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[QUOTE="TaiShang, post: 6375433, member: 156618"

Bad thing HK has no death sentence for this particular individual (if found guilty by a jury), and another bad thing, HK will have to feed this person until he dies of natural causes (probably includes injuries incurred from being someone's el-manita).

This comment is rather harsh and unwelcome, and no laughing matter, to be honest. No person deserves to die in the hands of a maniac. Just consider the socio-economic/political conditions that might have put those unfortunate women in that sort of business/trade out of their own will?

I anticipate the harshest possible sentence to this particular convict and condolences on the victims' families and loved ones.

Taiwan is pretty much a CCTV nation, as well. In some quarters, it just gets crazy. But it is a good thing; overdoing security is better than under-doing it. I had, however, many Western classmates who were complaining about the cameras all around the campus.[/QUOTE]

My comment was to show the harsh reality and failed policies of Hk government allowing so many expats to work in HK. Most of these expats are not top scientist, engineers or doctors. bankster are a dime a dozen. You do not need to go to a top school to be a bankster but it helps with connection.

There are many business graduates with MBA/PHD local Chinese that can work in financial institutions.
But if this circus ends like this, where will all those Indian and Vietnamese trolls be employed? And what will cover these peoples' own failures and inefficiencies?
My comment was to show the harsh reality and failed policies of Hk government allowing so many expats to work in HK. Most of these expats are not top scientist, engineers or doctors. bankster are a dime a dozen. You do not need to go to a top school to be a bankster but it helps with connection.

I agree with you on this. That's why I argue that China should, as a first step, unify HK immigration with those of China and radically upgrade its definition of "foreign expert."

The women in this case are victims, not perpetrators.
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What's the fuss about this? There are also Chinese citizens who have committed crimes abroad, so I dont see why this is even making news headlines.
Only 50 cent propagandists would be praising this sort of stuff.
View attachment 142844
I am the eye in the sky. Looking at you wu wu I can read your mind.

British banker Rurik Jutting suspected of 'American Psycho' killings in Hong Kong

A British man has been charged with the murder of two women who were found naked inside his luxury Hong Kong apartment.

Rurik George Caton Jutting, 29, who had been suspected of being behind the horrific American Psycho-style killings of two Asian women in Hong Kong is a 29-year-old Cambridge University graduate.

He was arrested in the early hours of Saturday after the bodies of two women, reported by local media to be sex workers, were found by police in his 31st floor apartment in the former British colony.

Mr Jutting, who is an employee of Bank of America Merril Lynch, apparently vanished from his place of work around a week ago, a co-worker told The Telegraph. The South China Morning Post reported that he had recently resigned.

Police found the two dead women, thought to be a 25-year-old from Indonesia and a 30-year-old from the Philippines, at Mr Jutting's apartment in Hong Kong's Wan Chai district at around 3.45am on Saturday.

On Sunday night the South China Morning Post said police had identified the Indonesian victim as 25-year-old Sumarti Ningsih.

The woman arrived in the former British colony last month on a tourist visa, the newspaper said. She was identified with the help of an Indonesian cousin who works in Hong Kong as a maid.

The second victim, who local media said was from the Philippines, worked as a "part-time disc jockey in a pub," the South China Morning Post added.

Police believe Ningsih, who was reportedly found naked, partially decapitated and inside a suitcase on Mr Jutting's balcony, had been dead for up to five days. Her body was in an advanced state of decomposition and one neighbour in the J Residence building said he had noticed "a stink in the building like a dead animal".

The Filipina victim had sustained multiple stab wounds and was found lying on the floor inside the £3,000-a-month flat.

Mr Jutting, who studied history and law at Cambridge University and was a member of its rowing club, was seen returning to his flat in the company of a scantily-clad woman at just after midnight on Friday night, Hong Kong's Mingpao newspaper claimed.

At 3.42am the British banker allegedly called the police. They arrived a short while later and took him into custody, the newspaper added.

Forensic teams also reportedly found sex toys, a small quantity of cocaine and a smartphone that belonged to Mr Jutting at the apartment.

"Police are investigating whether there are more victims," a police source told the South China Morning Post on Sunday.

Takungpao, another local newspaper, said police were also investigating the possibility of a second suspect.

The reported crime scene recalled Bret Easton Ellis' book "American Psycho" where numerous barbaric crimes occur in the apartment of a Wall Street investment banker.
First 1995 Outbreak comes to life. Now another 90's movie American Psycho.
What's the fuss about this? There are also Chinese citizens who have committed crimes abroad, so I dont see why this is even making news headlines.

High flying investment banker who enjoys seedy lifestyle in Asia with drugs and prostitutes goes crazy and hacks two women to death. You don't think this is newsworthy?
High flying investment banker who enjoys seedy lifestyle in Asia with drugs and prostitutes goes crazy and hacks two women to death. You don't think this is newsworthy?

Not only for the 2 alleged homicides, what is more horrible is the Brit pscho has stored volumes of dead bodies pix on his phone :o:
Read this:

I wonder how many more grosteque discoveries be found on his personal computer YUCK :bad:
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Not only for the 2 alleged homicides, what is more horrible is the Brit pscho has stored volumes of dead bodies pix on his phone :o:
Read this:

I wonder how many more grosteque discoveries be found on his personal computer YUCK :bad:

Did he also have a bunch of videotapes he had to return? :lol:
Did he also have a bunch of videotapes he had to return? :lol:

Good hint. :tup:
People of such deviously extreme character should be locked behind bars
This case may give the lead to a string of unsolved homicide cases in UK, HK, Asia elsewhere
Just connect the dots and a lot of DNA matchings 8-)

Good luck bringing any sort of change to the system when it turns on you.

Bro in U.K we have even more CCTV cameras in public places more than any other country on earth for security reasons, reason our crime rate is so low and we easily bust/arrest Muslim terrorists/jihadists even before they start laying out their plans. Those who can't do it is because they are either too poor to afford one or don't have the capabilities e.g Pakistan and other south Asian countries. So chill bro.

CCTV In The UK - The Most Watched Nation In The World!

We might be small, but never underestimate our capabilities.8-)
Organisers say they want to show their anger at Britain for not standing up to China over 'breaches' of the agreement

Hong Kong students plan to occupy roads surrounding the city's British consulate in anger at a lack of support from London for their pro-democracy movement, as authorities ramp up pressure on protesters to go home.

The city's government has urged protesters to leave the main rally sites after more than six weeks of demonstrations that have brought parts of Hong Kong to a standstill.

Police were authorised Monday to back up bailiffs charged with clearing barricades.
They are expected to start the operation in the next few days, with thousands of officers put on standby over the weekend according to local media.

But seemingly undaunted, activists have put up large posters around the protest areas announcing the consulate occupation on November 21 and a Facebook page for the event has more than 700 likes.

Organisers say they want to show their anger at Britain for not standing up to China over "breaches" of the agreement the two countries made before Hong Kong was handed back to China by Britain in 1997, designed to protect Hong Kong's social systems and way of life.

"We are angry at the way that the British government has for many years denied that China has actually breached the declaration by interfering with Hong Kong politics," Anna-Kate Choi, the coordinator for the Occupy British Consulate group told AFP.

"They have the responsibility to make sure that the joint declaration has been implemented properly and that democracy and the high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong has been protected," Choi said.

She hoped for a turnout of hundreds "maybe even thousands", with secondary school pupils spearheading the protest.

The British consulate said they had no comment.

Event posters bear the slogan: "China breaches the joint declaration, UK government respond now", with the pro-democracy movement's umbrella symbol emblazoned with the British flag.

Britain and China are signatories of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, an agreement that enshrines the "one country, two systems" principle and is meant to preserve Hong Kong's capitalist system and way of life until 2047.

It states that: "The current social and economic systems in Hong Kong will remain unchanged, and so will the lifestyle."

British Prime Minister David Cameron said he was "deeply concerned" about escalating protests in the former British colony after police used tear gas on protesters at the end of September.

But activists feel that Britain is turning a blind eye and that China is eroding Hong Kong's freedoms.

Residents enjoy rights not seen on the mainland, including freedom of expression and assembly.

However there are signs some of those rights are being curtailed, including physical and cyber-attacks on Hong Kong-based journalists critical of Beijing.

Activists say a policy "white paper", published by China's cabinet in June, backtracked on the joint declaration by warning the city not to overstep the boundaries of its autonomy.

Protesters are demanding fully free leadership elections for the semi-autonomous city in 2017. But Beijing has refused to back down on its insistence that candidates must be vetted by a loyalist committee.

Hong Kong protesters to occupy British consulate over 'lack of UK government support' - Telegraph
How come Hong Kongers continuing this agitation for so long? Seems like I underestimated the people's ambitions in the beginning. :)
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