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China hits back at US over Taiwan weapons sale


Aug 23, 2006
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China has announced a series of moves against the US in retaliation for a proposed weapons sale to Taiwan worth $6.4bn (£4bn).

Beijing said it would suspend military exchanges with the US, impose sanctions on companies selling arms,(what goes around comes around ) and review co-operation on major issues.

Ties are already strained by rows over trade and internet censorship.

Taiwan's president welcomed the sale, saying it would make his country "more confident and secure".

Beijing has hundreds of missiles pointed at the island and has threatened to use force to bring it under its control if Taiwan moved towards formal independence.

Taiwan and China have been ruled by separate governments since the end of a civil war in 1949.

Strained relations

The BBC's Damian Grammaticas in Beijing says China's latest moves are what the US would have expected, as the US view is that military exchanges are of limited use.

China's Xinhua state news agency quoted the defence ministry as saying: "Considering the severe harm and odious effect of US arms sales to Taiwan, the Chinese side has decided to suspend planned mutual military visits."

"We strongly demand that the US respect the Chinese side's interests", it added, calling for the sale to be stopped.

The foreign ministry, meanwhile, said it would impose sanctions on US companies selling weapons to Taiwan, and that co-operation on major international issues would be affected.

Our correspondent says it is not clear what impact such sanctions might have.

Xinhua also said the US defence attache had been summoned.

Defence ties between the two countries have been difficult for several years because of differences over Taiwan, but the two countries' leaders pledged to improve them in 2009.

'More confident'

The moves came after Mr He said the arms deal would have "repercussions that neither side wishes to see".

"The United States' announcement of the planned weapons sales to Taiwan will have a seriously negative impact on many important areas of exchanges and co-operation between the two countries," Mr He said in a statement published on the foreign ministry website.

Earlier China summoned US Ambassador Jon Huntsman to give a warning about the consequences of the deal and to urge its immediate cancellation.

Taiwan, meanwhile, welcomed the US move.

"It will let Taiwan feel more confident and secure so we can have more interactions with China," the Central News Agency quoted President Ma Ying-jeou as saying.

The Pentagon earlier notified the US Congress of the proposed arms sale, which forms part of a package first pledged by the Bush administration.
Friday's notification to Congress by the Defense Security Co-operation Agency (DSCA) was required by law. It does not mean the sale has been concluded.

US lawmakers have 30 days to comment on the proposed sale, Associated Press reported. If there are no objections, it would proceed.

The arms package includes 114 Patriot missiles, 60 Black Hawk helicopters and communications equipment for Taiwan's F-16 fleet, the agency said in a statement.

It does not include F-16 fighter jets, which Taiwan's military has been seeking.

Our correspondent says the deal has been in the pipeline for a long time and is nearing its conclusion, but China does want to stop it.

Beijing has previously warned the US not to go ahead with arms sales to Taiwan.

Last week US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton angered Beijing with a call to China to investigate cyber attacks on search giant Google, after the company said email accounts of human rights activists had been hacked.

The DSCA said the proposed sale would support Taiwan's "continuing efforts to modernise its armed forces and enhance its defensive capability."

It added: "The proposed sale will help improve the security of the recipient and assist in maintaining political stability, military balance, and economic progress in the region."

The US is the leading arms supplier to Taiwan, despite switching diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing in 1979.

Washington regards it as an obligation to provide Taiwan with defensive arms.

BBC News - China hits back at US over Taiwan weapons sale
this was bound to happen....usa trying to play both sides....
China angered by US arms sale to Taiwan

Sat Jan 30 2010

President Barack Obama's administration has confirmed that it will approve a $6.4 billion (£3.4 billion) arms deal to Taiwan. China has warned this would badly hurt relations with the US.

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei said his government was "strongly indignant" about the proposed sale to Taiwan.

The US Congress was told that the package will include Black Hawk helicopters, Patriot anti-missile missiles and two refurbished mine hunting ships.

China say the sale of arms to Taiwan, which it regards as a illegitamate breakaway province, will put further pressure on bonds with the US that has looked to China for help in dealing with Iran, North Korea and fighting climate change.

Washington and Beijing have recently traded angry words after Google threatened to shut down the Chinese side of its search engine citing censorship problems and hacking attacks.

The Vice Minister did not spell out what reprisals Beijing may mete out against Washington over the weapons sales. But he hinted that repecussions would have a "seriously negative impact" on cooperation between the two countries.

China angered by US arms sale to Taiwan
These yanks do have their way to play games ,, Now possible Chinese agreement with US terms over Iranian Nuclear Power issue in exchange for US scrapping the weapons deal with Taiwan ..! Beautiful..!
Used simillar tactics with Russia and scraped the polish and ukranian missile defence shield in exchange for the Russian diplomatic support over the Iranian issue ...!
China rankled over U.S.-Taiwan arms deal

U.S. military attaché in Beijing summoned

China's defence ministry said Saturday it would suspend military exchanges with the United States and impose sanctions on companies selling weaponry to Taiwan over Washington's planned $6.4-billion US arms deal with the island.

China took a similar step in 2008 after the former Bush administration announced a multibillion-dollar arms sale to Taiwan — the most sensitive issue in U.S.-China relations.

Beijing claims the self-governing Taiwan as its own territory, while the United States is Taiwan's most important ally and largest arms supplier.

The United States does not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation, but the U.S. government says it's bound by the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act to ensure the island is capable of responding to Chinese threats. China has more than 1,000 ballistic missiles aimed at Taiwan.

Taiwan to buy helicopters, defence missiles

Under the current arms deal, the United States would sell Taiwan 60 Black Hawk helicopters, worth $3.1 billion, along with communications technology for fighter jets, a pair of Osprey mine-sweeping ships, 114 Patriot air defence missiles, machine guns and ammunition.

The Chinese defence ministry summoned the U.S. Embassy’s defence attaché on Saturday to notify Washington military ties had been suspended, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

The trigger for China's flurry of angry responses came as the deal was sent to Congress for approval on Friday, signalling that the sale would likely go ahead.

"The United States must be responsible for the serious repercussions if it does not immediately reverse the mistaken decision to sell Taiwan weapons," Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister He Yafei told the U.S. ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman.

The foreign minister also called the deal a "rude interference in China's internal affairs, severely endangering China's national security."

Defence ministry spokesman Huang Xueping said the U.S. plan would "seriously disturb relations between the two countries."

Hits back at what? All it takes is to issue a statement we will review our policy toward Israel, and might consider its illegitimate and demand land be returned rightfully to Palastinians.
Hits back at what? All it takes is to issue a statement we will review our policy toward Israel, and might consider its illegitimate and demand land be returned rightfully to Palastinians.

Sweet ..!
How in earth will you do that , Going against Israel means , youl have to go through the global economic giants ...including all the major corporates .!
China is such a bully it is trying to claim Japanese islands, Vietnamese islands and even a independent country Taiwan.

Why they can't live in peace, live and let the others live.
I think it will be appropriate to include this here also ...!

US: Iran draft deal on table without change

The United States claims a UN-backed deal to provide fuel for Tehran's reactor is 'still on the table' but will see no change as demanded by the Iranian side.

US Assistant Secretary of State Philip Crowley asserted in a press briefing on Friday that the draft deal, first floated by the US, was a "fair opportunity" for Iran to build confidence regarding the country's nuclear work.

"We still think that is a fair opportunity for Iran. We think it's good for Iran and it would help begin to address some of our concerns about certain elements of its nuclear program. And as far as I know, the offer is still on the table for Iran to say yes," he told reporters.

Crowley, however, reaffirmed that the proposal would see no change as demanded by the Iranian government.

"As Secretary [of State Hillary] Clinton and others have said, we have no plans to amend it," he said, reflecting the American inflexibility on the issue.

The US has been trying to pressure Iran to accept a draft deal which demands Tehran to send most of its domestically-produced low enriched uranium (LEU) abroad for further enrichment, trusting that it will be returned in due time for use in a Tehran reactor that produces medical isotopes.

Iran though has been seeking amendments to the proposal, arguing that based on the past pattern of behavior by Western nation in violating their nuclear contracts with the Islamic Republic, there are no guarantees for Iran to get back the upgraded fuel.

Iran has therefore called for the uranium swap to take place on its own soil.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Friday said Tehran was still ready to continue talks with the West over the fuel proposal.

The US, however, insists that the draft deal would remain intact, without even addressing the Iranian concerns.

Meanwhile, the US has been lobbying China and Russia, the two veto-wielding permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), to consent to more sanctions against Iran.

Clinton on Friday assailed China for not joining the US-led front in imposing fresh sanctions on Iran over its nuclear work. The former first lady claimed that from now on, China will be under “a lot of pressure” to collaborate with the US campaign for imposing new Iran sanctions.

Crowley, however, denied reports that the United States has prepared the draft of the sanctions for presentation to the United Nations.

"I don't think that's correct. Obviously, this week, we had a number of very productive conversations in Europe with various countries that share our concerns about the situation in Iran."

Earlier this month, the five permanent members of the UNSC plus Germany (P5+1) met in New York but failed to agree on a new round of sanctions as Russia and China called for patience and restraint in dealing with Iran over its nuclear program.

After years of extensive inspections, the UN nuclear agency has not found any evidence that would support the West's allegations that Iran is pursuing a military nuclear program.

Iran fiercely rejects Western accusations that it is pursuing nuclear weapons, insisting that its program is entirely civilian. Iran has further called for the abolishment of all nuclear weaponry across the globe, a call that has been ignored by nuclear powers.

US: Iran draft deal on table without change
China is such a bully it is trying to claim Japanese islands, Vietnamese islands and even a independent country Taiwan.

Why they can't live in peace, live and let the others live.

Why dont India let the Kashmiris live in peace , instead you bully them and even deny to give them the basic human rights ...!
Uncle Sam : Let the Chinese have their damn island , All we care about is , they just dont block the sanctions over Iran..!
Why dont India let the Kashmiris live in peace , instead you bully them and even deny to give them the basic human rights ...!

Don't go off topic. Kashmiris are happy in India as it is integral part of India. Also how many times we have to told you people it is Jammu and Kashmir not Kashmir.

BTW, why don't to ask Chinese to vacate chinese occupied Kashmir.
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