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China, India's interests in Myanmar spell a bleak future for Rohingyas

UN is a non-entity and Myanmar is a big country. UN can't do jack about the internal affair of a big country.

Rohingya land is not a big country. MM remain as an independent country yet northern Rakhinse should be policed by international force.
Only an Islamic khilafat can help the Muslims. All countries have decided to turn a blind eye. The Islamic Human Rights commission should get its act together.
Even PR China supports Myanmar.
For arms, Rohingyas are very poor.They can't acquire much.Outside help is needed..;)
The word "GOLDEN TRIANGLE" rings any bell? Burma,Laos and Cambodia, along with the "Golden Crescent"in Afghanistan.
Tatamadaw (Myanmar army) was fighting with ethnic rebels for decade hence is battle proven ,what is battle proven about Bangladeshi army where rebellion is a common occurrence who can forget BDR ,hence Bangladesh doesn't believe heirarchy needed for a professional army

It could not defeat any of the insurgency group but made compromise on the territory and and resources. Occasional skirmishes takes place when one side steps into other sides. MM army has the same status as the insurgent on the battle field.
GOI's support for Myanmar against Rohingya Muslims was the right thing to do. Sure, Rohingya Muslims are just an unfortunate group to become scapegoats for Myanmar's junta govt. Human rights were trampled. It's a genocide like Jews in Nazi Germany. Do they deserve help? Yes. Should we help them? Not exactly.

India giving place for Rohingya refugees would piss off Myanmar. India needs Myanmar's support to silence separatist militants in North East and land route for trade with south east Asia. India gains nothing by raising Rohingya issue. Instead it would Myanmar govt towards China

But, India can't ignore Rohingya refugee issue as Bangladesh who is our strategic partner (not the false flagging B'deshis on this forum) is involved. Hence, India needs to keep a low profile on this issue. Govt must silence fringe members and use neutral rhetoric.

Involve a couple of muslim dominated countries and ask them to take the refugees and give aid to Bangladesh to ease their pains on refugee influx. In this way, we don't take in refugees, we keep ties with Myanmar and earn brownie points in International media. It's cold hearted but national interests takes priority over humanity
Very well said, they're playing it right but they couldn't have ignored the fact that taking in these people would not play well with the electorate either.
$$$$$$, bro, $$$$$$$, tons and tons, ,remember the Karen rebels+ Iran-Contra ops,etc, source of CIA's black funds, for funding covert ops.
In this way, we don't take in refugees, we keep ties with Myanmar and earn brownie points in International media. It's cold hearted but national interests takes priority over humanity
You are anticipating that Indians are only touts on the face of the mother earth.
The word "GOLDEN TRIANGLE" rings any bell? Burma,Laos and Cambodia, along with the "Golden Crescent"in Afghanistan.
$$$$$$, bro, $$$$$$$, tons and tons, ,remember the Karen rebels+ Iran-Contra ops,etc, source of CIA's black funds, for funding covert ops.
Fighting with ethnic rebel is the destiny of tatmadaw.Let them be more and more battle proven by fighting with more and more insurgency.
They defeated most of insurgents some come on peace deal only ethnic bengalis muslims remaining in Rakhine which needs to be ethnically cleansed so India can start it kaladan multi modal corridor ,if Bengali army provide ethnic Bengali Muslims with safe havens then it may provoke tatamadaw and the Chittagong hill tract might go away with Bengali army
Very well said, they're playing it right but they couldn't have ignored the fact that taking in these people would not play well with the electorate either.
Some states which have leaders (Mayawati, Mamata, Yadavs of UP) inclined toward muslims and dalits for vote bank will push to take them in but center should make sure all these Rohingyas and other illegal immigrants from Bangladesh should be deported asap
They defeated most of insurgents some come on peace deal only ethnic bengalis muslims remaining in Rakhine which needs to be ethnically cleansed so India can start it kaladan multi modal corridor ,if Bengali army provide ethnic Bengali Muslims with safe havens then it may provoke tatamadaw and the Chittagong hill tract might go away with Bengali army
None was defeated. I seen them negotiating with the old hags of 80's and 90's who has not active armies and just trying to be relevant. New active groups are in the battle filed not in the negotiating table.
It could not defeat any of the insurgency group but made compromise on the territory and and resources. Occasional skirmishes takes place when one side steps into other sides. MM army has the same status as the insurgent on the battle field.
Rohingya fighters even may not need any training inside Bangladesh.There are plenty of remote,mountainous forest land inside Arakan to train them.Recent attacker on security forces trained inside Arakan and attacked with primitive weapon inflicted substantial casualty upon burmese forces.Bangladesh need to get it's acts to gather.If international safe zone doesn't materialize then we have to think about alternative.
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You are anticipating that Indians are only touts on the face of the mother earth.
I am talking about the question of how India should act in this regard and what would be best for it. What Bangladesh, Pak, China or any other country does regarding Rohingyas is totally upto them
India has to back Myanmar and, especially, having seen the havoc radical Islam can wreak on a country, we should support the Buddhists even more. Heck, it even took Hindus' most sacred temples from us.

Don't let Islamists do to the Buddhists (whether in Myanmar or in Ladakh) what they did and are doing to the Hindus in India and other parts of the world.

India has more in common with Buddhists than it will ever have with Islamists.
All those who are calling Buddhist as killers in rohingya should know that these are not real Buddhist... and budhhism is a religion of peace...
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