫星和长征二号丁运载火箭,分别由中国航天科技集团公司所属空间技术研究院、上海航天技术研究院负责研制。这是长征系列运载火箭的第209次飞行。(央视记者 詹正旗 张磊 陈勃 孔祥鹏 李卫国 李樊龙)

China lofts Yaogan Weixing-28 (Gaofen 9) via Long March 2D

September 14, 2015 by Rui C. Barbosa


The second of possibly five orbital launches by China in September, took place at 04:45 UTC on Monday with the launch of another “remote sensing” satellite from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. China used a Long March-2D launch vehicle from the 603 Launch Pad of the LC43 Launch Complex to orbit the Yaogan Weixing-28 (Gaofen 9) satellite.

Another Chinese Launch:

This launch comes two days after the launch of an unknown spacecraft – unofficially claimed to be the Communications Engineering Test Satellite -1 (TJSSW-1), from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

Chinese media is referring to the new satellite as “a new remote sensing bird that will be used for scientific experiments, land survey, crop yield assessment, and disaster monitoring.”

As per usual, Western analysts have a different view on the bird’s true purpose and believe this class of satellites is used for military purposes.


Yaogan-28 is probably an electro-optical observation satellite on the military Jianbing-6 series.

Similar satellites have been launched between 25 May, 2007 and November 20, 2014. All the satellites were launched by Long March-2D rockets from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

The Jianbing-6 electro-optical satellites carry high resolution optical sensors and reportedly have a resolution of between 1 to 3 meters and are placed in orbits that provide favorable illumination for the imaging missions.

The satellites are developed by CAST (Chinese Academy of Space Technology) and are based on the CAST2000 platform, equipped with an wide angle observation system.

This launch was the 222nd Chinese orbital launch and the 209th launch of the Long March launch vehicle family. It was also the 78th orbital launch from the Jiuquan Satellite launch Center, the 1st launch from this space center in 2015 and the 6th orbital launch for China this year.

China lofts Yaogan Weixing-28 (Gaofen 9) via Long March 2D | NASASpaceFlight.com
Don't you think 1 meter resolution is too low for modern satellites.

Current US military satellites can have a resolution of upto 20-25cm.
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