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China, India's interests in Myanmar spell a bleak future for Rohingyas

Now India stand with Myanmar, where as always one type of people in BD shouting India is our friend India is our friend. now where is India?only taking internal political benefit from India this day has come.If this same stance is continue in future then they will never give us proper value. i know despite of all that we will again say they are our friend.its time to support the freedom fighter who are fighting to free their state from India. i.e. in Nagaland, Asam.এর পরই এরা আমাদের মর্ম বুঝবে.

Go on but remember that Punjab and KPK is 3,000+ Kms away from Bangladesh, while we are right beside you.
Tatamadaw (Myanmar army) was fighting with ethnic rebels for decade hence is battle proven ,what is battle proven about Bangladeshi army where rebellion is a common occurrence who can forget BDR ,hence Bangladesh doesn't believe heirarchy needed for a professional army
Bangladesh Army had been undergoing low intensity COIN Ops in CHT region for decades together, against your pets, the so called "Shanti Bahini", and is thoroughly acclimatised in Jungle warfare and COIN Ops.
Remember post 1975 how you all once again once again backed and armed the disgruntled youth who all had crossed the borders,till we beat the shit out of them.
So,please stop barking and hide your backs,before you get booted once again.
Are you a real nut to say something that stands false historically? Buddhism was never accepted by the tyrannical Aryan society led by the color conscious Aryan group of people. Through centuries of conspiracy by these JATPAT infested high caste Hindus, Buddhism almost been abolished in the India proper. It remains in BD and its east where Hindu India made it a part only during the British time, specially after the Burmese invaded and occupied Indian NE in the 1780s (?).

1) Buddha was proud of his sakya Kshatriya Ancestory and always roudly called himself Arya Kshatriya.

2) He said that in The world Brahmin and Kshatriya are only best people and all other kinds are inferior to these 2 Groups.

3) Buddhas will only take birth in either Brahmin or Kshatriya Family as the Buddha was a Kshatriya, Next buddha will be from Brahmin Family according to him.

4) in verious Buddhist socities Caste system existed as most of Buddhist schools had only Brahmin or Kshatriya Monks and Monks from other Castes Including vashyas were given lower status compared to B/K Monks.
Has anybody noticed @madokafc and @Aung Zaya appears and disappears from PDF in the same manner. And most of the time when there were troubles inside MM they dont come to PDF for a long time. Does MM block internet at that time?
Has anybody noticed @madokafc and [B][SIZE=6]@Aung Zaya[/SIZE][/B] appears and disappears from PDF in the same manner. And most of the time when there were troubles inside MM they dont come to PDF for a long time. Does MM block internet at that time?

Probably busy,desperately trying to come to her rescue.:-):-):-):-)
Only an Islamic khilafat can help the Muslims. All countries have decided to turn a blind eye. The Islamic Human Rights commission should get its act together.
Even PR China supports Myanmar.

Every country has its own policy, right or wrong.

1) Can it be that the love love relationship that BD keeps with India is responsible for the Chinese foreign policy vis-a-vis Myanmar?
2) Could it be also that MM can provide a direct BoB corridor to China, which BD cannot?
3) Could another reason be somehow China wants Arakan to remain a part of Burma and not BD or independent? Note that China has a direct gas pipeline from Arakan seashore to Kunming to the North. Once its status changes, China will lose this direct land transportation route.

But, I wonder why this dumb India is with Burma? What benefits it will get except a militant infested road from a Sittwe Port to its NE. The next BD govt should abrogate water transport treaty for Indian goods via BD rivers, because Indian old junks break the banks of our rivers.
You have to understand and other Bangladeshi members have mentioned this countless times, irrespective of what media is saying we are continuing to take in Rohingyas by the thousands. It isn't in Hasinas mind to take a public stance against Rohingya persecution to serve the interests of a few particular players, cough. Hasina is a lapdog but a cunning one, she plays India for her benefits so you would be surprised to see her as one of the most powerful females on Forbes. It's

Bangladesh is doing the best it CAN do. Free my Rohingyan brothers & sisters.
১৬ বছরের যুবতি মিয়ানমার, নায়ক- চীন ও ভারত, খলনায়ক-বাংলাদেশ !! সবাই স্বার্থবাদী
AOW News
Published on Sep 9, 2017
1) Can it be that the love love relationship that BD keeps with India is responsible for the Chinese foreign policy vis-a-vis Myanmar?
BD buys military goods from china , does it mean BD also makes love with china? you can get the gist of making love with multiple partners needlessly I say more. (either you ppl want to self degrade ur self or its usual spineless indifference to others view)

3) Could another reason be somehow China wants Arakan to remain a part of Burma and not BD or independent? Note that China has a direct gas pipeline from Arakan seashore to Kunming to the North. Once its status changes, China will lose this direct land transportation route.
Truth is no one wants a islamic country in their neighborhood which supports terrorists. It will only ignite other regions like xinjiang or thailand.

But, I wonder why this dumb India is with Burma? What benefits it will get except a militant
If you think being non aligned is dumb, oh yes we are dumb. Why not BD provide arms and create another yemen in south asia? Even ISI is waiting for an opportunity to send BD back to golden age of chaos.

The next BD govt should abrogate water transport treaty for Indian goods via BD rivers, because Indian old junks break the banks of our rivers.
please do it, let BD put their money where their mouth is. please grow a pair of horns , denounce India,china,thailand and all the sundry who do not hold your views.

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Probably busy,desperately trying to come to her rescue.:-):-):-):-)
says volumes about your culture, when ppl cant justify it thru valid reasoning they resort to cheap tricks.

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