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China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

Let see when Chinese leadership goes nuts and deploys tanks to crush the protest.

Bloodshed is common in chinese history.

This kind of protest can only tickle China.

But just wait to see how China will take Vietnam in a bloodbath.
You forgot one more thing after they beat the Chinese to death. The viets will stomp on the dead bodies, than do the Vietnamese dance.
Waves of Chinese refugees to Vietnam in hundreds of years will tell you another story.

Most of Chinese descents living today in Malaysia and Indonesia have their ancestors root in Vietnam if you don't know.
why doing this March ? just dial 911 and call uncle sam :rofl: they will bring Democracy :usflag:
Waves of Chinese refugees to Vietnam in hundreds of years will tell you another story.

Most of Chinese descents living today in Malaysia and Indonesia have their ancestors root in Vietnam if you don't know.

Because the northern Han swept throught the south and gave Annam civilization. Chinese generals and historians have written in the past the Southern barbarians (Vietnam) were so uncivilized which made them wonder if it was worth the effort to civilize them.
Hindsight is 100% as it appears my ancestors were wrong civilizing you people.
Because the northern Han swept throught the south and gave Annam civilization. Chinese generals and historians have written in the past the Southern barbarians (Vietnam) were so uncivilized which made them wonder if it was worth the effort to civilize them.
Hindsight is 100% as it appears my ancestors were wrong civilizing you people.

The Han people from North China has made East Asia a great civilization, while those Nip/Kimchi/Annam are just a bunch of ungrateful freeloaders.

Yesterday, they learnt from China. Today, they are licking the boot of their western masters.

So East Asia always depends on China as its savior. If without China, then its fate would be no better than the Native Americans.
OMFG, why is a Viet here again talking about non-related stuff?

As to the topic, it's better to let people vent their frustration then to suppress them. You know what Tang court minister and emperor's discussion, right? Plus, 大禹治水. The CCP really need lean some political wisdom from history.
OMFG, why is a Viet here again talking about non-related stuff?

As to the topic, it's better to let people vent their frustration then to suppress them. You know what Tang court minister and emperor's discussion, right? Plus, 大禹治水. The CCP really need lean some political wisdom from history.
I agree, let them sound off for awhile, but be mindful of foreign agent provocatuers usurping their emotions, Taiwan is watching closely so CCP must thread the middle ground carefully...
It looks like 1989 Tian An Men. :pop:

No. Hongkong has the rightful protest. In Vietnam the right of publicized protest under discussed.
We hope we can protest any wrongful policies ( if any ) of the govt in near future.

That's great.

Can tell me why Hongkong citizens call China govt as liar ?
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OMFG, why is a Viet here again talking about non-related stuff?
This is first Viet's post:"Let see when Chinese leadership goes nuts and deploys tanks to crush the protest.
Bloodshed is common in chinese history."
And this is first dog's post:"We will export them to Vietnam. You know how to kill Chinese looking people. Mob style."
can you see who started this?
Taking to the streets and singing from Les Miserables, hundreds of thousands of Hong Kongers protest on the anniversary of the July 1 handover of Hong Kong to Chinese rule. At the same time, 800,000 people voted on a pro-democracy Occupy Central movement referendum that Hong Kong's chief executive should be elected by the people. Following a threatening white paper from Beijing, Hong Kongers sing, "Do You Hear the People Sing?" It seems like Beijing would have a hard time not.

Waves of Chinese refugees to Vietnam in hundreds of years will tell you another story.

Most of Chinese descents living today in Malaysia and Indonesia have their ancestors root in Vietnam if you don't know.

That's called immigration and it is not the first time in history people move. But your mob-like killing of defenseless Chinese is less common in modern times. This makes you an enemy of China and the regular Chinese. So, when you sympathize with a bunch of HK people, it is clear, this is out of your real hatred of China and the Chinese. That's why we will be happy to send those undesirables to Vietnam for another bloodbath in the hands of uncivilized chimps. Other than this, just as the opinion of India, Japan or the West did not dissuade Beijing from sending its rigs over to SCS or declaring ADIZ, outside opinion will not make any difference on this issue. HK is 7 million and China is 1.4 billion. 600.000 is not that much even to move one hair on Beijing's arm.

This is first Viet's post:"Let see when Chinese leadership goes nuts and deploys tanks to crush the protest.
Bloodshed is common in chinese history."

And this is first dog's post:"We will export them to Vietnam. You know how to kill Chinese looking people. Mob style."
can you see who started this?

So, you see the logic in the Viet chimp's post? Because, he is barking on the wrong tree. This is not a place for wild speculation out of one's no-sun-shine quarters. That Viet chimp needs to bring out evidence. Apparently, so far, none of his predictions happened to be. On the other, the Chinese member responded with historical evidence of the Viet chimps lynching Chinese in 2014. Can you bring evidence to the contrary, uneducated chimp?

Taking to the streets and singing from Les Miserables, hundreds of thousands of Hong Kongers protest on the anniversary of the July 1 handover of Hong Kong to Chinese rule. At the same time, 800,000 people voted on a pro-democracy Occupy Central movement referendum that Hong Kong's chief executive should be elected by the people. Following a threatening white paper from Beijing, Hong Kongers sing, "Do You Hear the People Sing?" It seems like Beijing would have a hard time not.

We wish those some (partly virtual) 500.000 people a life in democratic India. Hence,

*Their wives and daughters (at times boys) would be raped and then killed.
*Their kids would die of drinking water or malnutrition.
*They would relieve themselves in any clearing in the wild and urban as naturally as some other species beings do.
*They would elect a president (freely) that has sectarian blood in his hands as governor.
*Their economy would be dwarfed by China.
*Their industry would be non-existent while they enjoy living in several of the worst polluted urban centers.

Those people will not be given a chance to turn any sovereign part of China into such democratic paradise. Turning Northeast India into a Marxist haven would be a more realistic strategic goal. If that is unfeasible, HK doing anything other than what Beijing dictates is equally unfeasible.
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Why did nit the police use a little bit of violence like how it happened during many OWS protests? Professionalism? More essential democracy?

Post-rally HK sit-in brought to close

Hong Kong police detain protestors in Central, all later released

Policemen look on as some of their colleagues wait on coaches to transport protesters in the Central district after a "pro-democracy" rally in Hong Kong on Wednesday. Photo: AFP

All 511 protesters detained by police during a sit-in in Hong Kong's Central commercial district earlier Wednesday were released before midnight.

Police gave warnings to 486 protesters, allowing the remaining 25 to leave on bail, according to Radio Television Hong Kong.

Those allowed to leave on bail must report back to police in late July or early August, police said. Among them were three men who were found with weapons such as knives on their persons. A 21-year-old woman was detained for "assaulting the police."

The protesters, including members of Hong Kong Federation of Students and some members of the region's pan-democrat parties, began the gathering at around 8 pm on Tuesday.

Police moved in on the gathering at around 3 am, taking away the protesters one by one.

A police statement expressed the force's regret at protestors' uncooperative attitude and breaches of the territory's laws, and emphasized that its policemen have been professional, showing restraint and using "proper and necessary" force when having no other choice.

Tai Yiu-ting, an organizer of the Occupy Central with Love and Peace, said that, although he did not agree with the timing of the protest, his group would offer legal help for the arrested.

In the meantime, members of another student group, Scholarism, continued a vigil begun outside chief executive CY Leung's office building at 10 pm on Tuesday, but did not manage to meet with Leung as planned.

"We will remain non-violent and try to avoid coming into physical contact with police," said Wong Chi-fung, one of Scholarism's organizers.

Organizers of Tuesday's rally claimed that 510,000 people took part, while police estimated that only 98,000 people had participated. The Hong Kong University Public Opinion program said the number fell between 154,000 and 172,000.

"The turnout of the rally does not represent the whole of Hong Kong," Chang Chak-yan, Chinese University political scientist and co-founder of Silent Majority told the Global Times.

"They are only representative of the existing supporters of the pro-democracy camp, who are trying to mobilize support so as to make their way into the pool of candidates for 2017 elections for chief executives," he said.

He added that the overnight sit-in was intended to be a rehearsal to test the waters before Occupy Central officially commence, adding that protestors wanted to see how the government would react .

Separately, China on Wednesday urged the US to stop commenting on Hong Kong's internal affairs. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Hong Kong people's basic rights and freedom have been fully guaranteed and the universal suffrage in 2017 must comply with the Basic Law.
We wish those some (partly virtual) 500.000 people a life in democratic India. Hence,

*Their wives and daughters (at times boys) would be raped and then killed.
*Their kids would die of drinking water or malnutrition.
*They would relieve themselves in any clearing in the wild and urban as naturally as some other species beings do.
*They would elect a president (freely) that has sectarian blood in his hands as governor.
*Their economy would be dwarfed by China.
*Their industry would be non-existent while they enjoy living in several of the worst polluted urban centers.

Those people will not be given a chance to turn any sovereign part of China into such democratic paradise. Turning Northeast India into a Marxist haven would be a more realistic strategic goal. If that is unfeasible, HK doing anything other than what Beijing dictates is equally unfeasible.

Bashing India won't solve China problems and as soon as you realize that you will be living in real world.However what can we expect from brainwashed people like you :crazy:

It's not India but people of Hong kong who want democracy.
Chinese mainlanders : try to get your own freedom right of voting/ protesting first, then you would know how hurt to lose it.
That's current feeling of Hongkong citizens.

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