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‘Game-changing’ Chinese cyberspace defense system defeats hackers at contest
By Shan Jie in Nanjing Source:Global Times Published: 2018/5/13 20:53:41

A "game-changing" domestically developed cyber defense system presented to the world for the first time will strengthen China's cyberspace security, its chief designer said on Saturday.

The new mechanism successfully defended attacks from 22 white-hat, or ethical, computer-hacking teams from five countries at the Qiangwang International Elite Challenge on Cyber Mimic Defense (CMD) in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu Province on Saturday.

"This is the first time using the CMD system as the 'target machine' in the world," said Wu Jiangxing, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in Beijing and founder of the theory of CMD, a proactive system whose randomness increases the difficulty attacks based on vulnerability and backdoors.

The test conducted by top hackers was of great significance in proving the effectiveness of the CMD mechanism, Wu believed.

Digging holes, creating backdoors, planting viruses, hiding a Trojan horse and other traditional attack methods proved ineffective, Wu said.

"The CMD, as a game-changing technology, will strengthen national cyberspace security and offer a way to build a healthy global cyberspace with a shared future," Wu told the Global Times on Saturday.

Russian hacking team LC↯BC finished the contest in first place with the most points, followed by Japan's TokyoWesterns and 0ops of Jiaotong University in Shanghai.

The system still needs testing, Wu said, but can be expected to be used in fields including finance, electricity and high-speed railways.

Inspired by Mimic Octopus, the master of disguise in nature which can change appearance to adapt to the environment, Chinese scientists proposed the idea of mimic computing in 2007 and produced the world's first mimic computer prototype in 2013.

Global Times

China-proposed network endogens security testbed (NEST) is now ready for 24-hour real-name cyber attacks from any individual or organization in the world. The theory behind NEST-Cyber Mimic Defense-is developed by Wu Jiangxing, an academic at the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

1:58 PM - May 22, 2019
Chinese Cyber Mimic Defense system ready for global challenges
By Zhang Dan in Nanjing Source:Global Times Published: 2019/5/23 20:18:41

Contestants from 10 countries attack the China-proposed Cyber Mimic Defense (CMD) system at the 2nd "Qiangwang" International Elite Challenge on CMD in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu Province, on Thursday. Photo: Zhang Dan/GT
Contestants from 10 countries attack the China-proposed Cyber Mimic Defense (CMD) system at the 2nd "Qiangwang" International Elite Challenge on CMD in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu Province, on Thursday. Photo: Zhang Dan/GT

China-proposed Cyber Mimic Defense (CMD) system successfully blocked attacks from top world white-hat from 10 countries and opened a 24-hour network testbed for global white-hat to test its performance for the first time, showing the country's great confidence and openness in cyber security, said its chief designer on Thursday.

Twenty-nine teams from China, US, Russia, Germany, Japan, Iran, Poland and others have attacked the mechanism more than 2.9 million times at the 2nd Qiangwang International Elite Challenge on CMD in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu Province on Wednesday and Thursday. However, none succeeded.

"The competition was a test opened to the world, showing our great confidence in the CMD structure that can resist harm in cyberspace created by loopholes and backdoors," Wu Jiangxing, an academic of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in Beijing and founder of the CMD theory, told the Global Times on Thursday the CMD system leads the world's cyber security defense.

Chinese hacking team ROIS won, followed by a team from China's KonwnSec 404 and Nu1L team. Last year, Russian hacking team LC↯ BC took first place.

Contestants from 10 countries attack the China-proposed Cyber Mimic Defense (CMD) system at the 2nd "Qiangwang" International Elite Challenge on CMD in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu Province, on Thursday. Photo: Zhang Dan/GT

Inspired by Mimic Octopus, the master of disguise that can adapt to the environment, Wu and his team proposed the idea of mimic computing in 2008.

The competition was a battle of humans versus machines. Contestants attacked six CMD machines which appeared as virtual octopuses on the screen. Once an attack took place, the tentacles of the virtual octopuses were broken.

Among the 29 teams, only two created disturbance for the black box but failed to breach the shield. White box tests were also opened to the contestants.

Four students from Fuzhou University in East China's Fujian Province formed the team ROIS and praised the CMD system. Team leader Zheng Shixin from the College of Mathematics and Computer Science told the Global Times that, to some extent, the CMD system is unbreakable.

Last year, CMD passed the online test carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. CMD servers have been used at the Henan branch of China Unicom to carry out trial applications and evaluation since January 2018.

It also welcomed real-name individuals or organizations to test its performance at the network endogens security testbed (NEST) from the world.
ZTE, NetCologne Debut First Commercial Super-Fast 212MHz Gigabit Network


ZTE, NetCologne Debut First Commercial Super-Fast 212MHz Gigabit Network

(Yicai Global) June 24 -- China's ZTE and German telecom operator NetCologne today announced their joint launch of the world's first commercial Gigabit network over G.fast@212 Megahertz profile solution.

It enables NetCologne's residential customers to subscribe to high-speed data internet connectivity of up to 1 Gigabit.

NetCologne eliminates users' fiber-optic transformation process through the G.fast@212Mhz solution provided by Shenzhen-based ZTE, realizing high-speed data internet connectivity of up to one Gigabit based on copper resources of the existing network, which greatly saves network transformation and civil engineering costs, China Securities Journal reported.

NetCologne will start to offer an ultra-high-speed data flat rate of one Gigabit in its commercial network to more than 250,000 residential customers from this month. In doing so, NetCologne continue to expand Cologne's leading position as Germany's most digital city, said Timo von Lepel, the firm's managing director.

"Providing the World's first network on G.fast@212Mhz solution is a giant technical milestone, it underlines ZTE's leading position in broadband technologies and our aim to support NetCologne to be a leading supplier of Gigabit connectivity in Germany," said Sun Jie, Managing Director of ZTE Deutschland.

ZTE has made remarkable achievements in the field of G.fast via continuous investment in technological innovation. NetCologne and ZTE penned a cooperation agreement in February 2017, since when the latter has provided the former with advanced network equipment, including the industry's first G.fast@212Hz profile data process unit in April this year.

ZTE has deployed more than 10 million lines of optical fiber and copper integrated products worldwide. Its G.fast has gone into commercial use in Japan and Germany and been tested or trialed by over 30 operators all over the world.

NetCologne is a German fiber network operator providing telecom services to users in and around Cologne.

G.fast is a digital subscriber line (DSL) protocol standard for local loops shorter than 500 m, with performance targets between 0.1 and 1 Gbit/s, depending on loop length. One MHz is 1,000,000 Hertz. One Hz is the SI base unit of frequency defined as one cycle per second. The unit is named for Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. A gigabit is one billion bits. It is a common measure of the amount of data transferred in one second between two telecommunication points
China creates 6 mirror DNS name servers as backup
By Cao Siqi Source:Global Times Published: 2019/6/27 22:27:54

Thales' Cybersecurity Operation Center in China's Hong Kong. Photo: Courtesy of Thales

China created six mirror copies of root name servers, a critical part of the internet infrastructure that help users connect to the internet, a move that analysts said will improve Chinese netizens' internet speed and offer the country more backups when facing a breakdown of the internet led by the US.

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology made the announcement on Wednesday, permitting the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) to operate, maintain and manage the six mirror copies of root name servers.

The ministry requires CNNIC to formulate and continuously improve the management system of root name servers and assign dedicated personnel to run, maintain and manage them, and establish a fixed contact mechanism.

A root name server is the highest-level domain name system (DNS), which helps computers connect to the internet or a private network. There are 13 root name servers and 10 of them are controlled by the US.

China has no root name servers but has established mirror copies.

Lu Feng, an industry analyst at Beijing-based consultancy firm CCID Consulting under the ministry, told the Global Times that establishing mirror servers does not change root name servers situation being controlled by other countries

There are nearly 1,000 mirror servers in the world and establishing mirror servers will help speed up internet access, Lu said.

Deng Huan, director of the security research institute at internet security firm Baimaohui in Beijing, told the Global Times that since the internet infrastructure is controlled by foreign countries, developing mirror copies helps China avoid the impact if they completely shut down their servers.

Some technology insiders noted that netizens' IP addresses will finally flow to root name servers, which means that if China has none of its own root name servers, security would remain a problem and countries like the US would still have the ability to access Chinese netizens' IP addresses.
15:01, 12-Jul-2019
China's Ipv6 network users account for 20% of total internet users

"Although the number of active users has seen a rapid growth, the proportion of Ipv6 network traffic to the overall internet traffic is relative low," Wu noted during the 18th China Internet Conference, which opened in Beijing on Tuesday.

According to the report released in 2018, among China's 829 million online users, only a small portion uses IPv6-based network.

A total of 23,430 blocks/32 of IPv6 addresses had been allocated in the Chinese mainland by the end of 2017, according to Yang Weiping, deputy head of the R&D department of the China Internet Network Information Center. "The number is the second-largest in the world, but the actual application level is still quite low," said Yang.

"We've suggested the government websites to play a leading role in the network deployment, and indeed, they have done a good job, so do the state-owned enterprises," Wu added. "But for those private websites, a lot of work is expected to be done."

Apart from websites, China's Ipv6-based network also needs to upgrade the household network gateway, as well as the internet connectivity between different network operators, Wu explained.

China has planned to have up to 200 million active IPv6 users by the end of 2018, and have more than 500 million such active users by 2020, according to an action plan issued in 2017.
JULY 25, 2019
Turning the tables on the terrorists
by David Bradley, Inderscience

Credit: CC0 Public Domain

It is known that much terrorist activity utilizes the power and immediacy of online social media and social networking tools to coordinate its attacks, rally support and spread the various agendas of the different groups and networks. Writing in the International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, a team from China explains how we might turn the tables on the terrorists and use those tools to analyse terrorist activity and so make predictions about future scenarios and so have the weapons to thwart them in their malevolent endeavours.

Xuan Guo, Fei Xu, Zhiting Xiao, and Hongguo Yuan of the National University of Defense Technology, Wuhan and colleague Xiaoyuan Yang of the Engineering University of PAP, in Xi'an, have demonstrated how they can look at two kinds of different intelligence sources in China and apply social network analysis and mathematical statistics to understand the information. First, they used the social network analysis tool to construct an activity meta-network for the text information. This allowed them to extract four categories of information: person, places, organisations and time. They could then decompose the intelligence into person-organisation and person-location, organisation-location, organization-time. They then applied statistical methods to this extracted data for the years 1989 to 2015.

The team says that the use of big data can help in combating terrorism whether that emerges from networks and cells within a terrorist organization or even the so-called "lone wolf" attack. We will never eradicate terrorism, but if more attacks can be thwarted through such analysis and the development of predictive tools, then its toll on lives and society as a whole might be reduced.

More information: Hongguo Yuan et al. Winning the war on terror: using social networking tools and GTD to analyse the regularity of terrorism activities, International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (2019). DOI: 10.1504/IJGUC.2019.10022137

Turning the tables on the terrorists | TechXplore
22:53, 06-Oct-2019
Ant Financial's OceanBase outstrips Oracle, breaks world record


VCG Photo

From 5G mobile networks to high-end chips and software, China has been striving to achieve self-reliance in vital information technologies (IT). The country has just achieved yet another breakthrough - this time in the database sector.

Ant Financial, a subsidiary of Chinese giant Alibaba, has outstripped veteran player Oracle's rival product with its self-developed database called OceanBase to become the world's No.1 in terms of performance, according to the latest test results released by the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC), a worldwide consortium that establishes standards for database.

In the TPC-C benchmark test, which is known as the "World Cup" of the database sector, OceanBase broke the world record, which was maintained by Oracle for nine consecutive years, making Ant Financial the first Chinese company to top the list ever.

Ant Financial's self-developed database OceanBase ranks No. 1 in the TPC-C benchmark test. /Screenshot from TPC website.

Li Guojie, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Engineering specializing in computing technology, called it "a major breakthrough made by China in the area of basic software."

The database, just like an operating system, is an important basic software for the IT industry.

China has been developing its own database for the last four decades, but it had lagged behind international giants such as Oracle and IBM, whose products dominated the Chinese market for a long time. This not only resulted in high software service costs for Chinese companies, but also posed potential risks to information security in key areas.

Only 10 years ago, Alibaba had to rely on Oracle for database services. But now, OceanBase has not only met its own demands to enable hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers to shop online and make mobile payments anytime they want, but it has also started to serve other domestic sectors, such as banking and insurance.
16:07, 21-Oct-2019
15 world-leading sci-tech achievements awarded at the 6th WIC


The sixth World Internet Conference (WIC) unveiled 15 world leading Internet scientific and technological achievements in the east Chinese water town of Wuzhen. A group of 39 experts selected the achievements in artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, cloud computing, digital manufacturing and industrial internet.

These major achievements were selected by a recommendation committee consisting of 39 representatives from home and abroad led by Honorary Chair Wan Gang, who is also chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, and Chinese Co-Chair Wu Hequan and Foreign Co-Chair Whitfield Diffie.

Here is the list:

1. Huawei's server processor--Kunpeng 920

2. Tsinghua University's hybrid AI chip--Tianjic

3. Microsoft's machine reading comprehension (MRC) technology

4. 360 0Day bug-radar system

5. Tesla's full self-driving chip

6. Baidu's open-source deep learning platform Paddle Paddle

7. Alibaba's cloud database POLARDB

8. Cambricon's AI chip MLU270

9. Tencent: Tech for good

10. Megvii's AI learning system Brain++

11. Sugon's silicon cube immersion liquid cooling computer

12. China Telecom's IPv6

13. German software company SAP's in-depth application of AI in intelligent enterprises

14. Xilinx Versal ACAP

15. COMAC Intelligent Manufacturing System
Alibaba Cloud Achieves World Record in Big Data Performance and Decision Support, Business News - AsiaOne
Oct 22, 2019

HANGZHOU, China, Oct. 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Alibaba Cloud, the data intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group, today announced that MaxCompute, the company's general purpose, fully managed, multi-tenancy data processing platform has achieved a new set of global records in big data performance and decision support optimization. By publishing the industry's first 100,000 scale factor on the Alibaba Cloud's MaxCompute Cluster, the company has demonstrated its leadership in delivering high-performance cloud solutions to its customers in a cost-effective manner.

Released in September 2019 by the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC), an industry council which sets the standards for transaction processing and database benchmarking, Alibaba Cloud is the first cloud service provider to be evaluated based on a 100 TB data benchmark, following records the company set on 10 TB and 30 TB benchmarks. TPC's results were based on two sets of benchmarking rests - TPCx-Big Bench (TBCx-BB), which measures big data performance, and TBC-DS, which measures decision support.

"We are very excited to see Alibaba Cloud's core product MaxCompute represented so well in the international benchmarks released by TPC," said Yangqing Jia, Vice President of Alibaba Group and President and Senior Fellow of Data Platform, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence. "Receiving the industry-first and record-breaking results through the TPC further bolsters our confidence in delivering the best value for our customers and partners across our 61 availability zones across 20 regions around the world."

TBCx-BB measures the performance of hardware and software components of Hadoop-based big data systems by executing 30 frequently performed analytical queries in the context of retailers with physical and online store presence. Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute attained 25,641 BBQpm (Big Bench Query-per-minute) with price/performance ratio of up to $224.49/BBQpm on the TBCx-BB tests, placing the platform's performance ahead of the rest of the industry.

In the meantime, Alibaba Cloud's Elastic MapReduce (EMR) reached 14,861,137 QphDS (queries per hour) and a price/performance ratio of up to S$0.17/QphDS. This result showcased Alibaba Cloud's industry leadership as a general-purpose decision support system, with industry-leading performance relating to query response time.

A core product of Alibaba Cloud, MaxCompute supports Alibaba's machine learning platform PAI, to deliver best-in-class big data-driven insights for retail and e-commerce use cases across Alibaba ecosystem, supporting 99% of data warehousing and 95% of computing demand for platforms including Taobao and Tmall, and visual search engine Pailitao. Enterprises can also make use of MaxCompute's data-importing features and distributed computing models to effectively query massive datasets, reduce production costs, and ensure data security.
China software designers ready UOS for end-of-2019 release | DIGITIMES
Staff reporter, Shanghai; Joseph Tsai, DIGITIMES
Friday 22 November 2019

Unity Operating System (UOS), an in-house developed operating system by China-based software designers including NewStart, Wuhan Deepin Technology and stated-owned CEC, is expected to make the first version available at the end of 2019.

The designers signed agreement to form a team for developing an operating system in May 2019 with the team officially coming online in July. The team is composed of a couple hundreds of engineers stationed in China's Wuhan, Nanjing and Beijing.

UOS already began testing in October 2019 and will support processors made by China-based makers including Loongson, ShenWei, FeiTeng, Hisilicon, Zhaoxin and Hygon.

UOS will be an open-source platform encouraging players in the supply chain and developers to participate in its R&D with unified app store and architecture.
New version of internet protocol to help integrate real, virtual economies
By Ma Si | China Daily | Updated: 2019-12-03 09:04

[Photo by Jin Yan/For China Daily]

China is making a big push to build the world's largest IPv6, or internet protocol version 6, network, which according to the top industry regulator will pave the way for a sound digital infrastructure to integrate the real and virtual economies.

IPv6 is the most recent version of the internet protocol, the communications protocol that provides a unique numerical address, or IP address, for every internet-connected device and every website on the internet. This address allows devices and websites to find each other online.

China's move came as the world has run out of IP addresses offered by IPv4, the former version of internet protocol. IPv6 can offer considerably far more IP addresses than IPv4, better designed for the internet of things era.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said in a document that developing the next-generation network based on IPv6 is the inevitable trend of internet evolution and upgrading.

It also meets the urgent need to deepen integration of the internet and the real economy and support the high-quality development of the economy. It is also of great significance to enhance the comprehensive competence of the country's cyber power, the ministry said.

To make better sense of the opportunities brought by the new-generation internet network, Yu Yingtao, CEO of Chinese IT solutions company New H3C, said in an earlier interview with Xinhua News Agency that "both IPv4 and IPv6 are like the internet's oil fields and the IP addresses are oil. Now that IPv4 resources are exhausted, it is hard to continue extraction. But oil is pouring out of IPv6."

As early as November, 2017, the State Council, China's cabinet, unveiled a guideline on accelerating efforts to build an IPv6 network. The action plan aims to cultivate 500 million IPv6 users in China by the end of 2020 and the country will take five to 10 years to build the world's largest commercial IPv6 network.

As of May this year, China had about 311 million active IPv6 users, with most of them often using video streaming and online shopping applications, according to the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology.

The research institute said China has made significant progress in the deployment of the IPv6 network, but the country is still in the initial stages and lags behind advanced countries in both data traffic and active user numbers.

But it is worth noting that China has taken steps to build the root servers for IPv6. In the era of IPv4, the world only has 13 root servers, and only one of them is located in Asia. That is in Japan. But China now has four root servers for IPv6, according to a report by IT news website IThome.

IPv6 is an important starting point for the whole online ecosystem, including big data, IoT, cloud computing and other applications, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology said.
China greenlights establishment of root server
Source: Xinhua| 2019-12-08 03:02:14|Editor: yan

BEIJING, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has approved the establishment of a domain name system (DNS) root server by a research institute Friday.

The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) has been permitted to set up a root server and a corresponding operating organization, the MIIT said, requiring that the academy observe relevant laws and regulations and be subject to supervision and inspection.

DNS translates easily-remembered domain names to numerical IP addresses, which can be recognized and processed through the Internet. It facilitates the use of the Internet by locating and identifying online resources.

As one of the most important infrastructure, root servers are essential to the Internet and concern Internet operations and information security.

While ensuring the stable operation of the server and providing quality service to users, the CAICT should also protect users' information security and safeguard national interests, the MIIT said.
Chinese major software developers to jointly build operating system
Source: Xinhua| 2019-12-08 22:14:53|Editor: ZX

BEIJING, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- China Standard Software Co., Ltd. (CS2C) and Tianjin Kylin Information Ltd. Co. (TKC) will jointly build a domestic operating system, according to China Electronics Corporation.

It is an urgent need to develop a domestic independent operating system with a unified technical system and ecosystem to provide better user experience, said He Wenzhe, a chief financial officer of China National Software and Service Co., Ltd.

The NeoKylin Linux operating system developed by CS2C and the Kylin server operating system developed by TKC are the two most important domestic operating systems in the market. The logo of the two systems is Kylin, an auspicious animal in Chinese culture.

The NeoKylin Linux operating system fully supports mainstream open hardware platforms at home and abroad, covering the server version and the desktop version, and it is compatible with more than 4,000 software and hardware products, said Han Naiping, general manager of CS2C.

After more than 10 years of development, the Kylin server operating system has formed three series of operating system products including a server, desktop and embedded products, as well as Kylin Cloud and Big Data.

The system has nearly 100 software copyrights and patents, and has core competitiveness in the fields of independent security products and technologies, said Kong Jinzhu, general manager of TKC.

At present, the two enterprises' products have been widely used and recognized in finance, energy, transportation, health care and other industries.

The two enterprises jointly won the first prize in the 2018 National Science and Technology Progress Award.

After the operating system was jointly built, the research advantages and innovation resources can form a joint force. With the expanded scale, the operating system products can be deeply integrated with each CPU faster and better, which can further meet users' needs and promote product innovation.
China software designers ready UOS for end-of-2019 release | DIGITIMES
Staff reporter, Shanghai; Joseph Tsai, DIGITIMES
Friday 22 November 2019

Unity Operating System (UOS), an in-house developed operating system by China-based software designers including NewStart, Wuhan Deepin Technology and stated-owned CEC, is expected to make the first version available at the end of 2019.

The designers signed agreement to form a team for developing an operating system in May 2019 with the team officially coming online in July. The team is composed of a couple hundreds of engineers stationed in China's Wuhan, Nanjing and Beijing.

UOS already began testing in October 2019 and will support processors made by China-based makers including Loongson, ShenWei, FeiTeng, Hisilicon, Zhaoxin and Hygon.

UOS will be an open-source platform encouraging players in the supply chain and developers to participate in its R&D with unified app store and architecture.
China-made processor and UOS completes adaption to provide Wintel-like experience - cnTechPost
Dec 25, 2019


After being released yesterday, the China's homegrown processor Loongson 3A4000 has been fully adapted to China-made operating system Unity Operating System (UOS).

Union Tech, the company behind UOS said on Wednesday that its operating system and Loongson 3A4000 platform have been fully adapted, and UOS runs smoothly and stably on the Loongson platform.

In daily office work scenarios, the experience of word processing, audio and video entertainment, and online browsing is basically the same as that of using Windows and Intel, the company said.

The Loongson 3A4000 and 3B4000 were officially released by local maker Loongson Technology on Tuesday. It is the first quad-core processor based on the GS464v micro architecture in the Loongson 3 series processors.

Compared with the previous generation quad-core processor Loongson 3A3000, the overall performance of the chip is doubled.

Through the optimization of software and hardware at Union Tech and Loongson Technology, the use experience of the "UOS + Loongson" combination is more suitable for Chinese people. Habits have also greatly improved in performance.

At present, UOS has supported all domestic CPU brands, and has launched a full range of compatibility and adaptation work with domestic mainstream machine manufacturers and hundreds of software manufacturers.
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