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China invades another Phil. Island.

Wow hats off Philippines Chinese ships are there for a month lol

These gray and white Chinese ships, around four of them inside the lagoon, prevented us from entering our traditional fishing ground,” one of the fishermen said.

Kalayaan Mayor Eugenio Bito-onon Jr. said the Chinese ships have been staying in Quirino Atoll for more than a month now. “They have many ships there,” he said, without elaborating.

Philippine air patrol has confirmed the presence of at least four Chinese coast guard ships in the Jackson lagoons.


If you guys reclaim this atoll, it will be larger than Fiery Cross. You know that right? lol

Remember how it started out as?

to this:







Wow man Chinese can do some serious damage to SCS if they can built islands like these during war in very short notice
That could be the plan. Slowly but steadily China positioning itself to strike Japan and all other south China sea. They have piled but large weapons for decades now which if not used most of them could be out dated or lost its full potential. Which includes their aircraft. This is the right time for China to begin massive assault . If SCS countries could be calm for few more years china's arms will have to be updated for newly procured . Its all my own view. Things may be different.

A unilateral strike is antithetical to Chinese defense policy in modern years, which has largely been built upon strategic defense. We have to try to understand that the Chinese, themselves, are not really expansionist powers, given how they have conducted territorial settlments with their nieghbors in the past. As in regards to Korea and Japan --- disagreement is merely on maritime territoriality, which is slowly being de-fissured as we speak through careful mediation and through intergovernmental approach.

In fact the way China (Mainland) works to de-escalate with Tokyo is to utilize the conduit , which is the Chinese Province of Taiwan, as the channel to develop mutually comprehensive and inclusive mechanisms of joint fisheries cooperation, joint exploration, and joint development, joint patrol of the Senkakus/ Diaoyutais. This is an indirect recogntion on Tokyo's part of Chinese legitmacy of their claims, and Tokyo's willingness to collaborate, cooperate. Just this week, in fact , @Ind4Ever bhai, both Tokyo and Taipei (Beijing) convened on a new round of Bilateral Joint Fisheries agreements involving the Senkakus / Diaoyutais --- and relations between Greater China and Japan is slowly, gradually developed comprehensively and holistically.

Taiwan, Japan holding fishery talks in Taipei | Politics | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

I suppose , and i would deign to conjecture that as time progresses and as with China's tacit recognition of cooperative bilateralism, we will see more integration in political and inter-governmental mechanisms between Beijing, Tokyo and Seoul. As for China's development in the South China Seas , well Japan is a non-claimant and thus will not involve herself directly in that situation. However, we do hope and pray all relevant parties cooperate peacefully for a mutually inclusive and developmentally-inclined, peaceful approach to the situation. We hope to see a win-win scenario. And we know that China is instrumental to this liberational philosophy.
PN does have few amphibious assault ships, but not much of a surface fleet to support any amphibious assault .
BTW, what what is the political response so far from Philippines?
Here's to hoping "the peaceful rise of China" doesn't end up as world war 3 and the peace of the grave.
Wow man Chinese can do some serious damage to SCS if they can built islands like these during war in very short notice

They are incredible builders, my friend. Honestly, i am one who prides in my own nation's island genesis programs. But the way the Chinese do things, and the breadth of their capabilities...its just staggering to thought ! They are geo-shapers, truly.

I am not surprised, tho. What can we expect from a civilization that can do this....


Can you see that, @Ind4Ever bhai? That is a picture of part of the Great Wall of China...from space !

PN does have few amphibious assault ships, but not much of a surface fleet to support any amphibious assault .
BTW, what what is the political response so far from Philippines?

They really can't do anything.
Heh, trying to pull a similar stunt by breaching a boat at Jackson Atoll, as you have done on the Second Thomas Shoal eh? Well, we have towed the damn boat away. :wave:;)
Another fake grounding. Disgusting behavior as one would expect from Philippines. Now we reclaim this reef and take second thomas shoal soon.
BTW, what what is the political response so far from Philippines?

Political response? It is evident. The Philippine Election 2016 will see the rise of a pro-China presidential elect. What is clear is that this new President-elect will be greatly cooperative with Tokyo ( ;) ) and also with Beijing.

America we remain through VFA (visiting forces agreement), but they will be limited to that. I would even say that the Filipino Congress, which really has a split agenda (there are many anti-Americans in the Philippine Congress; as there are many pro-American). A rise of a pro-China president would consolidate the base and implement a more equidistant policy.

Another fake grounding. Disgusting behavior as one would expect from Philippines. Now we reclaim this reef and take second thomas shoal soon.

The grounding will be used as political capital, i think. Expect a massive reclamation project to begin within a week's time.
Report: Chinese Coast Guard Vessels Illegally Annexed and Take Over Spratly Island Feature (Jackson Shoal) From Philippines

By Ankit Panda | March 02, 2016

Five China Coast Guard vessels have taken over Jackson Shoal, a disputed feature in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea some 140 nautical miles west of the Philippines’ Palawan Island, according to a report by the Philippines Star.Jackson Atoll is a popular fishing ground for Filipino fishermen, and is 33 nautical miles from Mischief Reef, a Spratly Island feature where China has carried out extensive land reclamation work and built an artificial island for possible military use.The Philippines Star, citing sources, said that the Chinese vessels “chased” fishermen away as early as last week.“These gray and white Chinese ships, around four of them inside the lagoon, prevented us from entering our traditional fishing ground,” one of the fisherman told the Star. If confirmed, this incident would represent an increase in Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea.

China and the Philippines have faced off over Jackson Shoal in the past. In 2011, Filipino fishermen were warned away from the area by a Chinese People’s Liberation Army Jianghu-V-class missile frigate, which also fired warning shots at the fishermen, according to reports.China has over the years shifted from using naval assets to employing coast guard and maritime law enforcement vessels instead to assert its claims in the South China Sea, prompting some analysts to call these assets its “second navy.”Tensions between the Philippines and China have been high in the South China Sea for years, but particularly since 2012, when the two states had a highly visible stand-off over China’s takeover of Scarborough Shoal.In early-2013, Manila initiated an arbitration case against China over the nature of its maritime claims in the South China Sea. In October 2015, the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled that it had jurisdiction to hear the case and will likely offer a decision on the merits of the Philippines’ arguments in May 2016.

Report: Chinese Coast Guard Vessels Take Over Spratly Island Feature From Philippines | The Diplomat
They really can't do anything.

They don't have a treaty with the US?

But if this is how China can be expected to behave in the future, all these little countries of South East Asia need to lock in protective treaties with great powers...US ...Japan....or even just each other.....maybe trigger regional sanctions if any one country is attacked.....they have a right to keep their own land after all
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