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China hopes IAEA continues objective, impartial position on Iran

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China hopes IAEA continues objective, impartial position on Iran

China expressed hope Wednesday that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would continue to take an objective and impartial position on the Iranian nuclear issue.

"China hopes that the agency and its director-general continue to adopt an objective and impartial stance on the nuclear issue in Iran, and play a constructive role in monitoring the issue as well as helping to promote a proper solution," said Li Song, deputy head of the Department of Arms Control of China's Foreign Ministry.

In his latest report on the Iranian nuclear issue, IAEA head Yukiya Amano said the agency could continue to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in Iran.

At the same time, Amano said, the agency was unable to confirm that all nuclear material in Iran was for peaceful purposes.

Li told the IAEA board meeting that China hopes Amano could provide further information regarding certain aspects of the report, for example, the sources of information cited.

He pointed out that as a signatory party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran enjoys the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, while at the same time it should fulfill its international obligations.

"It is our hope that Iran will fully implement the relevant resolutions of the IAEA Board and the U.N. Security Council, and strengthen its cooperation with the agency with a view to enhancing the confidence of the international community in the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program, " Li said.

China hopes IAEA continues objective, impartial position on Iran
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