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China, India's interests in Myanmar spell a bleak future for Rohingyas

Those who mindlessly jump into other's conflict either have a lot of brawn or very little brain. Rohingyas may need BD but BD surely doesn't need them. We are doing what we're doing are for humanitarian reason. Can't get into useless conflict where we have nothing to gain.

There are many instances in the history when a nation went under someone's feet because it was not ready to squarely face the bullying country like a man. BD is in such a process at present. BD people have lost all the values of nationhood by adhering to a false foreign policy. It was not that long ago when General Moin sent warships to the points where the Burmese were digging for oil. There was a time when President Ayub Khan of Pakistan forced the Burmese troops to the south of Naaf.

We do not have to go to war to intimidate a country. We have to recognize first who are our enemies. To BD every other bullying country is its dear friend, when at the expense of that false friendship, we should have sternly told the Burmese of the consequence of killing the Rohingyas, because, they come and take shelter in BD.

However, the women leaders in BD are all Ballless, in literal meaning and in reality. Had there been Sk. Mujib or Ziaur Rahman, Burma would have thought twenty times before hurting and sending the Rohingyas across the border. To me, the mouse like mute people of BD need no sovereign nation. Weak people like them do not deserve to be in a free country. Considering its continuous disrespectful and callous behavior time is coming when this country will be fragmented into the neighboring countries.
Myanmar forces aren't fighting BD. They are fighting Rohingyas. And what is happening wouldn't be happening if some Rohingya idiots hadn't attacked Myanmar police force. BD has no responsibility here. What we're doing is solely for humanitarian reasons. BD taking all the Rohingyas isn't the solution neither fighting a war with Myanmar is.
I told you MM was pushing rohingyas all along regardless. You can close your eyes and pretend to be a ostrich yet its going on. Either you pray for somebody else to do your dirty work or do it yourself.
To stabilize our border, either take all the Rohingyas in and give them citizenship or help Rohingya to gain independence. Rohingyas need little help to help ourselves.
Bluesky and the rest,

I understand your frustration. But why wait for SHW to grow a pair? Why dont you guys gather all patriotic minded BDs, arm yourselves with whatever is available- lathis, dandas, countrymade revolvers- and attack Myanmar.

Bluesky and the rest,

I understand your frustration. But why wait for SHW to grow a pair? Why dont you guys gather all patriotic minded BDs, arm yourselves with whatever is available- lathis, dandas, countrymade revolvers- and attack Myanmar.

Rohingyas already doing it.. We need to give them some toys and friepower. The rest will fall in line.. ;)
There are many instances in the history when a nation went under someone's feet because it was not ready to squarely face the bullying country like a man. BD is in such a process at present. BD people have lost all the values of nationhood by adhering to a false foreign policy. It was not that long ago when General Moin sent warships to the points where the Burmese were digging for oil. There was a time when President Ayub Khan of Pakistan forced the Burmese troops to the south of Naaf.

We do not have to go to war to intimidate a country. We have to recognize first who are our enemies. To BD every other bullying country is its dear friend, when at the expense of that false friendship, we should have sternly told the Burmese of the consequence of killing the Rohingyas, because, they come and take shelter in BD.

However, the women leaders in BD are all Ballless, in literal meaning and in reality. Had there been Sk. Mujib or Ziaur Rahman, Burma would have thought twenty times before hurting and sending the Rohingyas across the border. To me, the mouse like mute people of BD need no sovereign nation. Weak people like them do not deserve to be in a free country. Considering its continuous disrespectful and callous behavior time is coming when this country will be fragmented into the neighboring countries.
Times have changed. You can see last time China shielded them from UN. Back in the days they were sanctioned by the west and our actions wouldn't be called provocation. China maybe were behind them back then but even China wasn't that strong then. During Ayub Khans time China wasn't even a part of UN. Harsh and impulsive actions won't do any good. We can't do anything where we risk losing more than gaining because of sentiment.
They are fighting Rohingyas. And what is happening wouldn't be happening if some Rohingya idiots hadn't attacked Myanmar police force.
Exactly if that violence hadnt taken place there could have been justification for other powers to put pressure on myanmar. But now its all gone. Any pressure on myanmar would be considered as support to terrorists and interference which will cause even more damage.
I told you MM was pushing rohingyas all along regardless. You can close your eyes and pretend to be a ostrich yet its going on. Either you pray for somebody else to do your dirty work or do it yourself.
To stabilize our border, either take all the Rohingyas in and give them citizenship or help Rohingya to gain independence. Rohingyas need little help to help ourselves.
I've said it before there are many Rohingyas inside BD. They can give arms to the one's in Myanmar. We can't officially do anything. Ask IMA to bomb Myanmar instead of bombing Yemen.
Times have changed. You can see last time China shielded them from UN. Back in the days they were sanctioned by the west and our actions wouldn't be called provocation. China maybe were behind them back then but even China wasn't that strong then. During Ayub Khans time China wasn't even a part of UN. Harsh and impulsive actions won't do any good. We can't do anything where we risk losing more than gaining because of sentiment.

Times never change for the weak nations when they are led by weak leaders, specially when they are women. It is not China or UN, it is BD that plays the main role against Burma. UN do solve problems, but only for the strongest in the field. Let BD send troops and capture north Arakan, all the countries of the world will start kwtowing it. Nations believe in military muscle, not diplomacy.

But, I find our leader Hasina is not going to grow balls, and BD people including the look alike Calcutta Babu of BD and the PDF keyboard warriors are equally showing no signs of ball. We have become Oti Bangali. So, we keep on saying of our shortage of airforce power. But, any war will be done by the people and not by the airplanes. It is peoples war. If Rohingyas are with us Arakan will become our part. And this is the reason why China vetoes in favor of Burma. China is getting its gas to Kunming from the Arakan fields.

But, note one thing. If BD has the guts to make it visible in Arakan, China will not send its troops to BD-Arakan border and USA will also not send their 7th fleet. They will respect a new power, same as all the countries respect Vietnam. You just do not know when it was Pakistan time and leaders were people like Ayub Khan. Burma had no balls to go to the UN to rectify the situation it was so meek with against the PA troops.

Same thing happened when Gen. Moin sent frigates to the Burmese sea in 2009 (?). Thing is our nation are now trying to be as meek as Calcutta Babus, reciting some old poetry and thinking themselves same as those Babus. Bloody characterless BD population!!
Times never change for the weak nations when they are led by weak leaders, specially when they are women. It is not China or UN, it is BD that plays the main role against Burma. UN do solve problems, but only for the strongest in the field. Let BD send troops and capture north Arakan, all the countries of the world will start kwtowing it. Nations believe in military muscle, not diplomacy.

But, I find our leader Hasina is not going to grow balls, and BD people including the look alike Calcutta Babu of BD and the PDF keyboard warriors are equally showing no signs of ball. We have become Oti Bangali. So, we keep on saying of our shortage of airforce power. But, any war will be done by the people and not by the airplanes. It is peoples war. If Rohingyas are with us Arakan will become our part. And this is the reason why China vetoes in favor of Burma. China is getting its gas to Kunming from the Arakan fields.

But, note one thing. If BD has the guts to make it visible in Arakan, China will not send its troops to BD-Arakan border and USA will also not send their 7th fleet. They will respect a new power, same as all the countries respect Vietnam. You just do not know when it was Pakistan time and leaders were people like Ayub Khan. Burma had no balls to go to the UN to rectify the situation it was so meek with against the PA troops.

Same thing happened when Gen. Moin sent frigates to the Burmese sea in 2009 (?). Thing is our nation are now trying to be as meek as Calcutta Babus, reciting some old poetry and thinking themselves same as those Babus. Bloody characterless BD population!!
A war would impact BD too much. Ask IMA to bomb Myanmar.
A war would impact BD too much. Ask IMA to bomb Myanmar.
An undue influx of 2 million refugees will impact more than five wars. But, who told you start a war? I told BD people to become strong in mind first. It lacks boldness, that is why Burma r*pes it right and left. It is a meek group of Calcutta Babu that we should not turn ourselves to. I wonder what the Chittagong rich people are doing for their compatriots in Arakan?
A war would impact BD too much. Ask IMA to bomb Myanmar.
Bringing IMA will draw too much attention and regional power will object to it. Going alone and giving military support to the Rohingyas will be the first step. Covertly Turkey/Malaysia can send military hardware.
Neither China nor India will come directly to confront BD. They may resort to diplomacy and ask MM to solve the core issues.
Countries acts in self interest rather than any humanitarian principle, isn't it happening all the time? Just not in this case but in every case.And regarding UN, two opposing block always veto each others resolution, thus made UN a worthless organization.There is no point lamenting it.Whatever humanitarian intervention happened in the world, happened by sidelining the UN security council.Like NATO bombing of Serbia to protect the Kosovo civilian and forcing Serbia to accept UN rule in Kosovo.Russia and China vehemently opposed that.But it happened in anyway.It also happened in wrong ways like Iraq attack by US/UK.Russia, China and UN opposed that but happened that anyway.

The main ball in the court in this world still in the western camp.Myanmar fear nothing more that a re-imposition of western sanction, which can ruin their all the achievement done in the last several years and back them isolated pariah state which they were for 50 years.Bangladesh and other Muslim countries need to put pressure on EU and USA to re-impose sanction against Myanmar.At least EU and US try to maintain some sort of human rights principle.

57 states OIC block is the biggest after UN.It can be a big force if acts in a co-ordination.OIC's own sanction will itself will cause a lot of damage to burmese economy.It can influence powerfully to the policy of US and EU.Before Muslim countries forced to accept Rohingya refugee why not teach some hard lesson to burma? We(Muslim countries) may have to ultimately accept all the Rohingya people in a long run, but before that, burn burma with the fire which they created. Support each of the 40 insurgency creating havoc in burma, Arm to the teeth the Rohingya resistance.Let burma bled through thousand cut.Why should we give the genocidal burmese a Rohingya free country on a silver platter?
@TopCat @UKBengali @StandForInsaf @hussain0216

I think that if BD calls OIC or UN to help , Pakistan might help to increase pressure.
China's role to stop rohingya Muslims genocide is questionable.
India has more in common with Buddhists than it will ever have with Islamists.

Are you a real nut to say something that stands false historically? Buddhism was never accepted by the tyrannical Aryan society led by the color conscious Aryan group of people. Through centuries of conspiracy by these JATPAT infested high caste Hindus, Buddhism almost been abolished in the India proper. It remains in BD and its east where Hindu India made it a part only during the British time, specially after the Burmese invaded and occupied Indian NE in the 1780s (?).
জোর যার মুল্লুক তার.গায়ে শক্তি না থাকলে কেউ তাকে দাম দেয় না.অনুরোধ মাঝে মাঝে মানুষকে ছোট করে দেয়.বাংলাদেশ নিজেকে চেনাক পাশে দাড়ানো লোকের অভাব হবেনা.
Are you a real nut to say something that stands false historically? Buddhism was never accepted by the tyrannical Aryan society led by the color conscious Aryan group of people. Through centuries of conspiracy by these JATPAT infested high caste Hindus, Buddhism almost been abolished in the India proper. It remains in BD and its east where Hindu India made it a part only during the British time, specially after the Burmese invaded and occupied Indian NE in the 1780s (?).
A Lot a time has gone ,it was around the Gupta empire ,the Vedic and other counter religious movements such Gautam Buddha and Bhagwan Mahavir brought Jainism and Buddhism had some friction but Islamic invadors has destroyed the our culture greatest University Nalanda and taxila and and temples and for Islamic jihad there isn't any difference between idoltors ,they are all same hence Buddhist and the new Hindutva movement know their enemies to well hence and some cooperation with Myanmar goes well as this is called issue of ummat ,hence agenda of hindutva is to wretch the Islamic jihadies and collaborate with all its enemies ,ethnic burmans are just one of them

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