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China jails blogger over remarks on casualties in Galwan clash


Jan 20, 2010
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A popular Chinese blogger, detained earlier this year for his comments regarding military casualties of Galwan valley clash with India, has been sentenced to eight months in prison.


Link - https://m.rediff.com/news/report/china-jails-blogger-over-remarks-on-galwan-casualties/20210601.htm

A popular Chinese blogger, detained earlier this year for his comments regarding military casualties of Galwan valley clash with India, has been sentenced to eight months in prison.

Qiu Ziming, an internet celebrity with more than 2.5 million followers, on Monday received a jail term of eight months for 'defaming martyrs', marking the first such case in China since a new amendment was attached to the Criminal Law, reported Global Times.
The blogger, who is known online as 'Labixiaoqiu', was also ordered to publicly apologise through major domestic portals and the national media within 10 days, ordered a Nanjing court in East China's Jiangsu Province.

The court noted that Qiu had 'truthfully confessed to his crime', entered a guilty plea and said in court that he would never commit the crime again. Therefore, he was getting a lighter sentence.
On March 1, Qiu had made an open apology for his comments during a broadcast on China's state broadcaster CCTV, reported Global Times.
"I feel extremely ashamed of myself, and I'm very sorry," said the 38-year-old.
The comments came after China admitted for the first time that four of its soldiers had been killed and one seriously wounded in the clash that took place in the Himalayas.
Qiu, a former reporter with the weekly Economic Observer, had published two posts that suggested a commander survived the clashes because he was the highest-ranking officer there.
He also suggested that more Chinese soldiers might have been killed in the conflict than those disclosed by the authorities.
In February, Russian news agency TASS had claimed that 45 Chinese soldiers were killed in the clashes.
In February, state news agency Xinhua accused Qiu of 'damaging the reputation of heroes, hurting nationalistic feelings and poisoning patriotic hearts' with his sensational posts.
The Chinese Communist Party has long been accused of suppressing ideas that could undermine its sweeping authority.
In just the past few years, the government has attempted to muzzle critics by making them disappear without a trace, ordering people to physically barge into their houses, or locking up those close to critics as a kind of blackmail.
India and China have been engaged in a border standoff since last year.

The situation along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) deteriorated in June last year following the Galwan Valley clash in which both Indian and Chinese sides suffered casualties.
20 Indian soldiers lost their lives in the violent face-off on June 15-16.
It happened as a result of an attempt by the Chinese troops to unilaterally change the status quo during the de-escalation in eastern Ladakh
3bn people went to war with total 65 casualties according to the article.

That is some noble prize effort.
We will never know - I will be posting an artcile tomorrow about entire censorship existing under XI's Regime.

Are you kidding me you monkey brain:

What he said is basically here:

He basically run his big mouth say lots of thing to insult the commander of the regiment, until the CCTV release the video to show what really happened.

Reality is China has all the picture and video proof, whilst indians, like this jailed joke, has nothing but their big mouth, now get over with it, its beyond your IQ to understand.
This is perfect ways of setting an example of loose mouth. Wish this was true inside Pakistan !
We will never know - I will be posting an artcile tomorrow about entire censorship existing under XI's Regime.

The Wumaos scamper in like vermin, with there diligently curated Ctrl-C + Ctrl-V, where ever Pooh bear is questioned .

No body wants there VPN access and house access revoked. Its understandable.

People need to empathize with them rather than challenge them , even if they stand laughing at the misery of others and calling people names. As evident in the subsequent comments.

Paying for a property that you will lease and never own is no joke. Its a substantial psychological tool.

I hope your learned opinion will shed light on this as well.
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What did he wrote actually?

He also suggested that more Chinese soldiers were killed than were reported in the
official death toll

That is pretty much like mentioning water is wet or sun rises in the east

Lucky for Chinese pdf members here their initial posts mentioning no Chinese casualties was not considered crime of “infringing on the reputation and honour of heroes and martyrs”. or we would see lot more organs available in the organ market
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That pretty much like mentioning water is wet or sun rises in the east

Lucky for Chinese pdf members here their initial posts mentioning no Chinese casualties was not considered crime of “infringing on the reputation and honour of heroes and martyrs”. or we would see lot more organs available in the organ market
Selective posting... This western or Indian report only like to report things they want to smear China but nothing of truth.

The blogger claim the commander who suffer serious head Injury but didn't died compare to other , is becos of his rank.

Everybody can see the video of Indian soldiers coming up at Chinese border troops with the Chinese commander in front leading the men. He sustain serious head Injury but thankfully survive.

That pretty much like mentioning water is wet or sun rises in the east

Lucky for Chinese pdf members here their initial posts mentioning no Chinese casualties was not considered crime of “infringing on the reputation and honour of heroes and martyrs”. or we would see lot more organs available in the organ market
indian... :lol:
The Wumaos scamper in like vermin, with there diligently curated Ctrl-C + Ctrl-V, where ever Pooh bear is questioned .

No body wants there VPN access and house access revoked. Its understandable.

People need to empathize with them rather than challenge them , even if they stand laughing at the misery of others and calling people names. As evident in the subsequent comments.

Paying for a property that you will lease and never own is no joke. Its a substantial psychological tool.

I hope your learned opinion will shed light on this as well.
they are also not following what emperor xi is saying; i think their bosses will tell them to follow in line; they are part of the problem; give too much wine, people will be drunk and break things.

So, good question, will there be a rehab center for all these paid bots to be re-educated in the new thinking?

If so, yes.... may be Xi listened to all the bad press we are giving these folks in our continent. You know it is bad when Mugufali openly chastised his great chinese comrades as lunatics - just watch his notes for the Bagamoyo project.
indian... :lol:
now now... listen to your Xi master... he told you...
ehm... commanded his loyalist pets to be nice.
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