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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

Abe retard....tu iss forum mein 2010 se haag raha hain, 'Air Commodore" bhi ban gaya, aab to haagna bandh kar.

Tujhe pata bhi hain 1858 mein kya change hua tha? Control went from the Company to the British government.

I will ask you again. Was Auranjib or Queen Victoria elected by Indians?
Actually China warn India a lot of times before beating it in 1962...
But nobody took it real..

Can anybody imagine what shall be the next warning of china to India? Every time I guess that stock of chinese warning has dried up but they every time come up with new innovative warning. What shall be the warning of today evening? Can anybody imagine?
I remember some foreign media person asking a PA Colonel in Siachen about the reason he is fighting on such a mass of ice and rocks and the Colonel replied "This is our piece of land and it is the reason enough to fight for it"

However, cannot comment on Chinese restraint. Overall it is good for the world's peace. Those who think India is all powerful to even take on China without a fuss are grossly mistaken. This will be a crushing blow to both the economies, more so to the Indians. So, let's hope there is no war. At least not for now

If at all there is, I hope the guys sounding all macho here stay around for a conversation

You Pakistanis lost my respect because of this. If India had exercised restraint what word's would you have used.

If India does it is cowardice but if China does it is for world's peace.

At least you guys would have revenged the incident via a ISPR release and a tweet but these chinese are not even doing that except daily warnings.

1. India does not have enough missiles or power of nuclear warheads to cause any more than some destruction to some cities.

2. Most of the Indian missiles will be intercepted by Chinese ABM systems.

3. Chinese hydrogen bombs will utterly destroy India.

China has many reasons to avoid war and most are not even to do with India.
What will happen to Bangladesh? drinking nuclear contaminated water for padma and Brahmaputra? Oh I remember not Brahmputra, its water will be stopped soon by chinese.
I think these warnings from China are getting funny now.
Both sides should talk it out and get done with this drama.
China is loosing credibility by hurling empty threats daily.Such loose threats only increase the enemy's confidence to the point that the enemy is sure that you lack the political clout and military might to go ahead with the offensive.
India vs Pakistan scenario is the perfect example of this where Pakistan's confidence to challenge India has grown manifolds in the wake of countless empty threats from India..
The Indians and Pakistanis don't have policy of saving face, especially India. India can look as loser to Pakistani audience as long as its goals are met. Same with Pakistan on occasion although for moral support, Pakistan army pushes in an extraordinary amount of propaganda where ever possible to get political support in the country. The Indian army is submissive to its politicians unlike Pakistan so Indian politicians will make tall claims and ridiculous statements. CCP/PLA go hand in hand. Top tier ranking generals are civilians in PLA uniform with only 2 guys CCP at the top. Everything said and done, is thoroughly planned out. What India and Pakistan do at the border is not a result of politicians per say but middle men in Pak army who are not on the same page as civilians authority on the Kashmir front. The politicians in Pak also risk their career on Kashmir and for the most their life and safety of their families. Its a golden goose which has comeback to haunt Pakistani politicians because they can not undo so easily, what was easy to do. We see this with the war on terrorism. Coming back to your point, Yes China looks weak if their media, and foreign ministry keeps saying this. But the Indians know the CCP better than Americans do. India is willing to look like the loser so long as their original objective is completed. The Indian Army is a sacrifice, has always been, because they answer to the Parliament not to a political party or foreign bank accounts.
winter is coming India.

sorry couldnt let the moment go :P
Shame that we face Ramsay Bolton, while Bolton's Reek cheers on from the sidelines.

The OBOR (one belt one road; silk route 2.0) will grant Bhutan INDEPENDENCE from Indian imperialism. Currently as of 2017, India maintain hegemonic dictatorial controls over Bhutan. Bhutan's foreign policy is controlled by India. Imagine if you are a sovereign state (Bhutan), but wait, you are not allowed to have any foreign diplomatic relations with any country in the world without the approval and permission of a 3rd party (India). This is the reality of Bhutan right now.

India wants to maintain its imperialist grip on tiny Bhutan (India wants to swallow Bhutan up like Sikkim and Goa). Knowing India's true intentions here, it is now absolutely necessary to help Bhutan be free from Indian control. Whenever you see articles stating "India and Bhutan oppose/reject" no-its just India. Bhutan is being manipulated right now.

I never support war and violence, but India can not be allowed to control Bhutan like a imperialist bully. Some people say China PLA have no modern combat experience, well this would be the perfect opportunity to gain some and also test out all the new hi-tech toys on live targets. India is by no means a small or 'weak' country, so no one can complain about China bullying India. India is about to get a reality check.
Sounds like they have a better deal than Tibet.
This man is not good for enemy's health. Be friend with him if really want to have a good sleep in night. :enjoy:View attachment 413907
An ignorant man who is good at play populism and leading India into a n expected devastation.

India has security pact with Bhutan.Since then.China showed its true calibre in this standoff, over a month of childish whining and zero balls to do what they threaten.All their respect evaporated.Earlier i used to post energetically in these chinese warning threads,even a week ago.Now i can't even be bothered.Whats the point?Everyone knows china is just all talk,no action.Wake us up when PLA moves 10 divisions into tibet.If China had the capability to attack it would attack without warning,like it did in 1962.Promising peace even in early september when chinese PM visited delhi and then attacking from 20th sept onwards.When they can't bite,they can only bark.A barking paper dragon is only amusing for so long.
You guys have no vision, just a bunch of street rogues feel complacent for some small gain. You will lose 10 times than what you have gained by phucking with China. If you want to run a arm race with China, suit yourself. I don't know whether your pocket is deep enough to handle it.

No NSG memberships or Permanent membership of UNSC for you, unless you can defeat China.

Let us see how long will Modi government insist. He won't be long.

India will have to live China's shadow, only we can contain from doing bad.
India repeats mistakes of 1962 with continued violation of China's sovereignty, I mean India is emphasized that India is echoing events of 1962 with continued violation of China's sovereignty. Beijing's historical claim dates back to the Convention between Great Britain and China relating to Sikkim and Tibet (1890), an agreement that has been repeatedly reconfirmed under a UN Charter, in writing, by successive Indian governments. But despite the treaty, Indian has continued its aggressive and dangerous stance toward China and enacted the false notion that their presence inside China's border is at the request of Bhutan. However, since 1980, China and Bhutan have held 24 separate border negotiations. Although a boundary has not officially been demarcated, both countries have a clear consensus on the practical condition of the border line. Despite the growing risk to their sovereignty, Chinese forces in the years prior to 1962 did not engage in conflict with the Indian side. China instead issued a series of warnings and urged India to hold negotiations.

These Indians who simply calls Chinese warnings and nothing else should remind back in 1962, Those warnings became more and more explicit but constantly ignored until October 1962, the Chinese at last met this constant Indian military pressure with an overwhelming, crushing counterattack. the devastating battle was a humiliation for India's political class and viewed by the Indian government as a stark warning by China.

The Henderson-Brooks Report, which was the Indian Army's own account of the events of the war, makes quite clear the truth ... that it was Indian provocations that brought about a forewarned Chinese counterattack.

And today is the same case where Indians calling some people as cheerleaders and calling Chinese warnings as bluffs, but back in 1962 worse and humiliated crushing defeat of India at the hands of China they brought a Chinese counter attack upon themselves by their own wrong-headed border policy.
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