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China Joins WHO’s Vaccine Program, Filling Void Left by Trump

WHO and WTO both ruled in favor of China, W stands for "the world". T in Trump doesn't.

'favor of china'
And WHO is not poorer by 410 million? IS not short of cash by half a billion that china doesn't have the ability to pay? Think of all the vaccines and health programs the world has lost because of you.
'favor of china'
And WHO is not poorer by 410 million? IS not short of cash by half a billion that china doesn't have the ability to pay? Think of all the vaccines and health programs the world has lost because of you.
WHO represents the world, and does anyone still believe Trump on coronavirus? do I have to list how many times he lied about coronavirus?
Go on spinning your lies

Most Australian coronavirus cases coming from USA: PM Scott Morrison
By Nick Pearson
10:56am Mar 20, 2020


Scott Morrison said most Australian coronavirus cases are connected to the United States. (AAP)

The United States is the country of origin for most of the coronavirus cases in Australia, the prime minister has said.

Speaking on 2GB this morning, Scott Morrison said now was the right time to close the nation's borders.

"We were able to slow the virus' start and spread in Australia through these early periods," Mr Morrison said.

"The country which has actually been responsible for a large amount of these (coronavirus cases) has actually been the United States.

"At the end of the day, that's a function of the number of people who travel between the US and Australia."

Eighty per cent of coronavirus cases in Australia are people who have come in from overseas or have caught the disease directly from them.

A failure to conduct adequate numbers of coronavirus tests meant the United States appeared to have many more infections in recent weeks than had been announced.

Mr Morrison dismissed a suggestion from host Alan Jones that China should be excluded from bidding on devalued assets, because the coronavirus stemmed from that country.
"I don't think there's any suggestion that any country, including China, has done anything deliberately," he said.

"This is a virus. It originated in Wuhan, China, and has gone around the world."

Mr Morrison defended a $715 million support package for the aviation industry not going directly to employees.

"That money is going to keep the aviation industry alive," he said.

"Companies are going to go through incredibly difficult times over the next six months, we're going to help them as much as we can and help them keep jobs wherever we can."
Mr Morrison noted the $715 million package was not a cash handout but a waiver on fees.
Yesterday 20,000 Qantas employees were sent home and asked to use their leave entitlements as the coronavirus pandemic took a heavy toll on the industry.

Cuomo: The Coronavirus That Came To New York "Did Not Come From China, It Came From Europe"
Ian Schwartz
On Date April 24, 2020

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) argued the coronavirus that hit New York state did not come from China but Europe, probably Italy he said. At his Friday coronavirus press briefing, Cuomo said President Trump's China travel ban was too late and the horse had long left the barn.

"Researchers now find and they report in some newspapers, the virus was spreading wildly in Italy in February and there was an outbreak, massive outbreak in Italy in February," Cuomo said. "Researchers now say there were likely 28,000 cases in the United States in February, including 10,000 cases in the state of New York and the Coronavirus flu virus that came to New York, did not come from China. It came from Europe."

"When you look at the number of flights that came from Europe to New York, the New York metropolitan area, New York and New Jersey during January, February, up to the close down, 13,000 flights bringing 2.2 million people," he said. "All right. So November, December you have the outbreak in China. Everybody knows."

"We acted two months after the China outbreak," the governor said. "When you look back, does anyone think the virus was still in China waiting for us to act two months later? We all talk about the global economy and how fast people move and how mobile we are. How can you expect that when you act two months after the outbreak in China, the virus was only in China waiting for us to act? The horse had already left the barn by the time we moved."


Did you even read the news links you posted above? What is the point of it?
WHO represents the world, and does anyone still believe Trump on coronavirus? do I have to list how many times he lied about coronavirus?

EVERYBODY believes on US and Coronavirus. Are you seriously on pot or something?

And if your country is such a hotshot, why didn't you give the WHO 450 million and compensate for the money WHO lost due to your incompetence?
EVERYBODY believes on US and Coronavirus. Are you seriously on pot or something?
Who is everybody? care to start a poll?
And if your country is such a hotshot, why didn't you give the WHO 450 million and compensate for the money WHO lost due to your incompetence?
In time of need China is always a responsible power, this is the time of the need in 2020,what US did is despicable, someone has to step forward to provide and support.
Point is China successful locked down the whole country and the west didn't take the neccessary precautions, their careless attitude is the only reason they suffered so much.

Maybe. Stop being a dodgy. We are not talking about successful lockdowns. Your post has no relavance to what I posted.
Who is everybody? care to start a poll?

In time of need China is always a responsible power, this is the time of the need in 2020,what US did is despicable, someone has to step forward to provide and support.

See what you did there...you talked a lot and didn't give any money. See talking doesn't compensate for the money the WHO lost because of you. And what the US did is a perfectly sensible thing. The WHO did not issue the warnings, colluded with CCP to hide it and screwed their economy out of trillions of dollars.
Point is China successful locked down the whole country and the west didn't take the neccessary precautions, their careless attitude is the only reason they suffered so much.

maybe you should start recognizing that no one cares about your lockdown. We're concerned only about OUR economic impact due to covid. And specifically the money that we have lost because you tried to hide covid.
See what you did there...you talked a lot and didn't give any money. See talking doesn't compensate for the money the WHO lost because of you. And what the US did is a perfectly sensible thing. The WHO did not issue the warnings, colluded with CCP to hide it and screwed their economy out of trillions of dollars.

maybe you should start recognizing that no one cares about your lockdown. We're concerned only about OUR economic impact due to covid. And specifically the money that we have lost because you tried to hide covid.

we won, you lost, get fucked.

the whole world is asking you to get lost and get stuffed (fill in the blanks with choice expletive)

whole world? India is the whole world? what a dreadful dark age world filled with suffering and ignorance.

we will still share the vaccine with you to relieve human suffering of course. India need all the foreign aid it can get.
Which world? Indians world is different from the world of everyone else and Indians always talk like they are the official spokesman of the world, this is so funny. LOL

Actually Chinese world is different from everyone else in the world.

Sri Lanka
You started military maneuvers in India to show what a big cheese you are? Well the Sri Lankans took a looong hard at it and said - 'screw it these guys are nuts' and in August declared that their official policy from now is 'India First' (their exact words)



Duterte started off by abusing trump but now wants to do 'suicide missions' against Chinese PLA


All of Europe has issues with you. As of now most of them including Germany, UK and France have banned Huawei

USA, Australia, Canada, India:
I don't have to say anything


Every member here talks about how China should teach India a lesson- not one is ready to even escalate the situation in Pak to help China. Their most right wing commentators have asked for Pakistan to 'avoid getting sucked in' at all costs.
Actually Chinese world is different from everyone else in the world.

Sri Lanka
You started military maneuvers in India to show what a big cheese you are? Well the Sri Lankans took a looong hard at it and said - 'screw it these guys are nuts' and in August declared that their official policy from now is 'India First' (their exact words)



Duterte started off by abusing trump but now wants to do 'suicide missions' against Chinese PLA


All of Europe has issues with you. As of now most of them including Germany, UK and France have banned Huawei

USA, Australia, Canada, India:
I don't have to say anything


Every member here talks about how China should teach India a lesson- not one is ready to even escalate the situation in Pak to help China. Their most right wing commentators have asked for Pakistan to 'avoid getting sucked in' at all costs.
In UN debate , every single time more countries are backing China than those who are against us, but I guess you don't regard those countries are part of your "world".
In UN debate , every single time more countries are backing China than those who are against us, but I guess you don't regard those countries are part of your "world".

which world man?

:rofl: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl: :rofl:

I can understand if you only READ reports that your state media publishes, but in this day and age when you can actually see. Where are you getting this tosh?! :rofl:
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