Yes, I believe that China will become a superpower someday. But contrary to the westerner's thinking, China will be a more peaceful superpower, not like the western countries. Why? Because unlike the western countries, the Chinese culture is conservative and not so selfish, which means less greedy population and better control of excessive desire. This has been proved in history when the Chinese giant fleet sailed to other parts of the world in Ming Dynasty 600 years ago.
Many people are concerned about the democracy in China. My question is do these people really care about the Chinese people, their life, their happiness and their difficult times? Yes, I believe some of them do, but very very very few. Usually most of them view the Chinese people not the Chinese government as their target. Do they know that a rich China is a good news for this world, whereas a poor China with its strength is a nightmare? Why are they so shortsighted and so jealous? I just don't understand.
If you ask me if the Chinese Communist Party good or bad? As a Chinese who had lived in US for several years, I will tell you that Chinese Communist Party is doing everything possible to enrich the country and improve our people's standard of living. They are really working hard, harder than you think. That is one of the major reasons that China achieved its current economic success. Now you tell me the answer.
So, here comes another question: bread or freedom? This is tricky, because many people outside China tend to think that the Chinese people are like slaves of their government in their own country, which is absolutely false. Do you know that most of Chinese medium sized enterprises are privately owned? There is no pure freedom. The Chinese democracy is not a "to be" or "not to be" , but a "improvement" issue. As for the "improved freedom", can I have both but in such an order: bread first, then the freedom? Most of the Chinese think the same way. Right or wrong, let time prove it, but don't bother to interrupt us and tell us this will not work, because you have your own business to do, do you?
The shortcoming of the Chinese is that they always think too much before they start to do something, always trying to draw a big picture and plan a route. But usually this is just impossible. I am this kind of guy too. So be brave and confident, my Chinese friends. Don't care what other people say about us, do you remember one of our great poems in Tang dynasty? "两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山.